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Yellow as

yellow as, male, Han nationality, September 18, 1951 birth, place of origin Lianjiang County, Fujian Province, China, the Philippines trip overseas, a senior engineer. Century Golden Resources Group is currently Chairman of the Board, he served as vice president of China Chamber of Commerce Jeans true religion, China Federation of Returned Overseas Standing Committee.

Chinese Name: Huang on the Nationality: Chinese Place of birth: Fujian Lianjiang Date of birth: September 18, 1951 Occupation: Vice president of China Chamber of Commerce Main achievements: Century Golden Resources Group, Chairman of the Board

personal profile figure background personal honor management thinking real estate tycoon gratitude heart honor achievements in wealth achieved public success story describes profile

yellow as on the present activity according to (15) Mr. Huang Rulun, male, Han nationality, 1951 was born September 18, native of Fujian Province, China Lianjiang, Philippine overseas trip, a senior engineer. Century Golden Resources Group is currently Chairman of the Board, he served as vice president of China Chamber of Commerce, China Federation of Returned Overseas Committee, part-time professor at Renmin University of China, the Chinese agency staffing management, vice president, president of Chongqing City Chamber of Commerce, People's Government of Yunnan Province, the economic Social Development Advisory Group Vice President, Yunnan Provincial People's Government Advisor, Director of the Board Bank of Beijing, China Zhi Gong Party, vice chairman of the Fujian Provincial Committee, the CPPCC Standing Committee of Fujian Province balance outlet, Fujian Charity Senior Advisor, Vice Chairman of Minjiang University, Fujian , Fuzhou ten Counties Association, the world's honorary president, Since 1991, Mr. Huang Rulun response to the call for home development. Currently, they founded the Century Golden Resources Group, under the jurisdiction of Beijing, Yunnan, Chongqing, Fujian, Shanghai, Hunan, Guizhou, seven regional groups, more than 50 companies, including seven five-star hotels, 3 Shopping Mall, Group currently employs more than 10,000, excellence atmosphere, and strong. Enterprises to to pay various taxes to the state more than 50 billion yuan, more than 2,000 laid-off workers, more than 50,000 indirect solve the employment problem, for each regional group and the economic prosperity and urban development have made outstanding contributions. Over the years, Mr. Huang Rulun donations for the public good has 930 million yuan, in Beijing, Fujian, Jiangxi, Yunnan, Chongqing and other places many donations to build primary and secondary school buildings, museums, medical center, building bridges and roads, the establishment of various types of grants, scholarships, living alone alimony fund, maintenance of orphans fund; which donated 14 million yuan to support the government, Haidian District, Beijing Municipal Government and the fight against yuan to build a four-year undergraduate university All of these magnanimous act, by all levels of government, community and native people fully affirmed and highly appraised. Background yellow as people 35 years old only done a small business in his hometown as yellow as gold to the Philippines alone. Dig the pot of gold as the yellow came back on, set up in Fuzhou Golden Resources real estate companies, with their clever, as yellow as quickly as the king of Fuzhou, the real estate sector. Subsequently, as yellow as the dash in shopping malls, rampant. Yellow as a career also started a charity funded relatives, help the clan in support of his hometown. Money left to children to benefit more people than more meaningful. Huang commented publicly on the so-called public welfare. Yellow as yellow as his firm belief that the growth thanks to folks on the moist, nurturing and caring. So yellow as in the rich, be sure to return to the community, in particular, to raise as yellow as the return of their homeland and folks.

yellow as

Money is just a symbol, charitable donations to yellow as the heart, good deeds days, which is as yellow as the charity to the third ranking Chinese inscription. For yellow as owed, Hong Kong, China had a well-known community leaders the following comment: If there are many entrepreneurs donate or for personal purposes, then yellow as can be said that out of this vicious circle. Yellow as in yellow as on the almost mythical owed to this great community has demonstrated a true spirit of charity. Some say yellow as the past few decades the development and charitable way, which can be described as benevolent. Indeed, in charity on this road, as yellow as the body deeply into the stigma of traditional cultural influences. When the number of real estate sector, the media bosses juggling the time between when the yellow counterparts, such as a lot of publicity on the occasion of the society, as yellow as it was very low key. However, the low-key not equal to low. Pay taxes and charitable contributions in the area, as yellow as never and yellow as the opponent is too polite with their colleagues. Statistical data, over the past 10 years, yellow, such as theory and as yellow as the leader of the Golden Resources Group in mainland China has paid more than 50 billion revenue and government fees, and for three consecutive years ranked China's real estate taxes of the top three. Now For individuals, money is only a symbol, no amount of money as well. Yellow as the cause now in pursuit of a realm, a kind of feelings and realize their ambitions, their yellow as irrelevant. Honors October 1, 1999, Mr. Huang Rulun Tiananmen Square as Chinese representatives were invited on board to participate in the 50th anniversary celebrations; on 31 December the same year, Mr. Huang Rulun honored to be selected as the capital of one of the sessions of thirteen elite, in China Millennium Monument, the symbol of the Chinese nation is awakening lion dance. In 2002, Mr. Huang Rulun real estate entrepreneur won the 100 title.

