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was tod's soldes conveyed to him by my

Next day he accompanied me to the ship, where Mr But how was I surprised, when I beheld the formidable captain in the shape of a little tod's france thin creature, about the age of forty, with a long withered visage, very much resembling that of a baboon, through the upper part of which two little gray eyes peeped: he wore his own hair in a queue that reached to his rump, which immoderate length, I suppose My uncle resolved to run up into the Downs at once, but the wind shifting when we were abreast of the Isle of Wight, he was obliged to turn into St My daughter is to be married next week; but the two chief pleasures of my life are these (pointing to the bottle and a large edition of Horace that lay on the table) “I have got a pair of pistols (here they are), which I took from a horse officer at the battle of Dettingen; they are double loaded, and if any highwayman in England robs you of the value of a pin while I have the honour of being in your company, d — n my heart not think the worse of me for what I had done In the meantime we were alarmed with the cry of “Rape! Murder! chaussures tod's Rape!” which Jenny pronounced with great vociferation“As soon as I was certified of Brayer’s return, I went to his house with this letter, but was told he was gone out” “And what may his name be, coptain?” said Joey As I could only oppose my single asseveration to his suspicion, he told me one day, “Your vord not be give me de satisfaction — me find necessaire to chercher for my medicine; pardonnez moi — il faut chercber — me demand le clef of your coffre a cette heure Marmozet, had recourse to a nobleman of his acquaintance, who, at his solicitation, was so good as to introduce me to him; and the conversation turning upon my performance, I was not a little surprised, as well as pleased, to hear that Earl Sheerwit had spoken very much in its praise, and even sent Mr Marmozet’s integrity, when I recollected and compared the circumstances of his conduct towards me Supple, and knocked at the door, which had a wicket in the middle, faced with a net-work of iron He described a thousand cheats that are daily practised upon the ignorant and unwary, and warned us of them with so much good nature and concern, that we blessed the opportunity which threw us in his way Being well acquainted with the inveteracy of these curs, I was about to betake myself to my heels, when my uncle seized me with one hand, brandished his cudgel with the other, and at one blow laid Caesar sprawling on the ground; but, finding himself attacked at the same time in the rear by Jowler, and fearing Caesar might recover, he drew his hanger, wheeled about, and by a lucky stroke severed Jowler’s head from his bodyA little while after this transport the surgeon came into the birth, under pretence of taking something out of the medicine chest, and, with a smiling aspect, wished us joy of our deliverance, which, he said, he had been at great pains to obtain of the captain, who was very justly incensed at our behaviour; but he, the doctor, had passed his word for our future conduct, and he hoped we should give him no cause to repent of his kindnessIn one of my lucid intervals, however, I charged him to take a place in the stage coach for London; and, in the meantime, paid my debts in Bath, which amounted to thirty shillings onlyNext morning, when the hour of visitation came round, the unhappy young man was missing, and, after strict search, supposed to have gone overboard in the night; and this was certainly the case This quarrel which was at one time upon the point of being made up, by the interposition and mediation of friends, had been lately inflamed beyond a possibility of reconciliation by the respective wives of the opponents, who, chancing to meet at a christening, disagreed about precedence, proceeded from invectives to blows, and were with great difficulty, by the gossips, prevented from converting the occasion of joy into a scene of lamentation Encouraged by this injunction, which plainly demonstrated how much he interested himself in the affair, I tasked my remembrance and industry, and in three weeks produced the exact image of the former, which was tod's soldes conveyed to him by my good friend Father O’Varnish, who told me next day, that Mr This person, I say, after having eyed me some time, said, “Oho, ’tis ver well, Monsieur Concordance; young man, you are ver welcome, take one coup of bierre — and come to mine house to-morrow morning; Monsieur Concordance vil show you de way “No, Sir,” said she, “of a fool Another likened himself to a bear that retreats with his face to the enemy, who dare not assail him; and the third assumed the character of a desperate stag, that turns upon the hounds and keeps them at bay When she took her leave, he followed her to the door, and returned licking his lips, and asking if I did not think she was a luscious creature “As Cot is my judge,” cried Morgan, “and my salfation, and my witness; whosoever has pilfered my provisions is a lousy, peggarly, rascally knave! and by the soul of my grandsire, I will impeach, and accuse, and indict him, of a roppery, if I did but know who he is Cringer introduced me to this gentleman, as to a person whose advice and assistance I might depend upon; and having given me his direction, followed me to the door, where he told me I need not give myself the trouble to call at his house any more, for Mr”When I reflected upon my present necessity, I suffered myself to be persuaded, and after making mocassins tod's my acknowledgments to Mr

uhparajumper 14.08.2013 0 616

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