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Began, so he doesn't dare as well to stop over here in the cool state city. "Are you leaf Chen of really martial palace?" Only leaf Chen leaves cool state cities how long all didn't°yet, then again be stared at last, and the other party is almost th
balazrt65 16.01.2012 0 231

Although say the distance finally rushes passes to successfully still need two victories,this has already completely been not problem and get soldier's thing to carry wood Ao for sky of fail and leave to let to leave of carry a wood surname the sons lose
balazrt65 14.01.2012 0 426

工作,总理同样给予了高度的评价,一切又回到了原来的工作中,常虹经受了一次如此大的地震,工作量非常的大,王泽荣也仅只是同吕含烟和小江等人通了电话之后就投入到了工作中。  常虹市现在成了全国的重点,王泽荣当然也就成了重点中的重点,他的许多事迹也在中央电台上进行着播放,头上包裹白纱布与总书记握手的镜头一次次的播出,特别是有一张他从废墟中抱出一名儿童,手上还在流血的相片就更是把他这个一心为民的好书记的形象展现在了人民的面前。  对于全国人民来说,王泽荣的形象已经深入到了大家的心中,中央电视台每天轮番播出的镜头中。
balazrt65 13.01.2012 0 268

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balazrt65 12.01.2012 0 270

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balazrt65 28.12.2011 0 250

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Big emperor's son stretched out hand to knock to knock on the palisades. "You!Isn't dead?" The voice of big emperor's son seems to be some to shiver. "No matter you want to know what, open this thing, will tell yours, otherwise you will spend mon
balazrt65 24.12.2011 0 444

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balazrt65 21.12.2011 0 195

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balazrt65 21.12.2011 0 229