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From: the Next Web.
Currently China has almost 500 million internet users. 50% have more than one social network profile. 30% log onto a social network at least once a day. Internet users in the nation spend an average of 2.7 hours per day online-behind only Japan According to Synthesio,ralph lauren, 95% of surveyed Chinese citizens believe brands that microblog are at least somewhat more trustworthy. 61% of Chinese social network users made a purchase because of a digital marketing campaign
来自:the Next Web.
Related articles: 救助站工作人员表示从11月1日起,救助站每天24小时出动两台流动救助车巡街,见到流浪人员就劝说进救助站。晚上还有机动小组,只要有市民打电话发现流浪人员就马上出动救助。截至目前已经发放棉衣、棉被褥等80套。“街头流浪人员主要是乞讨者,9成以上都拒绝去救助站。我们劝说无效,只能把棉衣棉被送给他们,以防止他们冻伤。 ”工作人员说。Publicidad
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