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The Combined Radiance of Divine Holiness and Benignity
“Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8).

A higher character and a higher privilege, belonged to those who should be the subjects of the Messiah’s reign. They should not only be externally holy, but “pure in heart”; and they should not but be granted to reach towards the divine place, where God’s credit dwelt, but they should “see God,” be introduced into the most intimate intercourse with Him.

Thus viewed, as a detailing of the spiritual character and privileges of the subjects of the Messiah in compare with the external character and privileges of the Jewish people, the corridor ahead us is full of the most important and interesting truth (Dr. John Brown). “Blessed are the pure in heart.” Opinion is divided as to if these words of Christ refer to the fashionable heart received by regeneration or to that moral transformation of character that results from a Divine work of elegance having been wrought in the conscience. Probably both appearances of the truth are combined here. In view of the late place that this Beatitude occupies in the array, it would seem that the purity of heart upon which our Savior affirmed His blessing is that interior cleansing that both accompanies and follows the new birth. Thus, inasmuch as no inward purity exists in the normal man, that purity attributed by Christ to the godly man have to be traced back, as to its openings, to the Spirit’s king work of regeneration.

The Psalmist said, “Behold, Thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden portion Thou shalt make me to know wisdom” (Psalm 51:6).

This spiritual purity that God claims penetrates distant further the mere outward renovations and reformations that involve such a massive part of the efforts now being put ahead in Christendom! Much that we see nigh us is a hand religion―seeking salvation by works―or a pate religion that rests satisfied with one orthodox creed. But God “looketh on the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7), that is, He looks upon the whole internal being, embodying the understanding, the affections, and the will. It is for God looks among that He must give a “new heart” (Ezekiel 36:26) to His own people and blessed absolutely are they who have received such, for it is a pure heart that is attractive to the Giver.

As intimated above, we believe that this sixth Beatitude contemplates both the new heart received at regeneration and the transformation of character that follows God’s work of grace in the soul. First, there is a “washing of regeneration” (Titus 3:5), by which we understand a cleansing of the affections, which are now afterward set upon asset above, instead of things beneath. This is closely linked with that alteration that follows upon the heels of regeneration,nike france, in which entire believers undergo a “purifying [of] their hearts by faith” (Acts 15:9). Accompanying this is the cleaning of the rectitude (Hebrews 10:22), which refers to the removal of the burden of aware crime. This results in the inward realization that, “being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 5:1).

But the purity of heart commended here by Christ works beyond than this.

What is purity? It namely freedom from defilement and divided affections; it is honesty, genuineness, and singleness of heart. As a quality of Christian character, we would define it for godly simplicity. It is the opposite of subtlety and duplicity. Genuine Christianity lays aside no merely malice, but guile and hypocrisy too. It is not enough to be pure in words and in outward deportment. Purity of desires,ray ban occhiali, motives, and intents is what ought (and does in the main) represent the child of God. Here, then, is a most essential test because each alleging Christian to apply to himself. Are my affections set upon things above? Are my motives pure? Why do I convene with the Lord’s people? Is it to be seen of males, or is it to meet with the Lord and to enjoy sweet communion with Him and His people? “For they shall look God.” Once extra we would point out namely the promises spliced to these Beatitudes have either a present and a future fulfillment.

The pure in heart possess spiritual discernment, and with the eyes of their understanding they acquire clear views of the Divine character and perceive the excellency of His attributes. When the eye is single the whole body is full of light.

In the fact, the faith of which purifies the heart, they “see God”; for what is that truth, but a declaration of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus [ 2 Corinthians 4:6]―an illustrious display of the combined splendor of Divine holiness and Divine benignity!… And he [who is pure in heart] not only obtains clear and satisfactory outlooks of the Divine character, but he enjoys intimate and delightful communion with God. He is brought very near God: God’s mind becomes his mind; God’s will becomes his will; and his fellowship is truly with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.

They who are pure in heart “see God” in this direction, even in the present earth; and in the future state their learning of God will transform far more widespread and their fellowship with Him far more intimate; for whereas, when likened with the privileges of a former dispensation, even now consist in ... open face we behold the glory of the Lord [ 2 Corinthians 3:18], yet, in reference to the privileges of a higher economic, we yet see but through a cup darkly―we know but in part, we enjoy but in part. But that which is in part shall be done away, and that which is faultless shall come.

We shall yet see face to face and know even as we are known (1 Corinthians 13:9-12); or to borrow the words of the Psalmist, we shall behold His face in justice, and shall be satisfied while we awake in His resemblance ( Psalm 17:15). Then, and not till then, ambition the full meaning of these words be knew, that the pure in heart shall see God (Dr. John Brown).
godd0sxt 06.11.2011 0 181

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06.11.2011 (4704 days ago)




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