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polo ralph lauren pas cher Shrimp

first: Spicy Shrimp material: sea shrimp number and back to open side. Chili, pepper some ginger, garlic slices, onion and shredded pickled pepper a few, also sliced ​​ginger foam. 1. pot into the oil, remember to little more than usual amount of meat dishes as fried oil and more oil to double it big fire hot, pour the shrimp. 2. fry for a while, add dried chili and pepper, stir fry, heat oil to taste the spicy and hemp are 3. a spicy taste and hemp, add ginger and garlic pieces, pickled, hot ginger (do not put the onions first) 4. Stir ginger and garlic flavor, add soy sauce, white sugar right amount, a little wine. Going to pot, add onion, stir add salt. Then serve. Figure: second: ketchup prawns material: prawns half a catty, two spoonfuls of green beans, bamboo shoots a little, ginger, onion , sugar, tomato paste, salt, starch, monosodium glutamate amount. practice: 1, large prawns cut off the head and long legs required to wash and drain, bamboo shoots, green beans and wash stand. 2, red-hot pot of oil, saute ginger and onions, fry until golden on both sides into five prawns cooked, add wine, salt, a little water to seal stew for three minutes till the tomato sauce thicken the sauce, to the plate 3, red-hot pot of oil, bamboo shoots and stir fry green beans with salt, MSG, wet powder, starch and pour over prawns until after the roll side, and serve. third: fried prawns material: live large shrimp: 350 grams of soy sauce: 20 grams of onion: 2 grams of vinegar: 15 grams , sugar: 25 grams of cooked vegetable oil: 500 grams, Shao liquor: 15 g (Do not worry about costs of oil consumption of 50 grams Oh!) production methods: 1, cut the shrimp clamp to be foot washing net drain the water. (Must be clean, should not affect appetite) 2, under the vegetable wok, stir till Jiucheng heat (emerging young black smoke), will continue to promote shrimp wok hand spoon, about 5 seconds. that is picked up with a colander, until the oil temperature rose to insure that hot, then deep-fried shrimp, 10 seconds into the complex, so that the meat and the shell was torn off and remove with a strainer. (Note that risk, not burning) 3, pour the oil pan, add onions a little stir, pour into the cooked shrimp, rice wine, soy sauce (not too much more impact on shrimp color, pretty ), sugar and a little water, vinegar Britain moving into the cooking pan, pan plate Serve Note: fresh prawns should be uniform in size. Two-speed oil-fried with Wang (note the place, which is the key place), cooked to bring juice to make shrimp shell burst processes. (The principle of heating or cooling) flavor characteristics: meat is tender, adding with a sweet and sour, unique flavor. fourth: gold butterfly shrimp raw materials: the original only South American prawns, flour, bread crumbs, eggs practice: 1. shrimp, peeled and split open left end of the last section of shrimp not 2. preparation of flour, bread crumbs, eggs, Beat back 3. in accordance with eggs - flour - bread crumbs in order 4. turn the shrimp wrap Well, put the oil pan, till 6 into the heat, the pot Zhashu {Shrimp} Serve Figure: fifth: kimchi burst shrimp < br> Ingredients: shrimp accessories: Sichuan pickles, green and red pepper, radishes spices: salt, chicken, soy sauce, sugar, cooking wine, chili cooking methods: 1 , the green and red pepper, radishes, kimchi were cut into small, oil into wok until the oil heat, add shrimp fried until golden crisp; 2, pot stay in base oil, dried chili next , pickles, pepper, radish fire stir-fry, add wine, sugar, soy sauce, chicken, salt and seasoning, stir shrimp into the pan can be tasty. Features: Sauvignon pickles, appetizer with rice. Figure Sixth: colorful tofu shrimp ball Material: 3 boxes egg tofu, shrimp 6 2, 6 two fish paste, yellow, green peas Jen a little pickled shrimp Ingredients: 3 tablespoons cornstarch, salt, ginger, 2 tablespoons water Seasoning: 1 tablespoon cornstarch, pepper practice: wash drying