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younger sister and brother in horrific car accident right after grandpa died right around my 20th birthday while in Iraq. Happy Birthday every year is a reminder of lost ones. Now im lonely and depressed and no special person at my side. DAMN! But I keep trying and the more I go the more it just gets worse, so why even try anymore?August 10, 2009 at 9:02 pm(128)Neeraj Guptasays:Can somebody tell me?What dose it really meam to die or live?what happens after we die?Why dose god shatters our world even if he knows that we are not ready.August 11, 2009 at 10:56 am(129)SUTANUsays:i m a 19 yr old guy.this year has been the worst yr of my life.y is life soooo f***ed up.i really wish i was never born, or be really glad if i was dead.depression is drivin me crazy, soooo crazy that i have started smoking up to forget things and get into a diff. world my world..now becoz of my being sad i have become a drug addict..life cant be more shitty..i have seen that people like us r depressed mostly becoz of the people we love..anyways tryin to change every day..ALWAYS KEEP SMILING BECOZ U NEVER KNOW WHEN ANYONE FALLS IN LOVE WITH UR SMILEAugust 12, 2009 at 7:22 pm(130)emokid824says:welp uh that sorta helped me. i took the quiz and i found out i really am depressed.. joy. my boyfriend told me to tell my mom.. and well she doesnt believe me. so im never going to get better.August 12, 2009 at 9:12 pm(131)Hayleysays:What is wrong with me?Im 16 and I think im depressed.I have a pretty good life,Im an only child,I live with my grandparents and I love them to bits.I dont really see eye to eye with my mom and it kills me.She lives with her boyfriend and his son.I dont know my dad and i grew really close to one of my moms boyfriends,they were together for 5 years before they broke up.He was like a dad to me and I resented her for them splitting.I love her to bits but I cant help but think shes selfish and completely dependant on men.I have never lived with her.She gives me everything I want money,clothes etc but she doesnt understand that all i want is a mom.I have great friends but i feel like im just on the outskirts watching them.I confide in one of my closest friends but when we go out,she seems to throw it back in my face in front of everyone.I started drinking about a year ago and now im getting drunk way too much.I get screwed over by guys alot.It feels good to have someones attention at the time but afterwards I feel cheap.Im good at school and have a good academic record.I dont understand whats wrong with me,I constantly wish I could live somewhere else and just be who I want to be.I dont feel like I have anything to live for,Im lonely and it depresses me because at 16,I feel like Ive already ruined my life.I seem to just drift and mope at home when Im not out.I just float from day to day without even realizing it.Is this even a reason to be depressed??I dont know what to do anymore and im scared.help.August 13, 2009 at 6:53 am(132)ADDICT...........http://www.bestnikeoutlet.com/nike-air-max-87-c-12.html

miaomiaoan 05.03.2012 0 146

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05.03.2012 (4759 days ago)




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