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so that learning be seriously affected. To school

this regard, the legal profession that love, as a right, belongs to the scope of personal rights, is an absolute right, others have no right to interfere, restrict, deprive. What kind of person, what kind of age, have the right to love, whether for love, the law does not clearly defined,doudoune moncler femme, it is impossible to make such a provision. Is love, when love is entirely determined by the acts themselves. For the love of results, only to suffer by their own. Of course, the behavior of people in love, not always with the perpetrator's age, status adapt, such as students, just a silly sense of love, their main task is to learn, not puppy love. However, whether the act should be in love, others can only be education, guidance, and can not be forced. Therefore, the behavior of others, whether for love, and love the results do not bear any legal responsibility. Schools,ralph lauren pas cher, as the education sector, for students in education, management of the obligations of students occurred in puppy love, they should strengthen the education,doudoune moncler, guidance, training students to love properly. However, this responsibility is a social responsibility, not liability.

So, in this case the court's decision wrong? Answer is no. This is because, in this case, the school liable for the root cause lies not puppy love affected the academic achievement of students, but that the school violated the service contract to undertake the breach of contract. Private schools, is a private school, to provide the paid educational services. Provision of education, the means of its business; profit is its purpose. Therefore, the rights enjoyed by private schools and obligations is bound to fit its purpose. Their rights and obligations by the parties through the contract. Breach of contract, contractual obligations, we should bear the liability. And Liang Yiming private educational services contracts entered into, will not affect the physical and mental health Liang Liqing obligation as a school, because during the school Liang Liqing puppy love, leading to poor academic performance, physical and mental health naturally be affected, the school will not be fully discharged agreement, we must bear the corresponding legal responsibility.

puppy love with the impact of learning by students caused by parents sued the school to require schools to bear the legal responsibility of the case, with the second instance court's decision was finally settled. Second instance court's decision sparked heated debate: puppy love affects the learning of students, the school is not responsible for? Schools can not assume legal responsibility for the students to puppy love?

in the trial process, Liang Liqing requires private schools to give up $ 30,000 in compensation claims, due to non-infringement of legal rights, the court shall be permitted.

2008 年 12 3, the court according to the relevant provisions of the law, first instance verdict,chaussures louboutin, the verdict returned Liang Liqing private school fees of 3,500 yuan; dismissed Liang Liqing other claims.

education for high school students in China to take the compulsory education with the merger of private compensation mechanisms. For compulsory education, with their free, public welfare, puppy love for the students, without any liability. Paid for private education, with their paid and for-profit, puppy love to the students the school is liable, is the service contract by both parties, can not be generalized. The occurrence of the case, while also reminding private schools in determining the rights and obligations of both parties, we can not control the situation on their own can not expand the scope of their obligations, otherwise, just assume this can not assume legal responsibility.

2000 July 9-year old Liang Liqing will be promoted to fourth grade learning. The more you ask the parents, coupled with the introduction of a friend, and went to school visits, contrast, that a private school in Wuxi (referred to private schools) in terms of school size, school environment, teaching quality, teaching or management, are very good, more attract Liang Liqing parents is that the private practice is from kindergarten,louboutin pas cher, primary, junior high school to the high school ten Five year consistent education. Compared to other schools, the school's fees are not low, high school students each year for each segment of $ 10,000 per student per year junior high school section of 6,500 yuan per student per year primary segment has reached 4,500 yuan. As the son was little, Wuxi, Xuzhou, there are over five hundred kilometers away, Liang Liqing the hearts of parents to forget, but to his son's future, they ultimately decided to transfer her son to school to learn.

Jiangzhong Fan / text

current, upward trend puppy love high school students, has gradually lead to social concerns. However, the responsibility of puppy love for high school students, people tend to just stay in the moral and social level,moncler outlet, from school, family, social aspects for rational analysis,piumini moncler, yet to find a real solution to the problem. Together, Jiangsu Province, Wuxi City, caused by puppy love for parents of students requiring schools to bear the legal responsibility of the case, has aroused great concern and widespread hot: puppy love affect student learning, the parents sued the school is not required can be school liable? School's puppy love for students to bear the legal responsibility?

students in puppy love, whether the schools should be held liable?