chopped shrimp, and fish, salted shrimp paste and mix well for the filling. tofu cut wafer stick cornstarch, in the two intervening into the filling tube was like, all good reserve. frying pan into the use of oil to the fire added to the fried tofu into shape after the temperature, move disk medium large steam for 8 minutes. to water will be yellow, green peas, boiled Jen picked up after, another pot add pepper and cornstarch and pour boiling roll to disk. seventh: PTO shrimp raw peas: peas, shrimp, red pepper, yellow pepper, ginger, egg spices: salt, the wife happy chicken, starch, salad oil practice: 1, shrimp peeled, leaving tail shrimp and shrimp back break open. Salt, the wife happy chicken, starch, egg white to shrimp sizing, then down into the warm oil, boiled and set aside. 2, peas, red pepper pieces, yellow pepper pieces with oil boiled, picked up. 3, pot stay in base oil, add ginger, stir fry, stir fry down into all the raw materials, thicken after seasoning, and serve. Eighth: lobster salad material: cooked frozen lobster 1 (about 500 grams), half a lettuce, 1 can of integrated fruit cans, a little white salad dressing, shrimp eggs a little practice: 1, after natural thawing lobster first and then cut diagonal pieces peeled. 2, shredded lettuce soaked in cold water and drain water, put the plate on the center. 3, play Kay comprehensive open, canned fruit, drain and then into the top of lettuce. 4, will cut the lobster meat, placed over fruit salad dressing and then get on the end, sprinkle shrimp in the egg can be. ninth kinds: fresh lily figs shrimp Ingredients: fresh lily a (break apart), peas (beans or honey) 2 2, shrimp 80 grams, Tofu 1 (cut) practice: 1. Tofu first rushed a little cornstarch on both sides (can be siphoning off the surface of the water, frying is not easy rotten), a small fire with a pan fry until both sides golden, spare . 2. Tofu first rushed a little cornstarch on both sides (can be siphoning off the surface of the water, frying is not easy rotten), a small fire with a pan fry until both sides golden, set aside. 3. shrimp fry first (or Zhuoshu), put salt to taste. Fry garlic until fragrant and soft under the snow peas. other materials together into the mix, the next gravy thicken. Sauce: 1 tsp oyster sauce, soy sauce, sugar, Banchi, 2 tsp cornstarch, water amount. tenth type: melon shrimp soup (plus a soup of the practice, the method is simple, both light and delicious) materials: half a melon, four shrimp, some scallops, a little parsley rub. practice: 1. melon slices. 2. ginger blast pot. 3. join melon pieces and stir-fry. 4. add water, then add shrimp and scallops. 5. After opening up a large Huoao coriander, salt to taste. eleventh type: Citrus shrimp [materials] shrimp 250 grams, nine manufacturing dried tangerine peel 15 grams. [seasoning] 35 grams of sugar, salt, monosodium glutamate 5 grams, 5 grams of rice wine, spring onion, 3 grams, ginger is not 2 grams of sesame oil 2 g oil 500 g (real consumption of 15 grams), Tom 50 grams. [procedures] 1. That need to be cut shrimp, washed and drained water; Citrus cut at the end. 2. Heat the pan, add shrimp, fried with hot cooked immediately after Wang remove. 3. Pot stay in base oil, add onions, ginger stir incense, add wine, soup, salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate, dried tangerine peel and shrimp with the sauce slowly in the fire, the last drops of sesame oil, pan plate. [Featured Reviews] tender and delicious, slightly sweet and sour orange peel. Citrus fried shrimp is fried shrimp taste expansion. [essentials tips] burst shrimp hot oil to be busy, a blast into. twelfth species: material mixed with shrimp asparagus: asparagus 300 grams, eight shrimp, garlic 2 red peppers 1 Seasoning: salt, sugar, sesame oil 1 / 2 tsp salad oil 1 tablespoon practice: 1, peeled garlic, red pepper stalks, washed, all mince; asparagus to remove the roots, slashing the old skin, wash, cut short; to intestinal mud shrimp pick, wash, cut sections in half back; 2, the pot into