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lloiguer68 06.01.2012 0 116

She blesses, but they also have no many matters and tell the thunder positive sun this news, this is to belong to special happiness to mother, they how can not deprive, either, just regrettable, although the rice l ù is a mother,have not studied how to be
lloiguer68 05.01.2012 0 119

The Yao is called the desire of Pu inside the Si, does the contents help us the chain gold teacher of territory to look for how many kinds of herb medicine?Isn't the task of each territory same?What task did you still receive?" The girl wanted to answe
lloiguer68 05.01.2012 0 127

The lord of not appropriate money, but haven't thoughted of that attaching evil material is incredibly like the value of this Gao is in his heart and smells speech shocked to counter-question a way:"1000 gold coins?" Chu flew to misunderstand his meani
lloiguer68 05.01.2012 0 101

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lloiguer68 04.01.2012 0 106

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lloiguer68 31.12.2011 0 180

Don't carry on to train to all expert novelist pupils, from choose among them very few several of come of a decent family, the person who can control carries on a training, you have to remember to two masters and speak the importance of this affair clearl
lloiguer68 31.12.2011 0 121

The regiment isn't understand either, the bitterness is Shan-li, how may have this kind of thing! The item Chan pretty isn't a thing, but one clan wild savage country people.Their shape the strong and tough knife gun Be difficult to harm, the lacke
lloiguer68 29.12.2011 0 101

Mouth, happy. See come out, 11 have a little strain, however the strain didn't also hold up his Han to smile ……the beam was bitter to also smile:"Prepare?" Once the Han sub- Adam apple roll, and then swallowed saliva, no longer smiled, a pai
lloiguer68 29.12.2011 0 112

 The wagon speeds, after bitterness wild goose pass set out the third day of at dusk cent, the beam was bitter to finally arrive to Yin of the state mansion of state, town rather city. Even if and in mind begged 1,000 times of Buddha Zus, 10,
lloiguer68 29.12.2011 0 91