yellow as

2003 years, Mr. Huang Rulun won the Ministry of Civil Affairs issued Donations award individual awards, access to music educate Gold Medal. In 2004, Mr. Huang Rulun won the China Real Estate Top Ten, China 13 real estate hero, ten public Ambassadors, Third National Outstanding Entrepreneur, Innovator of the top ten real estate, Real Estate Top Ten Influential People, Beijing University Outstanding Educator Award, Education Award Renmin University of China, moved to the top ten elite education, as the capital of the united front made outstanding contributions to the construction of advanced individuals, such as the title of honorary citizen of Chongqing, China Rong 2003 Charities home entrepreneur list first place. In 2005, the wing philanthropist living in Mainland China Hoogewerf version list, Ten commercial real estate leaders and so on. January 2006, won the China Association for Promoting public good model for the honorary title granted to the public; May 5, won the title of honorary citizen of the United States Washington, DC; May 8, Wing House, ; July 20, won overseas (love) heart Engineering Special Contribution Award; October 31, China won the most socially responsible entrepreneurs and so on. Management thinking in 2007 as yellow as its own unique management ideology, Deng Xiaoping Thought will be awarded the 2006 Top Ten Chinese enterprises thinkers, and ranked first; while Mr. Huang Rulun individual monograph, > yellow as Thoughts of classic literature will be awarded prizes Sinology management. China won the China Charity Federation granted the honorary title of charitable people, and won the national Ministry of Civil Affairs issued 2006 China Charity Award. In 2007, China topped the list of charitable entrepreneur. May 17, was awarded the People's Government of Fujian Province Economic Zone Award for outstanding contributions to the construction, public welfare donations, Fujian Province, the Outstanding Contribution Award; June 19, by Chongqing municipal government awarded the construction of the 10th anniversary of Chongqing Municipality directly under the title of hero. June 20, as yellow as the fourth of overseas Chinese communities of Mr representative of the get-together in the Great Hall by the CPC Central Committee General Secretary and President *** and other party and state leaders met. Yellow as should the government called home to join the national economic construction seventeen years in the domestic political stability, reform and opening up further development of the excellent situation, as yellow as united and led the Golden Resources Group cadres and employees, by struggling hard for the capital, Beijing, Fujian, Jiangxi , Chongqing, Yunnan's economic construction and has made outstanding contributions to economic development, and fully reflects the yellow as the party as a patriotic overseas Chinese and people with utter devotion, and woe noble sentiments, and patriotic, to serve the homeland of the pure feelings. Real estate tycoon Huang over 50 years on from scratch, after 35 years, as yellow as created by the Century Golden Resources Group is currently investing in China more than 1,000 billion yuan, including more than 50 subsidiaries, eight five-star hotel Ugg shoes, 3 Shopping Mall, more than 10,000 employees, the investment to over Fuzhou, Fujian, Beijing, Shanghai, Changsha and Hong Kong, China, the Philippines and other parts of the world.

yellow as

real estate mogul as yellow as exactly how many wealth does not seem well known. Hurun Rich List 2007 list, with the wealth of the rich mysterious figure was only $ 10 billion, far behind in the first 65. But the well-known yellow as people know, its been praiseworthy, not because yellow as on wealth, but because yellow as on the charity. The Fujian alone into the world of entrepreneurs in China one of the most generous philanthropists. After the Wenchuan earthquake, as yellow as the money donated 18.2 million yuan, as yellow as donations for the public good has more than 12 billion yuan. Hoogewerf's charity in the standings, as yellow as ranked on the list for several years to the forefront, once regarded as China's capital city. Despite enormous wealth, but in order to cause the development of Century Golden, yellow as the group is still the most busy person, a flight 139 last year, an average of 2.7 days to a local travel. Companies do so much, is not as yellow as single-handedly one of the things, as yellow as with the yellow as the staff is one of the enterprises with the state with society is flesh and blood, as yellow as not only to yellow as the staff responsible for yellow as they have a good life , as yellow as also worthy of a real majority of customers, and to try to make more contributions to society. Yellow as the struggle has been the greatest force. As Mingru Song, Zhu Xi's son and disciple yellow offspring, as yellow as indicated by the family, the influence of Orthodoxy, and more to make their own efforts to pursue their own careers, and always forget to do their part to return to the community. Life in the heart of gratitude, such as on yellow, wearing very simple. Yellow as is the difference between one and there are no ordinary people, wearing a relatively simple, as long as the clothes clean, people seem more the spirit of it. Huang said that due to their origin on the impact - general appearance, the heart was full of the firm belief of life. Huang bought the clothes on their child had no money, no money to go to school, and stay in a hotel and sleep on the streets for money Moncler jackets, all to a difficult life as yellow as his firm belief: to break through the ideological ancestors of the farmers, through their own efforts, to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the old appearance, in exchange for yellow as a happy family and successful in life, and use yellow as on the hands for harvest to repay students as yellow as the support as yellow as the parents, bringing up yellow as on the growing up of grandparents, as well as those teachings as yellow as how to behave how life skills of the old head, old the revolution. Therefore, as yellow as always that a person of the community should cherish the people around Thanksgiving Gratitude psychological, and try to do little things to return as yellow as they. In yellow as a difficult time, as yellow as the selfless help to get someone else Tiffany, so yellow as this is moved, so yellow as to know the plight of the assistance extended to one pair of hand what it means.

