Welcome to new version of CANNONS, artillery turnbased multiplayer inspired by games such as Gunbound, Worms or Fortress. New features in v.2: → XP and levels (33 levels of experience letting you unlock paintings, flags, maps, …) → New vehicles (6 vehs total, each with 3 weapons) → Vehicle customization (paint your vehicle and put a flag on it) → 6 new maps (some with new kind of terrain) → Achievements (Special quests that gives you extra XP) → Player card (incl. player stats) → Tournaments (automatic tournees)
Join channel > Create/Join gameroom > Wait for others and START THE GAME! (use arrows to move/change angle, spacebar to shoot)

  • Categorías
    • Sin categoría
    • Acción-Action
    • Aventura-Adventure
    • Tablero-Board game
    • Casino
    • Vestir-Dress up
    • Manejar-Driving
    • Educación-Education
    • Pelea-Fighting
    • Rompecabezas-Slider Puzzles
    • Otros-Other
    • Rompecabezas-Puzzles
    • Ritmo-Rhythm
    • Disparar-Shooting
    • Deportes-Sports
    • Estrategia-Strategy
    • Estrategia y Defensa-Strategy & Defense
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