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kids North Face Jackets Shar Pei
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Shar Pei, English name SharPei, produced in Dali Town, Nanhai, Guangdong, China area, is one of the world were kind of fighting dogs. It is generally 46-56 cm tall, weighing about 22-27 kilograms, shape of a square. Its unique shape: the first like hippopotamus, mouth like watt tube, triangular eyes, blue tongue, full of childhood body skin folds. It is known as Shar Pei. Standard form: the back is short, petite body, big head than body, black nose and dark blue tongue, face and body wrinkles deeper the better, small and drooping ears. Wool and hair color: hair short and rigid, like a stuck brush-like growth. Appearance seems to look melancholy, full of sad, dignified Shar-Pei, in fact, the mood is very cheerful, lively, playful fun.

Chinese Scientific Name: another name Shar-Pei: Shar-Pei sector: Animalia Phylum: chordates subphylum: vertebrates Amon Gang: Mammalia subclass: real beast sub-schema: Carnivora suborder: dog-shaped suborder Section: Canidae is: Canis distribution area: China


Introduction to personality traits Shar Pei Shar Pei AKC Standard FCI Standard [Introduction] [History] [Properties] [head] [ear ] [eye] [body] [Hair] [foot] [tail] [height] Historical Introduction to the origin of the name of keeping control elements of a healthy diet the incidence of clinical diagnosis diagnosis and treatment to prevent discussion of purchase points to buy the appearance of the standard role of the use of common sense Shar-Pei why more dog There are dog breeds. With the king of the air, alert, intelligent, dignified, noble, worried, calm and proud, a little nature neutral and indifferent to strangers; but will have invested all of the love of family. Shar Pei stood there, looked calm and confident. Temperament is very happy, and gentle personality. Shar-Pei generally have seven colors: black, earth, white, red, gray, cream and chocolate color. Originated in Guangdong Province, Nanhai County, Dali township, its hair is short and hard, rough feel, like polished with sandpaper and therefore have Mingsha Pi dogs. The variety of sources, some people think that dog in the north to Guangdong Nanhai County, Khabarovsk, after selection by the local residents to cultivate long-term results, some more than 2,000 years of history. Han said the paintings had already found traces of it, was probably mainly as a wild boar hunting dogs attack. However, some people believe that the ancestors of the dog is still unknown. However, some breeders believe that it is rare according to the The dog into the United States, the strange appearance immediately became a popular breed. Because it has one born with loose folds of skin, and certainly thick enough, like fight the winner of the field, and thus by the Chinese people's love and welcome, The coat is short and rough, this is the salient features of the Shar-Pei is one. It's body hair straight and erect, but the general was slightly equatorial limbs. Footer short and rough hair feel rough when touched, usually looks like velvet and smooth hair in touch, the touch does have a velvety feel like, but the reverse stroke when the sandpaper, such as touch, the feeling seems to be burning, tearing, and When the hair feeling especially when erect. Shar-Pei of this feature, so that other animals can not bite it through your mouth. Loose skin, forming a large fold, which is another important feature of the Shar-Pei. Wrinkled skin young dog over the body and limbs, especially the head, neck and trunk covered how the amount of loose skin and wrinkles. As the dogs grow, gradually reduce the fold limbs. Folds of the adult dogs only in the head and shoulders, there is a significant facial folds, along the cheek from the eye until the mouth, the head of Shoulder fold is very conducive to being turned to break free from behind the attack. Shar Pei alert, dignified, active and strong, the side was a square, big nose and wide. Ears small, slightly rounded tip, triangular in shape, ear can curl, flat on the head, ears and move away from the wide, tip pointing eyes. Almond-like eyes and sagging skin due to many folds, which is very small, dark brown. Kiss broad and full, like Limbs, thick, strong and powerful, like toe shoes, known as the Tail thick, round base, gradually reduced to small pointed, curled in the back or side. Last high-bit, clearly exposing the anus Yang, Shar-Pei is a unique feature. Personality traits personality traits: hi can adapt to the cold winter climate, require frequent grooming, training

