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asic Identification of quite a few emigrant all of the employees,going to be the value of the differences
spend some time researching of migrant workers Kings famous eight his family and his accepted cause about death as part of your workplace lead poisoning related to application related discomfort labor and social security department not only can they never be accepted; Shaoxing City Health Kings School Board that going to be the death has nothing to educate yourself regarding have to worry about allowing an individual lead poisoning; going to be the case to educate yourself regarding court of law,the report falls far brief time having to do with identifying going to be the different going to be the deceased wife, said: dead

2009 July-August,the town having to do with Zhejiang Province, Shaoxing City, Foshan an infant girl might have been c, Doumen, tens of thousands regarding migrant workers living there as part of your talk a minumum of one thing: In going to be the city relating to Shaoxing, his death confusing. Kings School in the lead operating company to explore have the desired effect as well as for seven years going to be the do you feel of lead poisoning standard 335 flip the more than normal human standards.

upon death, was sentenced to educate yourself regarding 10 a long time concerning clinic physicians
detection concerning lead poisoning with your health sector to have the authority about going to be the department why not try risks and side effects data discrepancy 716 fold the After getting married,uggs tall,many of the new before buying owed a multi function bills ass, was in the future leaving Battery Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Shaoxing Meeting (Meeting so that you have the company) is the fact that hiring This is usually that an all in one lead operating company,going to be the from month to month salary it is more probably than all the other companies 100 to learn more about 200 yuan. In October 2000, 29-year-old Kings School with his wife into going to be the exchange providing some one going to be the company registration.:
wife was assigned to learn more about going to be the packing plant,may or may not be capable of getting 1200 yuan in line with month, compared with going to be the work having to do with her husband on the acid than 200 yuan. The couple for rent a multi function prior to buying any near the enterprise,an all in one stable life after his son been given everywhere over the Shaoxing.'
2006 April Kings learn back and forth from going to be the acid for more information regarding going to be the shipping and delivery to do with industrial transfer,have the desired effect have the desired effect articles or blog posts is most likely the battery so that you have a hydraulic car drawn to back and forth from going to be the second floor going to be the preparing any other part floor,jordan sixty plus 60, each handling each of them is down and dirty pollution to backup through lead powder chip body shop Kings learn to educate yourself regarding work almost any day at 12 noon at any given time day ially have the desired effect at 4 am,a battery 150 retract a multi functional day back and forth from
According to learn more about Kings School's wife say: don't you think stool. In fact,ugg classic, this is because an all in one typical characteristic to do with lead poisoning. workshop mechanical ventilation, separate the toxic non-toxic practice to counteract cross-contamination,such as strengthening going to be the supervision to do with personal protection advice. Meeting allowing you to have going to be the company everywhere over the June one last year to learn more about going to be the Health Authority submitted a correction report.which is
Shaoxing City Health Authority, according for more information on going to be the person all around the charge,everywhere in the July 13 last year, they again exchange workshop leaving going to be the company for more information on monitor lead contamination,an all in one total of 26 sample if you prefer qualified arranged of copies,going to be the highest surpassing crease each monitoring point lead smoke lead powdered levels down,but falls far short span of time to do with national well as
migrant workers Jihua may be the a multi functional flame exchange leaving going to be the company's videos-timeless work He said,sixth is v they would,in spite of it is certainly plausible regarding normal gorgeous honeymoons as well 88-400μg sixth is v h (at 4:00 all around the the 30th, Kings senior high school after do just as well was physical fatigue, stomach pain,slightly like vomiting,gooey nose.

day at eight am, Kings learn to learn more about fellow Lize Cheng opened its doors private clinics.

Lize Cheng, after graduating from for you high school graduation in your Henan Province Health correspondence specialized secondary school graduate, came all around the December 2005, Shaoxing,in your area having to do with ​​migrant workers as high as Doumen Town, Shaoxing City Star Village rented a multi function small to order as well as for anyone clinic.

Lize Cheng Wang Ji learn for additional details on make an appointment with going to be the symptoms as a multi functional chilly temperature,provide the him the infusion about carbohydrates + lincomycin + Vitamin C. 12:00, Kings learn hand unstable things. 15:00,a resource box was chest discomfort, stomach swelling repeated vomiting. Lize Cheng again for going to be the Kings School infusion alternative,asic Hit going to be the holders are classified as,the shortness concerning breath, heart rate decreased,on an all in one coma. Lize Cheng a fast boat to explore Kings School sent by mail for more information regarding City People's Hospital,going to be the night 9:20, Kings School after she famous eight

after going to be the death having to do with Kings School, Lize Cheng gave herself all the way as part of your hospital after an alarm.

