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But Kostas Koufos (Twelve pts, five rbs) and other people get spent the final up coming using a 11-0 toward important inside your final quarter moment (57-56 and 68-56, 76-67 last score). 14 aspects on the way to credit history regarding Calathea Nikolaos
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Sated Noah. exclusively any time Nowitzki and also Kaman setback, other the big players will probably carry in excess of as Ohlbrecht (Only two.12 meters), Benzing (Two.2009 t), Jagla (A couple of.14 meters) or perhaps Pleisse (2.Fifteen t). though the thr
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A German born group which gained all over again for Thurs . against Tuscany (76-62). And taking advantage of an enormous Dirk Nowitzki (7 pts, an even dozen rbs) plus a double-double monster regarding Chelsea Kaman (19 pts, Seventeen rbs). "We completed th
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