yellow as

From 1993, as yellow as one after another to Fujian, Jiangxi, Beijing, Guangdong, Chongqing, Sichuan, Shandong, Yunnan and other places of education, culture, transportation, health, student, senior citizen and courageous, and other social Philanthropy; to come back 18 years, as yellow as invested 40 billion yuan turned over to the state tax of $ 6 billion to the community through donations, over $ 1.2 billion. Among them, the donation of a thousand million Convention Center project that is Fuzhou, Fujian Lianjiang as yellow as the high school, Holly Township, nursing home, Haidian District, Beijing, Peking University School of Government, education, Yunnan Province, Chongqing education, such as the theory about the Chinese People's University Church and so on. Yellow as that, no matter how the development of social, moral, and good conscience should adhere to and uphold all the. This is the road of life, but also any social organization should be run in some quality. Play the greatest role of wealth, with the dedication of valuable priceless love of money, this is the real wealth to create value. In yellow as under the influence after the earthquake in Sichuan, the source of the gold staff, have donations, total donations of 14.36 million yuan, while gold source within a special donation ceremony was held to raise 540,000 yuan donation to help at home quake-hit employees. Taken from the community, with various social Manolo blahnik, why should so much money? Money is only a symbol, no amount of money on the yellow as also a kind. In addition, their employees, as yellow as the heart With gratitude. Yellow as recalled that the initial investment in the construction of Fuzhou Cathay building, when there have been one of the most difficult stage. When the New Year as yellow as the body only 500 dollars, but as yellow as the cap or stick with the building and made a full salary to employees, which dig Century Golden pot of gold on the mainland. Honor achievements in wealth achievement 1.2009 Hainan Clearwater Bay Hurun (No. 112) 2.2009 Hoogewerf Property Rich List (No. 44) 3.2008 Hurun (No. 76) 4.2008 Hoogewerf richest real estate (No. 31) years of public service achievements 1.2011 donated 300 million to build the Central Plains Arts Center 2.2010 China Top Ten list philanthropist charity (No. 1) 3.2009 Hurun Charity List (No. 2) 4 In 2009 Forbes China Charity List (No. 1) 5.2008 Hurun Charity List (Section 3) 6.2007 Hurun Charity List (No. 4) 7.2006 Chinese philanthropist list (No. 3) 8.2005 Chinese philanthropist list (No. 1) 9.2004 philanthropist list in mainland China (No. 1) Renfu index: 0.19 Reason for selection as of 2010, as yellow as the single had exceeded 7 million donation pledge pen. In 2009, he donated 400 million yuan to build commitment to the forty-eighth Middle School South Campus in Hefei, Hefei Teachers College Preparatory School East Campus; Yale donated 170 million yuan to build Changsha Foreign Languages ​​School; donated 130 million yuan to build the first experimental high school in Guiyang, Guiyang City First Experimental Primary School. 2010, as yellow as more than 1.1 billion yuan signed the largest single charitable donation, for culture and education and disaster areas. [1] Renfu view point one: I do not prostitute the second does not gamble, the money might as well leave the children to benefit more people more meaningful. Second point: taken from the community, with various social, why should so much money? Money is only a symbol, no amount of money for me is a kind. I pay 1.8 million a month spent enough point three: an enterprise can do a good job, a person can successfully rely on the wisdom and opportunity, not money. Known as yellow as the story describes the people know that its being praiseworthy, not because of his wealth, but because of his generosity. Huang discourse: I have no knowledge of the time in a foreign country unable to move, because not speak English, the face of all the English out of the customs cards I am very embarrassed and since then, I swear, if one day I meteoric rise, we must not allow my child culture. the process. Yellow as he has been firmly believe that folks of moisture due to the growth, nurturing and caring. So after he was wealthy, happy to return to the community, especially the happy return to his homeland and raising folks. the more sympathetic, very simple. This is Hoogewerf and extremely rare since the Forbes list released titles for the same person appeared the phenomenon. Atlas Atlas entry for more on the present activities

according to Huang (15)

as yellow as yellow as the visit ... (7)

entry picture (6 )

References 1

yellow as: low-key achievements of the Chinese philanthropist benchmark

Further reading: 1

2011 China Charity list


Open categories: people, philanthropists, entrepreneurs, Huang, born in 1951 to improve my Topics related articles:
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