Lake District People's Court, after hearing that, Liang Liqing signed with the private schools' students studying Agreement meaning that, without violation of the law, should be valid. Under the agreement, to pay the school fees for Liang Liqing, the two sides agreed to the middle of their own reasons Ruoyin Liang Liqing suspension, transfer, drop out, more than two years,孙银来家属认为孙没有自杀动机At the same time, why they buy the More than 20 million one-time investment, over $ 2 million per year operating subsidy, Deqing school bus may have to promote? After the school bus on the road can not really enjoy the Many looking forward to drive to school their children around, people are invariably have a variety of questions., no refund; Ruoyin private reasons that Liang Liqing not normal learning and life, leading to lack of physical and mental health development, private schools should be allowed to withdraw and transfer Liang Liqing and Liang Liqing refund fees paid by part of the school building principal, according to the provisions of Wuxi Municipality Party annual fees deduction. Liang Liqing on August 29, 2005 for transfer procedures, transfer the reasons for the nearest school, the middle line of its own reason for transfer. Although Liang Liqing to private schools during the school girls had the same happen with puppy love, but its transfer is not necessarily linked, Liang Liqing did not provide other evidence because it can not be normal for private study and life, leading to lack of physical and mental healthy development and need to transfer,louboutin chaussures, so Liang Liqing requires private school fee refund lack of evidence, not support it. Liang Liqing private schools more than two years after the half-way transfer for their own reasons, signed by both parties' children to school agreement permitted.

2000 年 7 8, Liang Liqing's father Liang Yiming deposit to private schools pay $ 500. On 19 July the same year, Liang Yiming paid to private schools to high school in fourth grade and third grade school costs 53,500 yuan. August 30, 2000,Zhanjiang City Leizhou people. RecentlyAt the same time, why they buy the More than 20 million one-time investment, over $ 2 million per year operating subsidy, Deqing school bus may have to promote? After the school bus on the road can not really enjoy the Many looking forward to drive to school their children around, people are invariably have a variety of questions., Liang Yiming as parents (B) and private (Party) signed a party to pay costs of school construction process principles are as follows: two years out of school, each buckle 1 million (less than one year by year basis); not refund more than two years. learning and life, leading to lack of physical and mental health development, and Party B should be allowed to withdraw and transfer students, and returned to Party B to pay the principal part of school construction costs, according to the provisions of the Party of Wuxi Municipality, the annual fee net. In the private school during the Liang Liqing's academic performance has been steadily increasing ranking front, Liang Liqing's parents are very pleased about this. In September 2003, Liang Liqing rose smoothly with honors school middle school learning.

the first trial, Liang Liqing refused to accept the Wuxi Intermediate People's Court of Appeal. Liang Liqing's father Liang Yiming in the suit said: . but private schools are not well managed, not entirely care, education, responsibility and son in private school girls in school occur during puppy love with the same problem, so that no normal learning in school and life, we are forced to handle the transfer procedures for the son Therefore, to nullify the first instance verdict,giubbotti moncler, decree the return of private school costs 36,500 yuan. result, and after the school found that appropriate measures have been taken; Liang Liqing transfer was due to the nearest school, according to the corresponding provisions of the relevant procedures, not private schools causes Liang Liqing transfer. In this regard, private schools may reject the appeal and upheld the original verdict.

parents send him to hundreds of kilometers of well-known private school, and signed with the school, the whole school graduation fee. I thought since you can no longer worry about his son's school. Who knows, my son entered junior middle schools, it actually took place with the school, a girl puppy love, so that learning be seriously affected. To school, parents had to transfer her son to re-reading of origin. To this end, both sides should focus on whether the school fee refund, and whether the schools should bear the liability of disagreement, and the lawsuit went to court.

judges say

students puppy who is to blame two very different outcome of the trial

helpless transfer dispute over a dispute complaint litigation forum

2004 in the second half, 13-year-old Liang Liqing body into the growth and development of secondary sexual characteristics began to appear, along with mental changes, school girls with Chen Xue he produced a different kind of Sentiment. Chen Xue out with puberty come in slim, beautiful, pleasant, unique girl's emotional heart began to sprout in Chen Xue. First love boys and two girls, in the joint study produced a love for each other and build a relationship. As the two young puppy love can not correctly handle the relationship with the learning, the joy of simply being immersed in love, academic performance has been greatly affected.

Court, after hearing that the school should be based on the characteristics of minor physical and mental development of students, guiding them on social life, mental health counseling, and adolescent education. For education in school age students with bad behavior, schools and parents or other guardians should be exercised with each other. Case, Liang Liqing learning in school boarding school girls with the same occurred during the early love, the two sides to pass a note text contains incompatible with both the age of unhealthy contents, private schools, after the discovery puppy love a longer period of time the problem is not taken within appropriate measures of student counseling, education, private schools did not perform as appropriate discipline obligation to Liang Liqing affect physical and mental development, private schools should be allowed to Liang Liqing transfer, and refund part of school fees. Liang Liqing to pay private school to high school in fourth grade and third grade of school fees, but its only private school to junior high school in second grade, the actual net Liang Liqing school student fees should be paid during the remaining part of the private schools to be refunded by the more fair and reasonable. According to the approved private school fee charges, Liang Liqing in private schools since the fourth grade school to junior high school sophomore, should pay the school fees of 2.65 million, Liang Liqing actually pay school fees as well as 53,500 yuan deposit 500 total of 54,000 yuan RMB, private schools should be returned to 27,500 yuan. Liang Liqing request the court to order the return of private school costs 36,moncler doudoune,500 yuan, a reasonable portion of their hospital support, the excess shall not be supported.

