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sold a total of no more than ten dollars
Introduction: The original, only the mother's warm embrace, is my life hoping ah. All of rebellion and resistance, just hope that she will pay attention on me, like me, and, love me. I came to love this man and this world. (1) still remember a big argument with his mother after he hid in small rooms, hidden in the side, I heard my mother shouting anxiously outside, a man hurriedly walked to the alley deep the scene. That year, I was seven. It is ten o'clock at night. Now do not know, a year-old little girl, how come so cruel, I heard the footsteps of her mother return of the anxiety with a crying sound was the call, it then stood still, motionless, and no making a sound. But then, quietly standing, any two lines of wanton tears flowing. (2) Sometimes I think his temper is too similar to the two people together, in the end Can be regarded as a blessing. Even if it is flesh and blood flesh and blood kin, mother and daughter. In particular, the same hot temper when they also refused to bow to a little bit small concession when. Even though, they also love each other. (3) a child, my mother can not always be close to one. Perhaps because of her brother's side pain, perhaps it is because it is too similar temper. Mother and two people can never seem flat quietly saying a word, often a few words poured out, they kicked up. Who also refused to give way step. The argument the result is untold pain of flesh. A mother to her mother's right, because her daughter is not tame and can not Dior brief suppression of anger, the hurt and pain through all of their weapons, angrily added to her daughter's body. Vicious cycle of alienation is growing day. At that time, I never thought, did not know to think about why a mother would treat her daughter. Flesh and blood, flesh and blood loved ones, how will to such a point. In this history, as a daughter, unscrupulousness, especially a daughter, what should I bear what responsibility? But only against a stubborn and rebellious manner. (4) and, like his brother, was born, we are not full-term. Brother is a little more than six months, and I was even worse, only a few days short of six months. Very special mother's blood, she simply can not afford to protect a child continuous months in the stomach. Normal, her blood, could not raise a child to live. I really do not know, three children, she is risking what risks to what determination, born, and, two of our brothers and sisters, perfectly healthy raised. (5), perhaps because my brother was the first child, the mother who did not know there is such a thing exists, so my brother was born, the mother was very confused for a while. Because of serious congenital lack of care with poor initial mother, his brother's body will be brought up very weak. That era, all data are extremely scarce, the mother's body also is not suitable to do a mother, brother since childhood is a very rough kind of big cookies do white water bubble milk, the little nutrition, the father four o'clock went to buy food stores line up and come back with a pound of milk food stamps. Because of this, the mother of his brother, always cherished a deep guilt, and love. As of today, still remembers childhood and his brother lying on the warm kang edge, the two small heads get together, watched his father waited at the fireside, aluminum boxes will be placed each on a cooking scene. Burned billowing milk, a little touch of milk fat gradually float together, my brother's eyes will be firmly fixed on its on. Very busy stove fire, his father's forehead, thick layer of sweat that still hearted eyes. It was the happiest of our lives for some time. (6) I was born, when her sister was born a year later. And it is also the year after the death of his sister. Sister of the walk, a complete surprise. Nothing to do with innate weakness, although she was more than six months. Sister, thirteen days, when a neighbor led her lack of young year-old daughter to my home to visit his mother. Near the mother and the girl's mother does not pull some of the recent gossip, but that little girl went on at that time next to his sister, and sister Wa Wade talk,louboutin pas cher, incomprehensible. I do not know, she suddenly sat down on the sister's head,louboutin, the mother found out, stunned and cried. Another girl's mother, suddenly scared, breathed and sat for a while, see sister also known cry, breathe, they sigh, an excuse to leave. Have not seen for three days, then went to the sister, the mother is scared. That these time is many years later, her tone is very flat. Because of a very loving son, because a premature death of daughter, mother to a daughter very like, clever, thoughtful, obedient, amusing people. I look forward to with this, came to this world. Just as the mother's intention, according to her I came to this world look like copies, not according to her wishes, cute. When the desire to balance, the temper of temper can be imagined, especially in the face of an equally perverse temper, I do not know bow naive daughter, what will be disappointed, and sad. (7) and the mother struggled, over a dozen years. (Want to come back now, that ten years of years, this should be the mother of the radiance of the most beautiful ten years for a woman, married and becoming a mature woman, ten years is how beautiful and precious. ) While we deeply love with. Even, then, I stubbornly believe that only I love her, and her heart, only a brother. But I still undeniable, and I love her, truly, deeply in love with her. Although a mouth, two people will be like a layer of ice between the barrier-like cold. No one, as deeply as I care for her, care about her, for her to do all I can do. Even my father, brother and mother love childhood. Perhaps, the way a man to take care of his family, really is so rough, casual bar. But, at that time of their own, in her concern, and yet not be filled with her love of grievances. All the senses together, just think a pay was not feeling sad return. Never thought that a mother, ever want to return her daughter over to give her something. (8) the burden of life, gradually bending the mother's waist, the mother has gradually smooth face with wrinkles. At that time, his father was a brick county squad leader, the mother is a county paper mill workers. State and collective call, since childhood, my parents and we often do a game, and asked my brother