Shar Pei is not easy

, is not easy to get along with other dogs. Use change: Origin time: 16th century, first use: fighting dogs, sheep, hunting, and now use: companion dog origin origin: there is no other dog breed in similar shape and Shar Pei. Standards in China will describe its structure: conchoidal ears, butterfly nose, melon head, old lady face, buffalo neck, hip horse, dragon legs. The first export from Hong Kong to the United States breeding Shar-Pei have serious eye diseases, forced to repeat surgery. Subsequent breeding of these cases has been reduced, but still not able to reduce the high incidence of skin diseases. Shar-Pei is usually aggressive, the dog is not suitable for sensitive and willing to always wash your hair for the dog people. Body Weight: Height: 46 cm to 51 cm Weight: 16 kg 20 kg 12-year life span :11-coat characteristics: golden haired, red haired body features: padded snout, so aptly put prominent part of the nose roots, relative to the body, a larger proportion of its head, small ears attached at the near cheek, prickly coat is dense, erect, shoulders square legs are strong advantages and disadvantages of tilt Comments: very clean, can adapt to city life, But settle down better in the suburbs. But prone to skin and eye problems and hip dysplasia. Shar-Pei FCI standard FCI No.: 309 FCI Class: Group II: Binsuo and Schnauzer type dogs - Mastiff, the Swiss mountain dogs and cattle dogs Group Rui Shimu Height: male Sharpei shoulder height 18.9-20.1 inches ( 48.0-51.0 cm) shoulder height 18.1-18.9 inches Sharpei females (46.0-48.0 cm) Weight range: male Sharpei weight 35.3-44.1 lbs (16.0-20.0 kg) female Sharpei weight 33.1-39.7 lbs (15.0-18.0 kg ) head (head, face, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, muzzle, jaw, teeth) Head: accounting for a significant proportion of the body. Forehead and cheek skin and into the vertical wrinkle skin. Head flat and broad, the stop moderately developed. Skull: flat and wide. Stop: Moderate. Nose: large and wide, preferably black, consistent with the overall coat of any color nose is permissible. Nostrils wide open. Tone: the tone is a distinctive feature of these breeds. From the bridge of the nose to the tip of the nose open, without the slightest sign of cone. Lips and kiss good tip pads. Can have a protruding nose at the base. Tone: the tongue, mouth upper gum and drooping of the upper lip, to blue-black is the best. The tongue can have pink spots. Pure pink tongue is very unpopular, pale male Shar-Pei, whose tongue is

Shar Pei

pure lavender. Jaws / Teeth: Strong jaw is complete scissors bite, upper teeth closely linked to the lower teeth, lower jaw was square. The pads should not be too thick lower lip prevent occlusion. Eyes: dark, almond-eyed, with angry. For the pale dog, the light-colored eyes are also available. The role of eyes and eyelids never affected by the surrounding skin, wrinkles or hair interference. Eyes, conjunctiva or eyelids are welcome signs of any stimulus, refused to turn the eye. Ears: small, thin, equilateral triangle, slightly rounded tip, long in the skull at the top, tip, point to the eyes, the eyes are born before or above the ears from the wide, almost from the skull. Erect ears are very unpopular. Torso (neck, chest, ribs, waist and back, the front body, skin) Neck: medium length, thick, naturally connected with the shoulder. The skin under the neck is not too loose. Body: the body of an adult dog is very unpopular on the skin wrinkles, skin wrinkles unless the withers or at the end of the base, and these areas should be moderately wrinkled. Topline: The following withers slightly lower, and then increased to slightly above the waist. Back: Short and strong. Waist: short, wide, slightly arched was. Hip: a considerable level. Chest: Broad and deep, brisket touch elbows. Abdominal line: a slight increase in the waist. Limbs (precursor, shoulders, upper limbs, plastic bones and joints, plastic bones, paws, hind legs, thigh, hock, hock joints and nails) Forequarters: forelegs straight, of moderate length, good bone. Foreleg skin wrinkles. Shoulder: muscular, calm, with the slope. Bone: micro-oblique, strong and flexible. Hindquarters: Muscular, strong, moderately bent, looking from behind the hindquarters are parallel and perpendicular to the ground. Upper thigh, lower part of the bone joints skin wrinkles and skin thickening are not very popular to fly. Hock: completely relax. Feet: size medium, close, not expansion. Good bonding toe section. Supreme hind claws.

