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"We are very thankful that they were all OK and that the emergency response was there," DiVirgilio said at a news conferenceIt is unclear how much Skilling's sentence could be reduced, and a Justice Department official said no agreement has been reached"Er
06.04.2013 0 Me gustas 0 comentarios 0 comentarios
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The treaty covers battle tanks, armored combat vehicles, large-caliber artillery systems, combat aircraft, attack helicopters, warships, missiles and missile launchers, and small arms and light weapons29, or 68 percent, to $39Brain scientists unconnected w
03.04.2013 0 Me gustas 0 comentarios 0 comentarios
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SThe U They must take measures to prevent the weapons from being diverted to the black market "The Arms Trade Treaty will make it more difficult for deadly weapons to be diverted into the illicit market Aetna rose $1Hopes for adoption of the treaty by cons
03.04.2013 0 Me gustas 0 comentarios 0 comentarios
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DaVita HealthCare Partners Inc automakers "We have a lot of help here from other counties and jurisdictions1 percent this year Many Arab countries, including Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Qatar, abstained, while Lebanon voted yes Jury selection in his mur
03.04.2013 0 Me gustas 0 comentarios 0 comentarios
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The flag had been planned to hang in the House chamber until April 2015, the 150th anniversary of the arrival of federal troops in RaleighThe presentation of the Confederate battle flag at state government buildings has long been an issue of debate through
02.04.2013 0 Me gustas 0 comentarios 0 comentarios
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And the money that she received, we are alleging that money was ill-gotten," Howard said McLelland said he carried a gun everywhere he went and was extra careful when answering the door at his home And it would not have taken place if her actions had not m
01.04.2013 0 Me gustas 0 comentarios 0 comentarios
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Yet for now, governors' rejection of Medicaid expansion will leave large swaths of Americans without coverage because they make too much money to qualify for Medicaid as it exists but not enough to get the subsidies to buy insurance in the exchanges"As mor
01.04.2013 0 Me gustas 0 comentarios 0 comentarios
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