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(二)与人民法院内设监督机构相呼应,便于广大民众识别和申诉。如前所述,由于检察机关一些部门的命名与法律缺乏必要的关联,司法实践中,常常出现老百姓因不服法院裁判而欲主张权利时,不知向检察机关的哪个部门进行申诉现象。如民行检察部门成立二十多年来,除了检察人员知道它的确切含义外,在中国广大民众中它一直是一个较为默生的词汇。因此,撤销现有民事行政检察部门,组建专门的审判监督部门,既与人民法院的内设审判监督机构相呼应,又合乎法律,名正言顺,且便于民众识别。 (三)审判监督权多头分散行使,不能有效集中检察机关有限的高
Nichol8ss2 09.12.2012 0 767

In the comedy "Analyze This," Billy Crystal plays a therapist who is employed by a mafia manager (Robert DeNiro) to help him cope with his repressed anger. Crystal's persistence with one his client's temper explosions prompts DeNiro to deliver him a presen
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