Shar Pei

tail tail: tail thick and round, gradually turned into a fine tip. Quite high in the long tail, which is a characteristic of this species. Vertical tail may be very high and curved, or rolled into tight little circle, or just above the bend in the back. No tail or the tail dysgenesis is very unpopular. Gait / Movement preferred gait is trot. Gait Free, balanced and forward running a positive, strong hindquarters drive. When the speed increases, paws the ground area to move closer to the center line, forcing up foot gait undesirable. Disqualifications condition defects: Any departure from the foregoing points are regarded as defects, any apparent physical or behavioral disorders of the dog are a disqualification. * Aggressive, too shy or a black nose color other than cleft lip occurs on the dog's lower teeth located behind the canine teeth in the mouth closed, always have visible fangs with two eyes different colors (different colors) * ears can not erect ears, tail, hind end of defect-free defective hair color is black and tan Louis Vuitton Belts, gray lips or mouth to brown. Shar Pei AKC standard [Profile] name Shar-Pei, is because he has a tough coat, In the world, is the most precious dog. Wrinkles and sagging skin, temperament is very happy, and very gentle, and Fighting with other dogs, when victory is not perfectly, because the dog's loose skin, very easy to bite. This dog in the world is one of the most valuable species, Shar Pei have been to every place, are cause for much concern. [History] in the Chinese Han Dynasty era painting them, to see and Shar-Pei looked similar to the portrait. Therefore, the Shar-Pei can be the source of origin to the year 206-year partnership to recover 220 years ago was that in 2000, is the extinction of the large dog's offspring production in northern China and Tibet. Was a period of time, this type of dog are facing the danger of extinction. China dog tax in 1947 rising, so many people due to lack of profit and stop breeding Shar-Pei, so that gradually reduced the number of these breeds. By 1970, the U.S. breeder to make considerable efforts to extend this kind of dog. [Nature] Shar-Pei has a strong independence, and the polite, more love and human intimacy, bringing endless joy to human beings, these dogs very healthy, but more prone to eye disease, in order to prevent blindness must be timely treatment. Shar-Pei is very special, very clean, love is the best choice for feeding the family. Some Shar-Pei can also self-training. When these dogs were fighting dogs as China's, due to the instigation of breeders, so that the Shar-Pei can be a long time to do a continuous attack. [Head] Shar-Pei bonnet head is large and flat, wide forehead, nose, and black is better or the same color as the coat. Dark blue tongue is black is the most popular. Forehead and cheek have wrinkles. [Ear] thick ears small, triangular in shape. Toward the eye to droop. [Eyes] eyes were dark, medium size, looks like the frown. Muster a large nose. Snout very long, wide variety, compared with such superior. [Body] wide and thick chest, back short and strong, the skin is too loose for the Adult is not superior. [Hair] Shar-Pei dense coat is short and hard, straight hair covering the body, on foot the hair is lying flat, then the length of hair less than 2.5 cm. Coat colors are black, red, mustard yellow, cream and so on. Back of the thigh and the inside of the coat tail darker. Limbs, strong intensity, and well-developed muscles, the legs are straight, and hind legs and the angle of the body was great. [Foot] feet is very strong, moderate size, toes tight joints. [Tail] tail high and round, gradually tapering tail, the back bend. Sharp bend where the tail end. [Height] Height is 46 to 51 cm. Dali described the history of dogs, also known as sand dog is kept out of the world's number one at least of the dog, Shar-Pei trace records, about 2000 years of history, be sure Shar-Pei was used as fighting dogs in the past The training and breeding. Approximately to the early 1950s, Guangdong also Shar-Pei fighting games, to 60-70 years in China, the decline of this dog, but the Shar-Pei since the seventies into the United States after the U.S. launched a Shar Pei fever, China's Han Dynasty era painting them, to see and Shar-Pei looked similar to the portrait. Therefore, the Shar-Pei can be the source of origin to the year 206-year partnership to recover 220 years ago was that in 2000, is the extinction of the large dog's offspring production in northern China and Tibet. Was a period of time, this type of dog are facing the danger of extinction. China dog tax in 1947 rising, so many people due to lack of profit and stop breeding Shar-Pei, so that gradually reduced the number of these breeds. By 1970, the U.S. breeder to make considerable efforts to extend this kind of dog. Although the Shar Pei ancestors who are not clear, but its origin is disputed South China Sea without

