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The new smartphone from Google (manufactured by Motorola) binds to a wide range of "phablets' on the market   After many leaks and rumors, Google has finally unveiled its new smartphone, the Google 6. not a phone, it's a full-blown phablet. Its 5.96-inch s
cnkingge 16.10.2014 0 666

If you completed the Iron Horde Incursion quests in Blasted Lands shortly after the patch went live on US servers, the only rewards you received were the Iron Starlette pet and the "of the Iron Vanguard" title. Now it appears these quests are rewarding som
qfsdfsd 16.10.2014 0 823

If you're a Hearthstone fan, you already know the game is partially strategy, and partially building the right deck of cards to play with. The top players at the recent Americas Championship certainly know all about deck building as well as strategic play,
qfsdfsd 15.10.2014 0 517

My history with my paladin is complicated. Though my priest was my main for most of my raiding career, the paladin was my favored alt -- if not my favored character altogether. There simply wasn't a need for more paladins in my raid, so I avoided pulling t
qfsdfsd 14.10.2014 0 1055

The Boost Mobile operator will begin distributing the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus from next October 17. Users will have the ability to choose your mobile plan and periodically add money to the account to keep it active.   The new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 P
cnkingge 13.10.2014 0 415

Aside from the new pet families, there are many new pets to tame from existing families, such as the three new pets shown above. If you see a pet you like in Draenor, you simply go and tame it. No camping, no fighting over the spawn with other hunters. The
qfsdfsd 11.10.2014 0 442

Yet although Velen of this Draenor has been lost, our Prophet Velen lives on, on Azeroth. There, he quietly leads the draenei, lending his people's aid to the Alliance, and even teaching Anduin Wrynn the ways of the Light. Almost unnoticed by his fellow le
qfsdfsd 10.10.2014 0 312

An expansion launch in World of Warcraft is a good time to re-evaluate your gaming priorities. With expansions come change, and change means that you may find your class, your game role, or the game in general more -- or less -- appealing. It's the perfect
qfsdfsd 09.10.2014 0 407

Por Ben Brumfield (CNN) — Te presentamos la luna de sangre, segunda parte, próximamente en el cielo más cercano... y será mucho más grande que la primera parte. Si vives en la mitad occidental de Estados Unidos, tendrás un asiento en primera fila en la p
alecita25 08.10.2014 0 1362

As the developer of Diablo 3, Blizzard has released a new patch with an exploit in the real cash auction house of Diablo 3, a place which gamers could utilize to sell digital currency for money. TyroPyro explained that the user from Reddit, the glitch repr
qfsdfsd 07.10.2014 0 409