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with a set of housing is not their own

The talent is the soul of an enterprise. Qiu Wenqin know there is no culture, but he know how to use other people's culture for their own money. At the inception of the company began hiring Qiuwen Qin, general manager of the company general manager responsibility system, which put an end to the This private enterprise in Shenzhen at the time of or very rare. In the employment system, he also introduced Today, the structure of the company employees, there are many degrees, and other senior personnel. At the same time, to meet the business strategy of sustainable development. In early 2000, . Earlier this year, are all the Content from the success of inspirational network

1992 year, he will only hand out all of 7000 dollars, to wholesale some trendy for stationery supplies. At this point, the production has been to retreat into a sideline business cards, stationery, sales jumped into the main industry. Less than 1 month, Qiu Wenqin are sold out into stationery, money is also several times before, Qiu Wenqin secretly glad that they select the right of the road. So he began again and again to purchase, sales, and slowly familiar with the stationery industry, the more goods store into a more complete. To the first 4 months, the hands have a 2 million yuan deposits Qiu Wenqin order to expand the operation scale, and he in turn of a card shop next door to the salon more than 10 square meters of leased down, after their newly renovated, has become a stationery store. This article comes from a successful motivational network

went ahead and used his excellent carpentry skills, the side walls in the card shop, made a sale of fine stationery shelves, then fitted with transparent glass, a beautiful immediately sell shelves become. Initially, Qiu Wenqin just purchased in the name of the hands of some stationery salesman, isolated with the sale, who knows the end of the month a closing, he even found himself selling stationery piecemeal money, more than the daily Xin hard money hard to do business cards!

Qiu Wenqin can not help but was shocked! He immediately realized that this little line of business in stationery tremendous profit margins. But let an illiterate to sell stationery with a strong cultural flavor, can it work? Qiu Wenqin heart to scary start, but he was then I thought: Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. As long as you look for, they will go threw. Although there is no repeat their own culture, but you can invite some intelligent people to give their advice to people to make up our own weaknesses, I believe can be overcome its defects. So I thought, Qiu Wenqin even greater confidence.

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At the time, according to the skills they learn in the local mix to eat what should not be a problem, the two brothers from the kind of tolerance from this can famine charity by people living on bitterness. In 1988, the rise of the working wave just swept almost all the cities in the Mainland of China, many passionate young people have a strange city far from home to realize their dreams. The brothers also the outside world is full of longing. Content from

Now, Qiu Wenqin of 33 stationery stationery store and a branch has been opened all over the Shenzhen, Beijing, his assets had billions of dollars. This project started out by working stare did not know the Content from

site in the fellow has done a little more than 1 year of laborers, to the end of 1989, the brothers worked so hard to finally only 4,000 yuan to save money. Qiu Wenqin thought: his playing is always blindly to others unskilled laborer, a lifetime may not achieve their dreams. After some careful consideration, the brothers decided to come out alone. They rented a room in the Huang Beiling 200 per month rent metal housing, home improvement contract printing business of some small cards, distributed everywhere, home football fragmentary carpentry. In the absence of capital,abercrombie and fitch paris, they had to be subcontracted from other contractors under the project in the hands of the necessary carpentry, so that they neither bear any risk, they would have in making a work for others than before, several times more money! network from the success of this inspirational

Today, many people say it might not believe, with hundreds of millions of assets Qiuwen Qin, in addition to To improve the efficiency of your car is equipped with foreign-made Buick, in Shenzhen, with a set of housing is not their own, and even today still live in a rented with the employees and staff accommodation. Employers and employees every night and even breathing can be connected into one, condensed into an invincible team spirit! In this regard, Qiu Wenqin very sincerely said: 'Are all' stationery, although private enterprise, but it is not my own, it is social, is our employees. I have to wait to buy a house so that all employees can live in new houses in Shenzhen, until the 'all are' set up their own 'all are building'! As early as 1995, the company was just starting, Qiu Wenqin 24,000 yuan for donations to help his hometown who installed the light. Reminds me of the fellow countrymen for their own travel expenses to raise 240, get the scene of two brothers on the road, Qiu Wenqin surging forward on the minds of a silent gratitude.

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1991 年 was the golden era of great development in Shenzhen, a variety of companies, to open an office in a series . Great demand for cultural and office supplies, stationery market prospect. After this a careful investigation, to challenge themselves more determined Qiuwen Qin determination.

