ANCONA, Italy,
stivali timberland, Sept. 11 (UPI) -- Pope Benedict XVI prayed Sunday for the victims of the Sept. 11,
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Speaking at the end of an outdoor Mass in Ancona, an Adriatic port city, he also called on world leaders to strive for peaceful solutions,, the Catholic News Service reported.
"Today our thoughts go to that Sept. 11 of 10 years ago," the pontiff said. "In commending to the Lord the lives of the victims of the attacks carried out that day and their families, I ask leaders of nations and people of goodwill always to refuse violence as a solution to problems,
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In a separate message to New York Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan,
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In the message, dated Sunday but released in Washington Friday, he said,, "It is my fervent prayer that a firm commitment to justice and a global culture of solidarity will help rid the world of the grievances that so often give rise to acts of violence and will create the conditions for greater peace and prosperity, offering a brighter and more secure future."Topics related articles: