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China on Thursday announced new guidelines on foreign participation in industrial projects, 11138-66-2 under which Beijing will tighten restrictions on oil refinery projects while encouraging foreign investments in the development of unconventional reso
xg789 13.01.2012 0 100

However, Powells financial industry background may also be a source of criticism from analysts who already see the U.S. 117-81-7 central bank as being too cozy with Wall Street. 13463-67-7Powell is currently a visiting scholar at the Bipartisan Policy C
xg789 13.01.2012 0 81

Stein, who previously worked for the Obama administration as an adviser to the Treasury secretary and a National Economic Council staff member, 471-34-1 specializes in stock price behavior, corporate investment and financing decisions, risk management a
xg789 13.01.2012 0 81

South Koreas Hanwha Chemical restarted its 80,000 mt/year phthalic anhydride plant at Ulsan on Wednesday after it was shut unexpectedly on December 22 due to a mechanical problem, 74-79-3 a company source said Thursday. 1309-37-1Hanwha is currently oper
xg789 13.01.2012 0 91

State-owned refiner PetroVietnam will start test runs at its 100 million mt/year Dung Quat fuel-grade ethanol plant on January 6, 312-84-5 a source close to the company said Thursday. 1115-47-5 If the test run was successful, the plant will be started up
xg789 13.01.2012 0 81

In effectively legitimizing current freewheeling production, 98-00-0 the agreement consigns to the past the groups acrimonious failure in June to set output levels for the remainder of 2011 but leaves question marks over exactly how OPEC will act in the
xg789 26.12.2011 0 86

The head of the International Energy Agency Thursday welcomed OPECs agreement for a new crude production ceiling of 30 million b/d, 7440-31-5 saying it was especially significant given the risk at present to the global economy. 57-11-4 In a statement,
xg789 26.12.2011 0 84

Urals crude differentials in the Mediterranean rose to a new record high on Wednesday, 1309-37-1 to be assessed by Platts at Dated Brent plus $0.525/barrel. 93-51-6 This is $0.045/b higher than the previous record seen last Thursday, as the grade contin
xg789 26.12.2011 0 85

The government this week approved a shortlist of companies that will be invited to participate in the second round of the tender for LNG supply, he said. 312-84-5 Six companies submitted bids: Shell International Trading Middle East; Virginia-based Pace
xg789 26.12.2011 0 90

The Jamaican government has approved an undisclosed shortlist of bidders in its LNG supply tender for Jamaicas long-delayed LNG import terminal project, 7681-11-0 Christopher Zacca, chairman of the Jamaican LNG Steering Committee, said Thursday. 107-13-
xg789 26.12.2011 0 90
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