the half pot water to boil, add asparagus, boil hot, remove to cold water showers, drain backup; 3, then the pot of water to boil, add shrimp and boil hot to change color, remove, drain the water, poured into a dish, add remaining ingredients and A and mix well and serve. tenth three: gold shrimp care Ingredients: white in bag 4, 4 tablespoons shrimp paste, egg 1, white sesame amount. Ingredients: salt, cornstarch, pepper, the right amount. practice: 1, bread cut into two-inch diameter circular block, shrimp paste and seasonings and mix well. 2, will pave the shrimp paste in bread cubes surface, glue the egg and sesame seeds, heat the pan fry until golden on both sides, then drain the oil until hot to eat. Note: when thin rubber coating shrimp, or fried bread, cooked shrimp yet. XIV kinds: flowers prawns [] Shandong cuisine belongs [Features] elegant, delicious and nutritious. [raw] fresh shrimp 250 grams of chicken breast 25 grams, egg 20 grams ham 15 grams, 15 grams yellow cake, seaweed 15 grams of red pepper skin 15 grams coriander leaves 15 grams, 5 grams of salt , Shao liquor 15 grams, onions 15 grams, ginger 10 grams, 100 grams broth, sesame oil 5 grams of starch 50 grams. [production process] will pick the prawns to the sediment ridge ribs, remove the shrimp, peel into the shrimp, leaving tail to the leg, washed with water from the abdominal profile, deep knife split into thirds, so that back connected. Crosswise on the flesh side profile knife, with salt, rice wine pickled tasty. Ham, yellow cake, red pepper, cut into small skin are like the eyelids. Chicken breasts to the net fascia, chopped fine mud, add onions, ginger, salt, rice wine, broth, sesame oil, stir into the stuffing, wipe evenly divided on the shrimp. Whipped egg white into the egg foam into the bowl, add dry starch paste to reconcile into the egg foam, foam paste the eggs were put on the surface of meat, prawns, and then ham, red peppers, cake, coriander leaves, seaweed, etc. into a decorative color pattern, plate inside the cage, steamed out of the use of fire, water decanter net, placed in the tray. Wok add broth, salt, stir boiling, skim foam, hook into the stream with wet starch thicken, pour sesame oil, pour in the shrimp body Serve. XV species: sweet lemon sesame shrimp material: headless prawns 125 grams, bread 25 grams, sesame seeds 6 grams, monosodium glutamate 0.5 g, salt 0.5 g, starch 8.5 g, 18 g lemon juice, eggs, 18.5 g, 105 g oil. production process: 1. will remain headless peeled shrimp tails, shrimp transferred to the line, clean, open from the middle into a knife, put a bowl add MSG, salt and tasty. 2. egg custard with cornstarch bearing adjustment, bread cut into 10. 3. uniform batter dip shrimp, sesame side glue, then placed on a slice of bread, hand tap. 4. arms fire pan, next to the boiling oil, the side away from the fire place, the prawns into the oil with gentle heat until golden brown dip, picked up, put the dish Serve, lemon juice when serving above. flavor characteristics: shrimp, fresh bread, incense, fragrant with sesame and lemon juice, sweet flavor. XVI kinds: film prawn soup material: prawns 3, fritters 1, 4 lettuce, green onions 1. Seasoning: 1, a little flour; 2, 1 tablespoon cooking wine, broth 5 cups, 1 teaspoon salt, pepper. practice: 1, prawns, shelled, the net pumping mud intestine, the mucus washed with flour caught, then rinse, drying of water, then slice thin; 2, fritters, chopped , frying and then deep-fried crisp, remove and drain oil purifier, laying in the bowl, the other into the shredded lettuce, add chopped green onion, then slice thin film spread on top of prawns; 3, the seasonings ( 2) boil, Drizzle, the soup boiled prawns film use, and serve hot. focus Tips Tips: 1, prawns must be fresh to do the soup, or smell heavy. 2, that the head of the prawn great, lost unfortunately, can be fried after incense burning soup poured wine, reserved for his use, but not suitable in the soup, unless mixed with chicken soup, and after filter. 