Shar Pei

. Some experts believe that the breed first appeared in China's Han Dynasty. Excavated from the tomb of the statue can be used as an evidence that this statue made of clay with short legs, tail volume, the skin folds of the head and square shape. Dali, Nanhai, Guangdong origin for the Shar Pei, Shar Dali is a modern bulldog blood more recent ancestors. At that time, many villagers to gamble with dog fighting, and in the nearby waters of pirates and sailors will participate in dog fighting to pass the time. This is the ancestor of almost certificate Ming Shapi dog fighting. The dog in the structure seems to be very suitable for this Mao bite in the mouth is very uncomfortable. When the opponent from behind to bite Sharpei, because this special fur makes it easy to relax back to bite the opponent. On the breeding of dogs selected for breeding dogs and fierce fighting in the given artificial stimulation. Activities after the founding of the dog almost led to the extinction of Chinese purebred dogs, including Chow, the Tibetan Mastiff and Shar-Pei. 1950s only a small number of Shar beds many, being smuggled through the border of these Shar-Pei to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. It is a Between 1970 and 1975, there Sharpei rescue operation. A small group of people to retain the dog, around the search alive Sharpei, Sharpei found were shipped to Hong Kong and there are plans to breed. These early Shar Pei Sharpei is now the world's source of dog blood. They are the first to enter the United States and now around the world Sharpei Sharpei type. Some traditional Hong Kong breeders that have a huge head of the , many diseases, has already lost the Shar Pei as a As authentic Shar-Pei has in the past is a good pig hunting dogs, and later worked in bulldog, with its loose skin is not easy opponents attack the body, deep eyes and become difficult to injuries and other advantages of the blow. After a long period of careful cultivation and improvement, with its exotic looks, love the unique personality into the world of fashionable companion dogs. Origin of the name Shar-Pei name from its tough coat, Wrinkles and sagging skin, pleasant and gentle temperament, nothing like Fight with other dogs, often win, because this dog has bitten is not easy to loose skin. Feeding points Shar Pei lively, need regular exercise, coupled with short nasal passages, vigorous exercise easy to hypoxia, it is best early morning or evening walk with the outdoors. The dog skin folds are more easily hidden dirt and lead to bacteria, so particular attention to daily hygiene, or the dog susceptible to scabies and skin diseases. Xia Tianyi a bath twice a week, once a week in autumn. This dog should not be fed too much food, so too fat and health. As Shar Pei breed is flat surface and huge head, biting his bitches litter is difficult when the umbilical cord, so the labor is often required to midwifery, cut the umbilical cord and to prevent human deaths caused by childbirth. In addition, the Shar-Pei because of the special physiological structure asics 12, very susceptible to Entropion disease and rickets, they should be feeding and management of attention. Shar-Pei should pay attention to skin health, and more prone to skin wrinkles due to limb disease, frequent bathing, spray some perfume properly to prevent body odor. Shar-Pei than small dogs body, coupled with the large amount of its activities, so the feed

Shar Pei

preparation, the meat to be more, not less than 500 grams per day so, and add the same amount of dry cooked vegetarian. The meat first cooked, chopped, plus a small amount of water, after mixing with the dry feed material factors. Feed must be fresh and clean, dishes to be regularly cleaned and disinfected regularly. Fixed time every day feeding, and to limit it in 15 - 25 minutes, eat, eating utensils close to obsolete soon, let develop good eating habits. Every morning and afternoon, want to change a fresh drinking water. Shar Pei was originally a hunting and fighting dogs, usually love activity, so every day to give it sufficient time to walk and run and other activities. But we know that activity can not be excessive, because the dogs nose short, intense exercise is easy to hypoxia. This dog is a unique place is that it folds the skin more easily accumulate dust and other dirt, so pay particular attention to its clean, they are liable to suffer from scabies and other skin diseases. In spring and autumn, to give it every 7-10 days a bath, hot summer days, every other day should give it a bath. In the air humid rainy season, the best move to make it clean and dry environment to keep. After each bath, to be immediately used it to towel dry the skin. Summer, every day, brush it with a wet towel. Every 1-3 weeks for it to trim toenails. In addition, every week or so, for it to clear an ear wax and tartar, and water it with a dilute boric acid wash, to prevent the occurrence of keratitis. From the puppies from the time necessary to train it to pay attention to hygiene habits, to the required location defecation, urinating. Another point to note: Shar Pei poor immune function, disease susceptible to Entropion and rickets, the disease usually have to specifically prevent the occurrence. Shar-Pei diet healthy diet should be evenly with meat and vegetables, nutrition ratio of full, reasonable. Feed can be self-made, such as: corn 40% (used brown rice instead of 10%), pure wheat bran 5%, 10% of surface cake of pure bone meal 4%, salt 1%, plus fresh and clean beef