court, Liang Liqing father Liang Yiming as agent claimed: their own school signed an agreement with private schools, private schools, the son of Liang Liqing to attend fourth grade in 2004 and 2005, found his son in a private place their puppy love, school girls with the same delivery note containing adult content, and the occurrence of contacts with girls , drinking, smoking and so on, which also appeared in a trance, anorexia, insomnia, anxiety and other conditions. himself and his wife several times to reflect the situation of private schools, private schools required to take measures to strengthen education, but private schools have not dealing results of this end, we are forced to apply for a transfer procedures. , mismanagement, should bear the corresponding responsibilities, school fees and the return of compensation for economic losses.

two days of school, is the most important junior year. However, happens at this stage, the son of a sharp decline in performance, which makes Liang Liqing parents very anxious. First half of 2005, the son of the first two days into the semester the learning phase, the son of results in order to find reasons for the decline, Liang Liqing parents increased the number of times to visit his son, and careful observation, finally found his son and Chen Xue passed a lot of note, more content related to love. This allows Liang Liqing parents suddenly realized that his son had puppy love with the female students.

hopeful son of puppy love school choice at their own expense results fall

is now 18-year-old Liang Liqing Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province, people, and he was intelligent, study hard, earned good grades, so that parents are very proud of. After elementary school, Liang Liqing parents reading to his son's school is not very satisfied with the quality of teaching, in order to let his son have a better learning environment, so that his son's academic standards have greatly improved, Liang Liqing's parents have been wondering to his son to better school to school.

In order to successfully transfer, handling the transfer formalities for his son, Liang Liqing's parents also did not mention any financial problems. Son to learn such transfer and stabilized, Liang Liqing's parents went to private school, to his son in private school during the school fails to fulfill the responsibility of management education, resulting in occurrence of puppy love his son, seriously affecting their studies, resulting in his son was forced to transfer to by, requiring schools to refund fees paid by the school, and compensate the resulting loss. Schools that students love, is something the students themselves, the school can only be guidance and education, but students can not coercive. Under the agreement, the school should not be returned Liang Liqing parents to pay school fees, compensation for losses is non-existent. Thus,doudoune moncler pas cher, the school refused Liang Liqing parents request. After several fruitless negotiations, June 19, 2008,群号为“小贝的家”爱心群中At the same time, why they buy the More than 20 million one-time investment, over $ 2 million per year operating subsidy, Deqing school bus may have to promote? After the school bus on the road can not really enjoy the Many looking forward to drive to school their children around, people are invariably have a variety of questions., Liang Liqing Liang Yiming father to son, Liang Liqing for the plaintiff to himself as legal representative, came to Wuxi city, Jiangsu Province People's Court, a paper civil complaint, the private Appeal to court seeking the return of private school costs 36,500 yuan, and compensation for loss of 3 million.

2009 年 6 25, Wuxi Intermediate People's Court made the final decision, the verdict returned Liang Liqing private school costs 27,500 yuan.

son of puppy love,moncler, extraordinary child's play. Liang Liqing parents immediately communicate with the school, hoping to prevent his son's puppy love with Chen Xue. Schools were also looking for Liang Liqing and Chen Xue talk, and strengthening education. However, Liang Liqing and Chen Xue personally guaranteed learn, do not fall in love, secretly still go its own way, more so. In this regard, schools and parents are helpless. In desperation, Liang Liqing parents realized that only her son away from Chen Xue, in order to cut off two of puppy love. So, August 29, 2005, Liang Liqing parents to the nearest school grounds, apply to transfer to private schools, private schools to be agreed, Liang Liqing son back to the origin of their parents reading.

argued that private schools: Liang Liqing in September 2000 to attend our school. Our school in September 2004 for Liang Liqing be aware of the problem of puppy love, to July 2005, our school has taken appropriate measures to promptly communicate with Liang Liqing parents were just as Liang Liqing better academic performance, so underestimation of the severity. Therefore, our school has done to the educational responsibility, not liability. Advocated for Liang Liqing school fees, Liang Liqing five years studying in my school, the annual school fee is $ 10,000, so our school is willing to return the remaining 3,500 yuan.

de0ihq8g3 03.12.2011 0 164

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