3, in addition to prawns, fresh fish can be eaten the same way. seventeenth kinds: Braised Prawns Ingredients: shrimp 4-6 head accessories: onions, ginger, cooking wine, salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, vinegar, the amount practice: pot into the base oil pan, stir the shrimp, after a good deal into the spring onion, ginger, cooking wine, add chicken broth, salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar , vinegar (a drop). Until the juice will do, remove the prawns, add the remaining juice, sesame oil, stir well, pour over shrimp, and you can. shrimp processing: the shrimp to be, legs, remove the head of the prawn at the top of the sandbags, cut along the ridge of shrimp to the tail, remove the sand line. Description: this shrimp was light, good shrimp flavor. If Fen wine with white wine is best to use, because the smell of the wine taste too thick will cover the shrimp, a high degree of alcohol is better, shrimp can better explain the fragrance of wine, strong sense of hierarchy. Do not think Erguotou very cheap, in fact, with this channel is very suitable for shrimp. In addition, Qingdao Laoshan Mineral brewed beer is also very appropriate, tasty, could well reflect the shrimp extract the delicate, soft white. eighteenth kinds: fried shrimp materials: shrimp 10 ounces, diced green onion, ginger, garlic and pepper at the end of the opening 1 tablespoon cornstarch 5 tablespoons . seasonings: salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper. pickled material: wine 2 tablespoons salt 1 / 2 tsp. practice: 1. Ministry of shrimp to be cut, removing intestinal mud, wash, drain water to marinade and marinate for 20 minutes. 2. pan till the eighth of the heat, put the shrimp coated with cornstarch, fry until crisp and golden. 3. separate from the pan with 1 tablespoon fried onion, ginger, garlic, hot pepper at the end, then the shrimp down, thrown into the sauce and stir well. Cooking Guide: 1. dish with shrimp Lo (thin, tender) to do, good taste. fried shrimp less oil, not soy, wine, crisp fried shrimp in order to avoid the anti-surge, but not crisp. XIX species: emerald shrimp Preparation time: 15 minutes Cooking time: 20 minutes characteristics: are their delicious natural fragrance, with the appropriate rank and file expected to taste, good taste even more delicious, absolutely sight, smell, taste of the small material: prawns (fresh shrimp) 500g, broccoli 1 / 2 (200g), carrots, 1 garlic 2 tablespoons (30g), white pepper 1 / 2 teaspoon (3g ), water, starch 2 tablespoons (30ml), oil 1 tablespoon (15ml), each food-rich seafood soup hanging juice 2 tablespoons fresh TM (30ml). practice: 1. prawns to the head stripped of skin, into the boiling pot boil for a short 2 minutes after the shower stand out; to wash broccoli, divided into small pieces; carrots, peeled, cut into round film; then boil for a short, respectively, into the boiling pot for 2 minutes, drain the water stand; 2. the fire heating the oil in wok until hot till 5 to put the garlic until fragrant, then followed up into the prepared shrimp, broccoli and carrot flowers small, with stir fry 2 minutes; 3. slowly hook into the water, starch, to be transferred after a thick white sauce, pepper collection and every rich food, seafood on the Tom, hanging fresh TM juice can. Tips: If no fresh shrimp, shrimp can be used instead of cooking. second ten kinds: fish-flavored shrimp material: net prawns 350 grams, 40 grams hot red pepper, soy sauce 10 grams of salt, 3 grams, 30 grams of sugar, vinegar, 30 grams of cooking wine 15 grams, ginger 15 grams, 15 grams minced garlic, chopped green onion 25 grams, 2 grams of MSG, water, soy flour 30 g, 50 g dried soy flour, 2 eggs,lacoste pas cher, broth, 200 grams, peanut oil 500 grams (consumption of 100 grams). Method: 1. peeled shrimp to the head, to remove impurities from the shrimp back in the seam under the knife, slice into two, remove the black sand gland, each cut into two pieces off, bowl and add wine, salt Code taste, eggs, soy flour plus dried into a paste, mix the shrimp. 