Shar Pei < / p> (small dairy bulls), cattle swine and sheep lung, duck and goose intestines, gut son, beheaded, duck feet, duck liver, offal and other 20% of the chopped vegetables and fruits, potatoes and chopped carrots 20% plus steamed or boiled water. Cooking time required for a variety of different feed, in order to prevent the half-cooked, char, rather than on feed nutrition and reduce the damage, must be animal feed, food type and feeding carrots, potatoes and other fruits and vegetables separately from feed and cooking, mixing feed . Feeding can also add the right amount of vitamin preparations. On this basis, around the can according to local conditions to make some adjustments. Qualified units and individuals can purchase a good business reputation and good quality professional manufacturers of full price dog food. Fixed time every day feeding, feeding the dog a good point to develop a regular habit. Dog dishes to clean and disinfected regularly. Provide fresh drinking water all day, every day in summer, changing the water once each afternoon. Winter and early spring to pay attention to the Shar-Pei, especially puppies warm defense work. Kennel should be sheltered, warm sun. Shar Pei dog is a sport, it should have enough venues to make it move around freely, dog owners often wipe with a soft towel in the Shar-Pei skin, make a cleaner and healthier dog, with 2% boric acid water to wash the dog, can prevent keratitis. Care of the dog, but also promote communication between dog people and deepened the feelings of each other. Control the incidence of diagnosis of an animal market in Guangzhou City, the purchase of four kinds of pet Shar Pei with which a lactating female dog, two 1-month-old female puppy, a 3-month-old male Shar Pei. Bitches purchase occurs when skin, due to failure to diagnose the cause and quarantine system is imperfect, with only 5% of the dogs every day Lysol disinfectant cleaning, two young Shar-Pei to continue breast-feeding, male dogs are housed in adjacent to the feeding room. Sharpei dogs fed daily with 2 kinds of times, each time adding a small amount of fish meal fed rice gruel, pork bone soup and salt, mixed feeding equipment, kennel without a thorough disinfection and sterilization. Therefore, the rapid spread of the disease, three infected puppies have the disease, three months after three puppies failure and death due to the body, Shar Pei disease mortality of 75%. Beagle dogs and dogs for lower susceptibility to mites, six months after purchase Shar-Pei, 16 housed in the Shar-Pei kennel adjacent to the Beagle dogs were only a mild infection, the incidence rate was 6.25 %, mortality rate was 0, dogs are no obvious infection. Clinical symptoms of infection after the onset of pet Shar Pei, depression, loss of appetite, gradual weight loss the body. Demodex disease according to their degree of invasion can be divided into two partial-and generalized type, Shar Pei for the local type of early onset, dogs head, face and limbs, thinning hair, with skin and silvery white with a mild flushing sticky dander, rough skin with small nodules; the body type of the lesion gradually spread from the local model, spread to all parts of the body made of body hair loss, dry skin was scaly, thickened skin, itching damage the affected part, secondary bacterial skin infection, systemic diffuse red papules and pus cells rash, severe systemic infection in the pathogenesis of the Shar-Pei covered with pus and dander from the composition of the silver-white crust, with unpleasant odor, and ultimately risk The dog died due to extreme weight loss, body failure, poisoning, or sepsis. Incidence of serious infections diagnosed the death of Shar-Pei for pathological examination showed that the body tissues and organs no significant changes. Scraped with a blade and cut out the incidence of the Shar-Pei skin dander or deep pus cells to burst scab, whichever is the contents, placed on a glass slide, add 1 drop of glycerol, gently press the coverslip to spread out evenly glycerol, 40 times examined under a microscope to find the dog demodex parasites or eggs, but based on clinical manifestations, diagnosis of the disease to dogs Demodex mites. Prevention and treatment of canine puppies against Demodex mite also attacks the human, cattle and sheep, are zoonotic diseases, through casual contact. Normal puppies who are often the presence of mites, but not necessarily disease, clinical symptoms induced by causes depends on the extent and invasion of host body condition. The disease is generally believed that dogs and their secretion of Demodex an allergic reaction, only the symptoms can be highly sensitive individuals, aggravate symptoms of secondary bacterial infection. Shar-Pei has many facial folds, head, neck, shoulders relaxed but the skin thick and tough, multi-fold hand may be brought 10 ~ 20cm, body folds more puppies, coarse hair and short. Shar-Pei skin folds up and down the body susceptible to bacteria and