and I, who by his father's class, who, to meet his mother's class. Later, faced with all the recession, almost two-man unit is also collapsed. Father as a man, suddenly seems to bear this blow was the first to cheer her mother up to her usual tough and smart occasionally show to start a small business. Father began drinking at the time, until now. Nearly two decades of time. (9) Mother's morning two or three, began to get up, pushing a farm vehicle, heavy, on a fundamental darkness in the day also, when pushed to the door away from home a few blocks distant morning wholesale vegetable, another person, the car on the side, worked so hard to pick the right variety of form, color and price of vegetables, often five or six o'clock, before rushing back street close to home, put in the blocks from the vegetable stall. A woman, how to hold up a family, and her past decades to pay how much? Although, she may really not be called weak. But a woman's deepest needs, after all, a powerful man's care, and care. To this point, ten years, has a deep love for his father, always hold complained. Although, his father's silent love these many years,abercrombie and fitch, always grateful, and, without that report. (10) I was very sleepy,casque dr dre, after all, is still small. But not two days,polo ralph lauren, the voice of the mother to get up or wake me. Specifically want to come now, is not that mothers deliberately cover up the subtle sounds wake me, but mother and daughter loved ones linked genetically related, so I always feel some what fit, timely wake up. I remember the first time to force yourself to get up, sleepy side of the trunk to come to his mother, helped her with the cart, the mother tears in his eyes flashing. But, she never give her moving, and she loves me. Perhaps, all along, she do not have this habit. And at that time, did not understand, the mother of tears,abercrombie, what a deep love. To the farms, I waited at the push car and then safely pick out her mother's dishes,franklin marshall, often in her back, give me some of my Shaoshang specially bought peaches, persimmons, when new, or other small snacks. Six o'clock, back pack bags, I Beiqishubao, went to their school. At that time, I was fourth grade. Until two days, the mother put vegetable stall until the end of his career, began to sell fruit. And during that time, most things, is after school hours, to the mother's vegetable stall, toss the bag on for the mother selling vegetables, collect the money. (11) the first and only time in life to do a separate At that time, since a young age they think they have a business sense. Early summer day in early July, peaches just listed, I did give her mother there to discuss a sum of money claimed to be alone to do some , more than eighty dollars, at that time is definitely not a small number of. Easily broken because of fear of cooked fruit, peaches with just listing price is high, fear not sell well, but also try to be smart to pick a basket of some of their names on the pan until slightly green peaches, that a few days, they will all cooked well , just resistance to selling. That peach basket, I put a street intersection in the home, a full month before nearly sold out sold almost consumed nearly the entire summer. Truly said, that should sell a hundred dollars of a basket of peaches, sold a total of no more than ten dollars, the remaining peaches, the shrinkage from the original-sized to the size of a peach, or my brother and I ate and sell , barely trouble. Surprise, the mother has severe, but surprisingly I did not blame a guilty conscience, but a smile Oh, that such a small baby will actually do business, lost does not matter, when I bought a peach basket to you to do snacks to eat. (12) from the original retail to wholesale sales partnership with the aunt, the mother spent a few years time. I do not know how muddle the mix on the high school, but also very high scores, which led to one vote is the envy of friends and is disdain. Strange to say, as to accompany the mother's early childhood, to develop in the classroom is always in a trance, with eyes has not been very good, could not see the blackboard in class, only know one person wander off, muddy I do not know teacher in the classroom what busy. That only occasionally borrowed notes from classmates, to do some temporary supplement, this habit has been maintained to the college. (13) Middle School for one year, experienced by the mother complained to the gratitude of the two extremes. Although a relatively young age to develop the experience extreme personality, coupled with natural perverse, but still I kept on many things indifferent and calm, measured when dealing with things is always right, and the man of extreme self-sustaining. Like to change his name from day to day leave of absence when the decide to find their own teachers by the RBI of all, the test in high school and college, when his choice between the high moment of Arts and Sciences Division, until the entrance of the voluntary reporting, all parents should decision to do an event is related to his life, every major turning point, to do all my own choices. Not complaining, but has long been accustomed to, and granted. Thus, in entering the third year, I did not realize that for me, what a critical stage of life. The parents should then do what I care and guidance. Fast until the entrance, I was aware of their so-called independent and family alienation with what different. At that time, I have not see my mother again for three months had. And three months ago, or because homework is not tight, I went to rent warehouse to see a good mother. See other people's mothers caring for their children in every possible way, especially to a friend's house when she saw her mother all sorts of maintenance and care, and because I worry about the visit will be divided into the heart of her study of hostility, are I felt in that instant, sometimes trivial, is how sad people happy. Why, my mother, I can confidently throw home to three months, a few days difference in my third year when the college entrance examination is necessary? Entrance until the end of the day, I have not seen his mother. Occasionally my father came back once, did not bring any of this told. (14) consecutive days with the students after graduation drinking, with parents living outside the warehouse, his brother has been through many years because of substandard living parents, uncle, I am the