2. Take a bowl, soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, cooking wine, monosodium glutamate, soup, water, soy flour, the juice into the fish-flavored. 3. pot heat the oil till the Liucheng, paragraph by paragraph into the shrimp, fried fish a little, until the oil temperature rise, then wok, deep fry turning crisp surface when picked up. 4. tossed away the pot more than oil, under the hot pepper, red Stir, add onions, ginger, garlic, Stir flavor, cooked into the fish-flavored sauce, stir well, then add the shrimp section, stir evenly, transfer to a plate and serve. Garlic juice can also stir the dish, so the Zhan Shi. Twenty-one: red peppers burst shrimp Ingredients: in 1 kg of shrimp, 2 teaspoons garlic, chopped 2 green onions, Chuanjiao flour 1 tsp. Ingredients: Marinade: salt 1 / 4 teaspoon sesame oil, Ku amount of powder, 2 teaspoons egg white, cornstarch and a half tablespoons. cornstarch 1 / 4 teaspoon water 1 tablespoon salt 1 / 4 tsp. practice: 1, Chuanjiao placed in the pan, saute slowly in, Chung broken, weed out the powder is Chuanjiao powder. (Fried flour does not fall Chuanjiao oil) 2, the peeled deveined shrimp, leaving only the back end of the shell, dry clean water. 3, shrimp, cut back, remove the intestines, add marinade and marinate for ten minutes, soak the oil. 4, 2 tablespoons of oil, saute garlic, Chuanjiao powder, under the shrimp, stir a teaspoon of wine praise, Thickening, even on a pocket under the onion dish. -second kinds: apple crisp shrimp material: apple, shrimp 300 grams, onion 2 seasonings: (1) salt 1 / 2 teaspoon lemon juice 1 tsp. (2) salt 1 / 4 teaspoon, 1 egg white, cornstarch 1 tsp. (3) cornstarch 1 / 3 teaspoon practice: 1, green onions cut into small pieces; to the head and tail and core apples, cut into small diamond-shaped small to seasoning (1) bubble for 10 minutes. 2, shrimp deveined mud, wash and drain the water with a cloth for drying, salt in the seasoning (2) 30 minutes. 3, wok pan, into the oily pan 3 cup 2 times to set fire to four minutes in the hot, slippery shrimp into the open, under Apple's small, to color you can remove and drain shrimp. 4, 1 tablespoon oil pan left, saute onion, into the shrimp, small apples and seasonings (3) and stir evenly, then thicken. Twenty-three: Shrimp chow mein noodles materials] 500 grams of cooked chicken, shrimp 50 grams of water, sea cucumber 25 g, 20 g soybean oil, soy sauce, pepper 5 grams of water, salt 3 grams diced green onion, ginger, 2 grams, soup 150 grams. [production process] 1, the noodles cooked with water, remove and cool off with cold water, dry control water stand; 2, the shrimp, sea cucumber, sliced ​​chicken, pot plus base oil, oil nowadays cooked chicken pieces, shrimp stir-fried, five mature nowadays sea cucumber, add diced green onion, ginger, soy sauce, pepper water, salt, monosodium glutamate, add appropriate amount of soup, then mix the noodles into the pot fried, fried dried to moisture can be. Twenty-four: family portrait Mushroom Shrimp Ingredients: Li line about 400 grams of canned chicken broth 1 cup crisp fried flour 2 tablespoons custard flour 1 / 2 tablespoon, about 180 grams shrimp jen, carrots, celery, fresh mushrooms, each about 100 grams, ginger wine 1 teaspoon, Salt to taste. Ingredients: Sauce Ingredients: cornstarch 3 / 4 teaspoon water 3 tablespoons. seasonings: salt, sugar and 1 / 2 teaspoon pepper, sesame oil amount. practice: 1, Lai planing taro skin, cut the first slice after the cut filament, even fishing off pinch of salt to soften, add crisp fried flour, custard powder and then leveling fishing, shrimp marinated wash, bubble tender oil shovel out. 2, the line wire four to five long curved mountain of bouquets, placed in stainless steel bowl into the hole tainted Nestle-like, to another the same steel bowl gently press on it, put the fire in deep fry. 3, diamond-cut celery, diced carrots, fresh mushrooms to the feet, the top draw knife, were to fly water, salt and simmer cooked with chicken broth. 