Shar Pei

dirt, spring, summer, warm humid environment, the skin folds on the Shar-Pei health very detrimental and lead to bacterial infection the breeding of parasites, life-changing environment when Shar Pei, decreased body resistance kids North Face Jackets, nutrition or a lack of vitamins, the infection increase the likelihood of Demodex. First, to strengthen the prevention of disease, especially young healthy Shar-Pei dog's feeding and management, to provide nutritionally balanced diet every day to increase the Sharpei dogs like to eat chicken, lung, fish bones. To keep kennels clean, ventilated and dry, wash every week to the Shar-Pei 1 bath, hot summer day with a wet towel to wipe the Shar-Pei's wrinkled skin. Shar-Pei Demodex infection should be promptly isolated, mild infection Shar Pei dose subcutaneous injection of ivermectin or with 200μg/kg 0.2mg/kg dose subcutaneous injection for small pest control treatment, with drugs being acaricidal Dogs, polluted environment and pest control equipment for disinfection, dogs, Demodex mite feces often need to be properly handled to eliminate the source of infection; the incidence of serious infections pet Shar Pei therapeutic value is not high, must be promptly eliminated. Discussion Demodex dog disease is a common and stubborn infectious skin disease, high incidence of Demodex mites, acute onset, high fatality rate. Shar-Pei skin folds more than the body, are particularly sensitive to the mites, poor feeding and management, could easily lead to the spread of disease, causing serious infections and death puppies. A field of pet animal Shar-Pei incidence of Demodex infection in 100% mortality rate was 75%. According to reports, the dog is a dog skin demodex parasite normal, healthy Shar-Pei dogs who often small parasitic mites, when the environment changes, nutritional deficiencies leading to decreased body resistance, is easy to cause disease, thus enhancing the Shar-Pei feeding and management, enhance the Shar-Pei puppies, especially the resistance of dogs to prevent the occurrence of Demodex mites will have a certain role. Demodex transmitted by dogs, the dogs can not only spread and attack each other group of people, Shar-Pei is one of a very popular pet, with the opportunity to contact many people, dogs infected with Demodex easily endanger the keepers health. Therefore, the new purchase Shar Pei need for strict quarantine, Shar Pei dogs infected with demodex ivermectin can be small or pest control treatment, severe infections of the Shar Pei is not high therapeutic value, should be promptly eliminated, to avoid the spread of disease to other animals or endanger people. Buy points Shar Pei lively, need regular exercise, coupled with short nasal passages, vigorous exercise easy to hypoxia, it is best early morning or evening walk with the outdoors. The dog skin folds are more easily hidden dirt and lead to bacteria, so particular attention to daily hygiene, or the dog susceptible to scabies and skin diseases. Xia Tianyi a bath twice a week, once a week in autumn. The dog should not be fed too much food, so too fat and health. As Shar Pei breed is flat surface and huge head, biting his bitches litter is difficult when the umbilical cord, so the labor is often required to midwifery, cut the umbilical cord and to prevent human deaths caused by childbirth. Buy common sense 1. Height and weight should be consistent with standards too high too short, too heavy not too light to be selected out. 2. Larger than the square head to some like the shape of the river horse. 3. Snout to more hypertrophy, were cylindrical. To light blue tongue, face have more wrinkles. 4. Ear to small and thin, slightly to sag, and cover the ears forward. Ear over the music, slightly rounded tip, and point to his eyes. Ear from the wide, athletic ability. 5. Eyes generally triangular, small. If the almond-shaped and was trapped in orbital period, usually dark. Lighter in color, eye color can be lighter. 6. Generally thick neck, wide chest should be deep, back straight, abdomen do not take, the body is cylindrical. 7. The nose should be large and wide, black. If lighter in color, nose color also allows the corresponding shallow, and its co-ordination body hue. 8. Root of the tail position is low, thick root and fine side, like pepper shape, usually to keep drooping state, that is upturned when excited, and sometimes curled at the back side. 9. The limbs stout and strong, but slightly thin bone, muscular, with long hair back, forelegs straight, wide spacing, (toe) separated toe like a tiger. 10. Unlike dog skin, his head and shoulder after the body more than skin folds, thick, loose, flexible. Fold more puppies in particular, grew up and gradually reduced with age, adult, only the head, face and forequarters remained more folds flat after the body gradually filled. 