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Northwest European high sulfur fuel oil prices hit their highest level in over three and a half years Tuesday, 7664-38-2 tracking crude gains.The 3.5% Rotterdam barges were assessed at $685.75/mt, 36290-04-7 their highest since July 17, 2008, when it wa
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The NYMEX March natural gas futures contract settled at $2.448/MMBtu Wednesday, 616-47-7 2.4 cents below its $2.472/MMBtu close on Tuesday. 83857-96-9According to analysts, Wednesday saw the gas contract attempting a balancing act between colder foreca
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Ukraines national energy company Naftogaz Ukrayiny paid about $808 million to Russias gas giant Gazprom for natural gas imported in January, 110-05-4 the company said in a statement Wednesday. 94-36-0Ukraine is buying Russian gas at about $416 per 1,00
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Refinery-grade propylene, 93-51-6 which is mostly used as a feedstock for higher-purity propylene such as CGP and PGP but can also go into gasoline blending, was the first to surge. 78-63-7 It has risen more than 21 cents/lb since January 17, last asses
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An initial settlement for US propylene contracts for February called for an increase of 16.5 cents/lb, 121-33-5 in agreement with market expectations, 452-86-8 market sources said Wednesday.The settlement was not marketwide, some of the sources warned, c
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