only one at home. Qi, a rare quiet location, the family has become one of the students between the agglomerations. Until his brother took out a girlfriend sister in law is now home with their parents back home to take care of it. Sister-in-law - then called the sister-in-law can not be second to my house at a time when something has a great influence for me, the event has always been daring me, began to fear from the dark from all the things. Middle of the night, fast eleven, and I happily bought the store in the street holding something deep down in the alley to the far outside in the tens of meters walked of their own home. When I was a sharp cry pierced the night's just quiet, and even he has not just react, what happens subconsciously screaming, the sound faintly an instant between the cluttered front of his house came, the shadows behind Release the hand stuck in my throat, and turned to run away panic. The first is actually coming out of very little exchange has been at odds brother. After the sister-in-law said, ran out, he actually did not even wear shoes, they did catch a few barefoot alley, before hastily for fear of me come back, a few feet on the designated hole. What also did not react, I had the soft to the mother's arms. Anxious to hear the call of the mother only in the ear side of the faint rings. That night,abercrombie and fitch paris, I always just want to fall asleep, the mother has tears, holding my face, call me up and let me sleep. Although only suffered a shock, and no substantial damage, but the mother's anxious face, in that moment, exceptionally warm up, I seem to find only rely on, leaning on her mother's arms warm, just too tired to sleep. Originally, only the mother warm embrace, is my life hoping ah. All of rebellion and resistance, just hope that she will pay attention on me, like me, and, love me. Life for the first time she hit me a slap in the face, to her daughter, worried to the bone, because I am afraid to fall asleep. Severely frightened people must not fall asleep immediately, and should remain relatively sober state, plus the comfort of their loved ones, be possible to restore the normal psychological. Mother later said she did not let me sleep, afraid that I woke up, causing long-term psychological damage. Brother and sister-in-law Father juggle, I cook ginger in my body side running around tending, and the mother, just hugged me tightly, a person relying on the cold wall, with her body and shaking with the soft-spoken, lead me to speak, cheer up my spirit, then all other things are not the object of her attention, all the energy, all thoughts, all on her frightened daughters. Mother, how deeply she loved her unworthy daughter ah! (15), freshman first report, is my first time away from home. The night before his departure, the mother has always been tough, I personally adhere to pack up their bags, some of the road with her order of things, even shaking hands up. Tears drop, dripping onto the suitcase she had just locked on. Thought she would go get me, but after getting to the bus station before dawn, gently call his mother cry, the mother eyes closed, quietly asleep. His father and brother sent me a few hours away,casque beats, watching the body side of the father and brother, remembered the night before the mother's tears, actually began to cry quietly. Mother will cry ah. And after all, she is not able to send me. After a long time, my brother called me quietly that I go that morning, sister-in-law to see a mother get up, stared me in the direction away, a man stood still, his face all the tears . Long, long time. (16) Since then, every time my departure, seems to emerge when the mother's tears. Winter and summer vacations are other students may not go home again, only I, the annual National Day, May Day, winter and summer, four times a year to go home, the trip is a must. After freshman year, the department requires that each summer we have to go out to practice before the three weeks,ralph lauren, and then direct holiday. When we place their own arrangements for practice time, but I already went home, waited at the mother's side. Front of their ridicule, I just take it lightly to set. No one knows how much I attached to his mother's arms, I want it owed to the mother for many years, and missed so many years, intentionally or unintentionally, the mother-daughter love, I can grasp in time, give all the back , and value. I understand that when I first left home, the mother has always been tough, it seems that suddenly broke down, become weak and sentimental. (17) the occasion of the SARS outbreak, the mother once a day the phone, reminders me how, I urge safety on the train home, when a poly. Suddenly remembered that big flood in 1998. Continuous heavy rains in half a month of summer, combined with the reservoir overburdened, everything at stake. At that time the family has built a little off the ground two meters platform, hoping to flood when there is a place to stay. Mother at first refused to let me go to school reports, and cried, a man, even death, will die together. But school two weeks ago, the flood that the most critical time, I heard the next day will cover the highway and rail, the mother and father rushed to the shelves of the force about to open my train, I watched away. She said, after all, Changchun Changchun, relatively far away from the flood, where you can be safe, I feel comfortable. Her faint tears. Parental love, and sometimes, if Sri Lanka can be deep, ah. (18) Sometimes I think the mother in this life, it can not be happy. Exercise too much heart and too much pain to eat. Today, despite her children no longer have to worry about, but because of his father's alcoholism, the couple decades of life are not very harmonious. Fortunately, children and grandchildren waited at the side, but most do not trust the daughter of her still in the far field thousands of miles away. I can do, just a few months later, a small town in the guaranteed not to bring any harm to the premise, to the house, to visit his mother. Even if the parting, also met with the mother's tears. Because only a waste of two decades of life, I truly understand, I came to love this man and this world.相关的主题文章: At this time , 119 soldiers from the 5th floor quietly down the rope , and slowly slide down the 4th floor . Attention to the house to take advantage of women , Women's final safety saved .
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