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; Qiuwen Qin's childhood was unfortunate. In 1970, Qiu Wenqin Tateishi was born in Guangdong Lufeng County, a remote farm town. In his 6 years old, his father unfortunately passed away; 8 years old, the mother left the earth, since he became an orphan. No one to take care of him, and he and his 2-year-old big brother had each other. Had never been seen, let alone go to school, and even three meals a day to fill his stomach is a problem. The fate of the brothers had forced down a small bag, carrying a hoe farming barefoot ambulation. In the fields daily sunrise and sunset, the sun has become the most wretched people. At that time, they not only cook their own food a day, laundry, and planning to spend every penny the family, and often After a hard day,ralph lauren pas cher, the home has no personal greetings. Little brothers think the parents have to love the memory of happy days, often became tearful when each see other people's children back to school bags, Qiu Wenqin will not help to cast envious eyes, his heart over and over like a thousand, so after their own money, must also Beiqishubao to school. But this has not been able to achieve his childhood dream, and later became a treasure in the mind of one of the most sacred memories. Content from the success of inspirational network

However, due to aging machinery and equipment store business cards a day, no matter how tight Qiuwen Qin, the most they can print system of two or three box cards, removing the cost of rent and staff expenses, also running out. He wants to replace equipment to improve efficiency, but he asked around and the replacement of a new business card printing machines, almost on the yuan, which Qiuwen Qin once in the absence of such a large sum of money, which made him worry about it again .

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Qiuwen Qin prices are still reasonable, the full range of the above making a fuss, so that uniform prices for all stores, price tag; customers have to enter As the city's culture, the earliest delivery products industry companies, in order to win in the competition, delivery has been sent to Shenzhen Baoan, Phuket and other more remote areas. Win the trust of customers rely on cheap credit and benefits, a step by step to open the Shenzhen market, has been widely recognized by society. Content from the success of inspirational network

unhappy childhood, he ended up illiterate

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sub shop good location, however, but the business is sluggish, Qiu Wenqin think it is mainly workers sense of duty,polo ralph, due to the lack of initiative . So he immediately draw up an incentive system: the provisions of contact printing box of business cards for each employee to pay on the basis of the original commission of 10%. This one, two employees of a change in the kind of perfunctory attitude before the day trying to contact the store business, to solicit business, but also increased revenue for themselves. Soon, Qiu Wenqin business doing alterations of the card shops.

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commercial sea fish out a .17

after such an analysis, Qiu Wenqin keen to capture this opportunity. In 1993, Qiu Wenqin opened their second store stationery. By 1994, one year,ralph lauren, he opened a four breath chain stores. In 1995, he incorporated From 1993 to 1995, three years, Stationery small supermarket in Shenzhen has become a beautiful landscape. Content from

later, the brothers of a whole, decided to go out to work. Qiu Wenqin think: their skill at home by simply mixing food to eat, after all, difficult to have a large Offer, it is better go away and try to maybe break some world to come. Say they have a technical near the body, wherever they would not be starved to death. The end of 1988, the brothers in the neighborhood, with the help of relatives and friends, finally got a loan of 240 yuan, the brothers got into a car bound for Shenzhen. Content from

time, a stationery salesman to sell his business card paper, carry the bag in a punt big bag pen, ball pen and other stationery. Qiu Wenqin can not help but see the eyes light up these things, he thought: they can print business cards one side, while selling stationery, so that phase two is not wrong, the store sold stationery and business cards are also very complementary. Content from the success of inspirational network

< p> This is Qiu Wenqin of doing business. In 1990, Shenzhen, Hong Kong PARKnSHOP supermarket operators first introduced. At that time, no one in China, such as network from the success of this inspirational He is illiterate, but he did know how to Billionaire!

hero can not ask the source, but life is often the success or failure to Heroes. 10 years pupate into a butterfly, Qiu Wenqin small carpenter on the construction site, but to build a chain of China's largest stationery Kingdom - are all stationery. Miraculous story of his business, enough to make him a hero worthy work! Content from the success of inspirational network

10 years of trials and Venture Road, Qiu Wenqin in this petty stationery made impressive line of business in a big performance. Illiterate carpenter from a small, became king reputed stationery chain in China, this is real life start living a miracle [FS: PAGE]. Behind his success, can give us this revelation: successful entrepreneurs are not necessarily trained in the school from the university, there are many of them in social practices honed. A person, no matter how low his culture, and only he dares to challenge themselves, can still be successful!

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this year, Qiu Wenqin East Road, Shenzhen City, a business card printing shop open for business downturn fellow, wishing to transfer out of card shops , as long as three or four thousand dollars vicarious world business expenses Laboratory ( After some market research, Qiu Wenqin boldly took over the contract this business card shop down, and the sub shop to take over with the shop along with the original two employees. This article comes from a successful motivational network

man I used, the courage to make a billion content from Shenzhen

was still a barren hills and remote places in Shenzhen, and even a decent road did not, but wherever he went the roar is the voice of the machine, faction in full swing scene. See all this, Qiu Wenqin the body's blood suddenly hot. He was glad to catch a good time to start! Content from

the world had no roads, trampled on the ground in the thorny more often,abercrombie france, and at the foot of a road there. Repeated screening at commercial sea Amoy, Qiu Wenqin finally found a get rich enough to let him, settle down Content from

work hard and develop a set of advanced scientific management methods.