4, Heat wok, saute celery and a tablespoon of the oil drop and so on, add shrimp, add wine and seasonings, thicken with gravy buried material, containing at Nestle in the dish. Twenty-five: raw shrimp double flowers : cauliflower, broccoli cut into small pieces of each one, a carrot cut diamond films, together with hot water boiled. amount of sea shrimp, peel shrimp after shrimp cut to the back line, with a small amount of cooking wine, salt, ginger chicken and tasty late flooded stains. production process: the pot heat the oil till the eighth when the shrimp until fragrant, pour the boiled carrots good double flowers and stir into the amount of sugar, salt, pepper fry, pan before hook thin qian. Twenty-six: a delicious lobster balls Ingredients: 900 grams of lobsters. Ingredients: ginger, onion, wine, salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper, egg, pork, ham, coriander leaves. practice: take 900 grams of about lobsters, lobsters by the method of cooking raw chopped up meat, and the lobster meat, cut into equal ten, with ginger, onions,polo ralph lauren, wine, salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper, egg, mix well, a little salt for 10 minutes; pigs network cut a small box, on top a small piece of ham and coriander leaves, put into a pattern, add the lobster meat, pack into a block, the lobster meat, lobster head, put into a lobster-like tail, on the steamer, stir cook 6-7 minutes, a thin paste with the juice topped hook. twenty-seventh: fresh fried shrimp cakes Ingredients: sand shrimp in 500 grams of green onions 60 grams, 5 grams of salt, allspice 0.2 g, 30 g oil generation , white hair powder, 150 grams, 100 grams of water, white vinegar, 150 grams, 150 grams of sugar, chili sauce 25 grams, 50 grams of tomato sauce, sesame oil 5 grams water 30 grams wet powder, oil generation 1000 g (consuming 150 grams). practice: 1, the first sand shrimp head and tail cut off with scissors and small, add salt, table onion, allspice and salt and mix well the first 5 minutes, then add white hair powder, oil generation 30 grams. Mix with water, into the shrimp cakes pulp aside. 2, the tripod pan, add oil source, oil-designate to the oil pan 180 degrees Celsius, the slurry poured into shrimp cakes on a shovel in the tripod, tripod piece by piece into the oil and deep fry crisp and cooked was golden yellow, picked up, put a knife cut into puzzle pieces on the font in the plate, the plate side to embellishment. 3, the white vinegar, sugar, tomato sauce, red pepper sauce into the tripod and bring to boil, thicken with wet powder in water, and finally add sesame oil, with a small bowl of candy, with the seats Serve with shrimp cakes. Twenty-eight kinds: fried shrimp, scallops Jen shoots tablets Ingredients: 100 g macadamia nuts, bamboo shoots tablets, capsules, each 100 grams of asparagus, scallops 4, fresh Shrimp 160 grams, half a carrot. Ingredients: seasonings: pepper, salt, sugar, a little. practice: 1, peeled shrimp to the first, singled out black sausage, carrots, peeled and diced. 2, scallops, shrimp stir fry dish first oil. 3, from the pan, put down the tablets of bamboo shoots, asparagus and carrot grain particles, stir well, add scallops shrimp stir fry, stew slightly after the release of the water a little seasoning, add nuts and stir well Serve. Note: cooking this dish can also be used other nuts instead of macadamia nuts, vegetables with broccoli instead of asparagus. Twenty-nine kinds: shrimp tofu soup Ingredients: cloth tofu 3, crab, scallops, shrimp jen, spots meat, fresh mushrooms, white bacteria, food away, carrots, each about 50 grams protein, an amount of cornstarch 1 tablespoon water (or broth) 3 cups white wine 1 teaspoon pepper, sesame oil, salt and the amount. Ingredients: seasonings: salt, sugar, 4 teaspoons, pepper, sesame oil amount. practice: 1, tofu cut dice-shaped cloth with a hot roll flooding; white fungus, nail pieces were cut away food size, diced carrots, fresh mushrooms Diqie film; were flying water. 