How to create a generalized polygon layer from a raster
I have a tiff file where I have extracted vegetation in a height interval from LIDAR At the moment the picture is kind of blurry with no data cells between vegetated cells. I would like to create a polygon layer out from this to be used as a mask on sat images with sharp boundaries. I am working with ArcMap is this possible?
I have been thinking of running a smoothing tool and then make vector, but the kernel size is to small in Arcmap
in Arthur's show, I have a resolution of about 1 meter. I would need to use the majority filer in Arcmap many times
dfsadf (2756).
I still have not found a solution for my problem. Jens is right, maybe i was unclear with what I want to do. I tired to attached a image
Marshall Jersey, but as a new user I was not allowed Anyway I think it should be possible by doing a couple of filters with a big kernel size
but it's like a job. Waking up at six o'clock? My tiff is like a cloud of more or less scattered dots that I want to delineate into larger homogeneous patches/polygon. The dots represent vegetation.
I just upgraded ArcMap 9 to 10.0 and now after the update I cannot do raster to polygon anymore?? I still use the same original file as before when I could use it in 9
Finally, my tiff file is a RGB but I am only interested in one band (all of them carry the same information) is there a way of extracting single bands in ArcMap?