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However, Shenzhen is also not his imagination so Haozhaogongzuo, traces the brothers in the street for several days, until finally, after painstakingly find out the decoration of a fellow. Look at his fellow brothers honest and can endure hardship, to accept them on site work.

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This is a only 7 square meters of shops, a business card printing is the old hand store all production equipment, but Qiu Wenqin is excited because this is a shop of his own son, the first boss, he was excited Nan Yi Liao De entrepreneurial passion. ? Content from

stationery industry in China was also facing great opportunities: First, when the retail sector from the department store stand-alone spin-off of stationery industry has become a popular industry; Second, franchising franchising in China has been the rapid development of China's economic growth has become a new bright spot; Third, as the domestic economy and culture and education development, is bound to make the stationery market showing a strong momentum of consumption, the stationery industry will enter a steady development of a sunrise period full of opportunities. Content from the success of inspirational network

brothers woodworking as well, plus the work and responsibilities seriously. Thus the line in the decoration of which, the brothers a good reputation, popular, many of them very pleased with the renovation business tenants and took them to recommend to their friends and family. So the brothers business is getting better, to 1990, in the hands of brothers have some savings already pulled their men are Madu Li renovation contract out the entire family.

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to date, development to more than 600 people. The value of sales of products from a few cents a pencil, eraser, 10 million worth of large projection screen, projector and the whole set of office automation equipment. Billion in the company's total assets is over! network from the success of this inspirational

Qiuwen Qin side of the contract [FS: PAGE] his own renovation work, while others make money in looking for the opportunities. The winter of 1991, the opportunity finally to patronize the honest work hard for him. Content from

chain he created in the process, Qiu Wenqin always from the service, quality and market every aspect of the start and continued on in the management level, the implementation of management innovation. His philosophy is: now do business, must be consumer-centric, consumer demand for the first demand. Stationery shop in the past before the counter in department stores and other off-site, rather than proactive delivery and provide services. And from counterfeit products do not allow the sale of the company. Consumers rely on the good word of mouth gradually establish their own image. Content from the success of inspirational network

dripping past grace, today, when the smallest favor! Teacher's Day in 1995, Qiu Wenqin funded organized a In 1995 before the National Day, In 1995, Qiu Wenqin has invested 80 million, built a home in Lufeng road for the benefit of home crowd.

a cultural office supplies business can not have their own corporate culture. the form of outdoor advertising. Not only that, every morning, For this Qiuwen Qin said: For businesses, the employees, too, so they requested staff to righteousness. only the survival of consciousness and self-development into the Qiuwen Qin is currently a member of the CPPCC, Luohu District, the development of enterprises at the same time, Qiu Wenqin also actively participate in the political development of SMEs to the Government a lot of good suggestions. Content from

and honed through more than 1 year, Qiu Wenqin cause has made great progress; capital accumulation gradually increased, more and more purchasing channels wide, and has made South Korea and Japan, seven or eight foreign cultural goods company to the agent. Plus he has done big business in Shenzhen and stable user. Naturally, the rapid increase in the volume of business he has since branched out of control.

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brothers settled in Shenzhen, we have finally reached the land, the natural shelter of their fellow Thanksgiving not only know the hard to work. Hands of the boss,abercormbie paris, They live every day doing the most is also doing the best, regardless of wind and rain, site distance, are on call, Zaikuzailei also without any complaints. 1 month, the brothers each received a 330 yuan wages, except for 90 yuan for living expenses, there are 240 yuan. Big boy is the first time the brothers earn so much money, living in the walls to take the air at the site, and Qiu Wenqin the money to keep them in your arms out to touch the Youmo, bitterness and joy, emotion and excitement mingled headlong Bay on the heart, tossing him a night. Think so easy to earn money in Shenzhen, Qiu Wenqin secretly vowed in my heart: Be sure to mix the like, to come to Shenzhen! This article comes from a successful motivational network

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the days until 1985. 15-year-old Qiu Wenqin brother and aunt of the arrangement, thanks to a local carpenter, a teacher learn to do carpentry. Studies with the master sub-day see-saw, push plane. To be able to quickly learn real skills, the brothers also find ways to fight for the master to please, not only free of charge to the master work, also taking home the master of all fields of heavy housework and farm work. In this way, from morning to night, the brothers in the high-intensity work and study in the years before the end of a 3. This three years,coach outlet, Qiu Wenqin hard working,abercrombie and fitch, hard, hard work and practice. With his strong will, and finally division over the Christians, learned the fine woodworking hand. Content from

相关的主题文章: At least three students died and 19 others were injured early Thursday morning when a van transporting vegetables crashed into a row of pupils in the eastern suburb of Beijing, local police said. The accident happened at about 6:30 am in the district of Pinggu of Beijing, when students were heading for school, the police said.
hpmcgboc 28.11.2011 0 238

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