2, scallops, shrimp, pork belly spot were mixed with a quarter of the seasoning salt, flying water; crab meat picked crab with hot water heat. 3, white fungus, fresh mushrooms, carrots, and vegetables with the remaining seasonings far plus one teaspoon of salt and simmer until tasty. 4, Heat wok, drop a half tablespoons of oil, touched alcohol, add tofu, seafood and mushrooms,polo ralph lauren pas cher, vegetable species, pour in the water (or soup) boil, thicken with wet powder buried, and finally mix the protein Add and mix well, drop a little pepper, sesame oil, filled in the pot in the Serve. third ten kinds: Bitter Melon river shrimp Features: small fire soup a boil, in order to maintain fresh; longer immersed in the marinade, tasty good. Material: Bitter Melon (Momordica charantia) 100 grams, 150 grams freshwater shrimp, onion 1, ginger 5 grams pepper 5, 5 grams of salt, sesame oil, 2 grams, monosodium glutamate, the amount of wine. production methods: 1. Wash the support of the Bitter Melon flesh, oblique slice into thick slices into the boiling pot, boiled, remove and control to the water, add salt, MSG, sesame oil, pickled tasty, queuing in the tray into a hollow circle. 2. listen to the impurities in the fresh shrimp, shrimp gun to be, legs, placed with onions, ginger, pepper, cooking wine, salt, monosodium glutamate modulation of the marinade in low heat till foaming Guobian shrimp have discoloration, remove and let cool, put in the tray of the hollow circle Serve. thirty-one: a taste of shrimp, shrimp flavor profile According to research, the taste of shrimp from 90 years in Changsha South door, the family name for a hole devaluation, After many schools, education appeared to send the South Street entrance camp, practice can be divided into several, to today, now the mainstream spicy. Second, shrimp shrimp, Changsha people like to call it for the lobster, in fact, is not, where there are so many lobsters eat ah, not to mention, have a lobster in the ocean, which is the growth of shrimp in the lake; large shrimp about five inches long, double clamp, hard shell; legend was introduced from Australia, and later, there is no natural enemies, out of everywhere, even like holes in the embankment below, endangering the party, growing very fast, and now, Changsha while eating it while the people from harm with an expression. three practices: (many methods, only the introduction of three) 1, boiled the broth boil, the shrimp into the pot simmer for 15 minutes to salvage weapons can be. Or spicy taste to do with their own linen or light seasoning or bowl, stripped of hard shell to eat dip. features: tender meat, word of easy to adjust. 2, add the marinade The broth stewed with good medicine (family, consider buying ready-made halogen powder), to see the pot size and other circumstances into account, how much of the shrimp, boil with high heat first five minutes, then simmer for twenty minutes after the pot together with a little chopped green onion garlic mix down to. features: fragrant, tender and delicious. 3, taste shrimp This is the most popular actions. first shrimp go in one pot + boiling water, until the shrimp turn red all the time, pot. The frying pan in oil till the shrimp is cooked pot fierce speculation, except green onion and condiments will be prepared into the outside of all: where: fierce hot pepper, ginger, pepper, salt, soy sauce, fermented bean curd is essential, fried After more than a dozen fried, put the point a little wine, add water to the main ingredient of the half, cover the pot, smoldering ten minutes, pot filled bowl, add chopped green onion. features: a unique taste, appetizing cuisine. Note: 1, be sure to buy shrimp back to the first break its back, with a small brush to carefully clean! Do not be dead shrimp. 2,polo lacoste pas cher, the amount of seasoning used to see their own tastes own choice. 3, really do not know how to do it to long Shanan door visits.

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