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MARTIN DOUL""They wanted me to come to supper in the house,
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But I now think that yourbrother, having reason, like yourself, to believe the child stainedwith shame yet more indelible, had nevertheless withdrawn it,partly from regard to the honour of his house, partly from therisk to which it might have been exposed in the neighbourhoodof the Lady Glenallan Exeunt SCENE IIIBenjamin, on the contrary, had been taught habits of care and foresight"The little girl put out her lips, offering a second kiss, but theboy turned hastily away to rub the tears from his eyes with theback of his hand Mrs Now, York, or never, steel thy fearful thoughts And change misdoubt to resolution; Be that thou hop'st to be; or what thou art Resign to death- it is not worth th' enjoying I next commenced thestudy of electricity and magnetism; and then acoustics, light,and heatIt was a step in my advance towards romantic composition; and topreserve the traces of these is in a great measure the object of thisEssay
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