I was looking for a bag for a long time. I could not find the one which is suitable for you. I searched the Internet, kept attention to the mail in order to find a right one. As we all can see, find a right bag is very important. Several days ago, I met a girl in the bus, she is so charming. She carried a black hermes bag. It is very beautiful on her. It is hermes birkin. The workmanship for the bag is delicate. The leather of the bag is so perfect. I think it was togo leather. She noticed me. She smiled to me. I explained I was looking at her beautiful bag and asked her where I could buy one. She advise me to buy it in a hermes outlet store. It is cheaper. I thank him. Then I went to that store she mentioned. But I found hermes bag kelly was also charming. I love it too. I am loss which one I should buy. Kindly advise will be appreciated.