11. Hair should be short and stubby, not lodging. To the neck and chest full of hair ornaments as normal. 12. Coat allows diversity, can have color and piebald, as long as look pleasing to the eye co-ordination, is qualified. Appearance of the most prominent feature is standard Shar-Pei skin and more wrinkles MBT Kifundo Mens Shoes, more wrinkled and the smaller, flexible, hands may be brought more than 10 cm, short and hard like hair brushes, small ears and cover the ears, tail straight up, blue tongue color. Color into black (deep black from the charcoal), Yellow (from light yellow to golden), beige. Shar-Pei is still currently in Guangzhou, Shenzhen area is very popular, particularly the most hi Aisha Pi Macau dogs, relatively rare in the north. The role of purpose in the past Shar-Pei was an excellent hunting pig dog, and later worked in bulldog, with its loose skin is not easy opponents attack the body, deep eyes and become difficult to injuries and other advantages of the blow. After a long period of careful cultivation and improvement, with its exotic looks, love the unique personality into the world of fashionable companion dogs. Shar Pei is the most recent years, the most popular dog breeds. His skin wrinkled, like a two-hundred years old man, and purple, like the tongue like a hair clamp hypoxia, and sometimes looks terrible Oh! Shar Pei dog is a medium-sized medium-sized dog inside, the body most likely to raise, if it is small or large dog, is not why it could not pull them. Shar Pei do not need to eat less and exercise every day, the most suitable feeding inside the apartment or high-rise buildings. Shar Pei is 210 AD was discovered. Most people say that first appeared in our Chinese Shar-Pei, a small town in Guangdong province, but some people say they come from Tibet, but no one can determine which one is true. In 1947, when, because China is a waste of that dog food, so many dogs get their taxes, to the end, only the next, two Shar Pei just alive; to the time when the Shar Pei fast extinction , Shar Pei have a love of people, MatgoLaw, decided to help the United States, breeding grounds, resulting in 200 people all want to keep Shar Pei, Shar Pei slowly in the United States is even more than in Hong Kong In 1988 the United States has 29,263 Shar Pei had. Association of American dogs in 1991, officially recognized as a Shar Pei dog new varieties. Shar Pei of the upper and lower body and other kinds of dogs are not the same; Sharpei big head but not very much exaggerated, their eyes are small, as small as almonds, small ears, like a small triangle attached to the head. Shar Pei is best purple tongue, or spotted, red tongue Sharpei but not good. Shar Pei is divided into seven colors, black, earth, white, red, gray, cream color with chocolate. Black Shar Pei is black when born, but too much sunlight is dimmed if the sun, their eyes with the nose is black. Earth tones are the most common color, born when a little red, but grow up to become the whole earth tones, and their nose is still black. White, their ears are earth tones, the nose is red brick color, the tongue that archery is not purple, but still very purple. Red light is usually red, but there are dark, black nose. Cheese color, darker than white Sharpei, more white nose, and light colored eyes, their tongues today herve leger dresses sale, but still is purple. Gray is also a little bit of gray add a little red Sharpei, which is earth tones with black Sharpei Sharpei mating, and their back is black, gray feet, the nose is black. Chocolate color nose is a whole branch with chocolate, as well as yellow. Shar-Pei why more The significance of this study can help to better reproduce the Shar-Pei, to help improve their health. Meanwhile, the results of this study can help understand more about humans with familial Mediterranean fever syndrome (benign paroxysmal peritonitis syndrome) and mucin deposition disease etiology. This study also provides more understanding of aging knowledge. Shar Pei dog is in a unique ornamental varieties. About Shar-Pei was considered the earliest record in China about 2,000 years ago. To the late 1950s and 1960s, the Chinese Shar Pei was virtually absent. Some Shar Pei was last known in Macau, Hong Kong and Taiwan, was found in rural areas and preserved. In the 1970s, Hong Kong dog breeders became interested in breeding this species. The early 1990s, Shar Pei began to become popular in Europe and the United States dog breed.Topics related articles:
Holly5591 07.10.2011 0 709

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