on the basis of Shaoxing Municipal Public Security Bureau forensic identification: allergic conditions Kings School principal lesions having to do with acute pulmonary edema, pulmonary resulting hypoxia, heart organ surface bleeding. Its lifetime to educate yourself regarding a certain expanse going to be the performance regarding cardiac decompensation owning to too much of the fluid to understand more about increase flow circulation, increase going to be the reputation all around the going to be the heart, leading to explore acute cardiac dysfunction, and finally death ascribed for additional details on ventricular fibrillation.the family trust
Wang Ji Xuesheng lead before quite a distance engaged upon related work,going to be the incidence having to do with clinical manifestations to do with lead poisoning symptoms close for more information on going to be the dead are you of going to be the lead articles or blog posts having to do with lot of whether assigned to understand more about lead poisoning lead to understand more about cardiac dysfunction, played as well as going to be the dead for more information on civilian damages a multi functional crucial a part Family to do with going to be the deceased too going to be the prosecuting attorney for additional details on take legal action illegal practice Lize Cheng alternative requiring going to be the cause concerning death of going to be the deceased and lead poisoning are related for additional details on judicial addition to
Shaoxing City Procuratorate hardly appointed are you feeling having to do with going to be the deceased family members concerning forensic identification applications,do nothing more than rent it out the Shaoxing Municipal Health Bureau has an all in one simple pay occupational history researching the market and Kings senior high school occupational history could be on the basis of the factory where the case demonstrate going to be the history to do with occupational being exposed to explore lead-free country side according to understand more about relevant a lot of information and as a consequence far no deaths happen to be reported as caused based on lead poisoning. In summary,going to be the Kings School and lead poisoning death almost nothing at all to learn more about have to around three to understand more about ten a very long time imprisonment; treatment caused deaths, at a lot more than ten a very long time all around the prison. payment having to do with $ 10,000. Lize Cheng has been doing hardly appeal.--
716-fold difference between going to be the few of why not try report

criminal case after going to be the family to do with going to be the deceased asked relevant departments to learn more about spend some time studying famous eight both to and from occupational diseases commonly known as Kings, Shaoxing City, Kings CDC thrown to the wolves for more information on learn to explore accept occupational disease identified . CDC's consultation words of flattery that: At going to be the same a short time to explore buy enough detailed information online July 8 2004 Kings School laboratory examination having to do with urine lead concerning 65 micrograms sixth is v liter, normal range), can rarely ever be diagnosis having to do with occupational diseases accepted.the surface without history concerning being exposed to understand more about occupational hazards,but take heart he or she may be the an all in one transport workers,some way walk everywhere in the each workshop,the company has lead going to be the workshop and they all are workshop tasks are available can do not ever regulation about the a high risk having to do with going to be the existence about lead poisoning. Shaoxing City CDC identified the so-called health check is not at all from coast to coast according for more information about the Kings around three a very long time ago at an all in one school examination results there often no hard evidence that going to be the past about three several years Kings School upon vivo may not be lead
responsible for going to be the case having to do with migrant workers on the Gushi County Shengze office lawyer, reporting to learn more about going to be the municipality to educate yourself regarding reflect going to be the material: disease deaths (Hubei, Guizhou, Henan each a minimum of one Kings School is the fact that an of Wang Ji learn going in the following paragraphs as well as for seven a very long time daily going some time about right to educate yourself regarding ten a matter of hours can companies actually did on no account supply kale conducted a physical examination Three some time ago going to be the will show you made a multi function physical examination,or to make his unusal and medical examinations and also his on the town Center gorgeous honeymoons as well the Kings with your spend time learning of flow of blood lead levels are already imprisoned Kings School inspection reports dogs don't the circulation of blood lead ion concentration concerning 187 μg / h (normal range 88 to 400 micrograms sixth is v liter),is not at all a lot of
the matter when getting reflected as part of your family a new one as tall as Gushi County, Henan Province People's Government having to do with South Xiang.and to
2007 November Gushi County, Henan Province People's Government regarding South Xiang entrusted allowing an individual qualified forensic identification concerning authorities relating to national forensic toxicology and pathology as high as Forensic Forensic Center, Hubei Tongji, University concerning Kings and lead poisoning death Forensic relationship.and to
2007 年 eleven 13, central Hubei Tongji forensic forensic expert conclusion that: Wang Ji University regarding lead rotting in jail in your flow plasma concentration to do with 134000 μg sixth is v L (normal is this : 88 to 400 micrograms sixth is v liter),exceeding 335 fold more than the Kings Shaoxing CDC study finds lead in your the circulation of blood plasma concentration 187 μg / liter 716-fold. Kings concerning the deceased according to learn more about the forensic pathology spend some time studying findings in addition to combined to have going to be the results regarding this poison,a multi functional all - encompassing analysis concerning Wang Ji Xuesheng pre that chronic lead poisoning. Literature, chronic lead poisoning can cause hypertension, organ inspection check schedule an appointment with going to be the heart,filtering system spleen and several other organs small arteriosclerosis, myocardial hypertrophy, indicating that Wang Ji Xuesheng ago suffering from hypertension,and then there hypertension worry about remember not to suggestion out and about going to be the Department about Lead poisoning. Based throughout the the inspection organs relating to forensic pathology try results combined to have chronic lead poisoning is this : characterized judging by two organ damage, clinical and toxicological analysis, conclusions: Kings School everywhere over the chronic lead poisoning cause heart,renal system vesica and a number of other organ dysfunction basis,attributed for more information about acute cardiac decompensation and death.and to
company unapproved for more information about compensate

family concerning going to be the deceased took the Forensic Center, Hubei Tongji forensic reports,for more information about go and buy going to be the factory claims. CDC enterprise handheld why not try Shaoxing Shaoxing Health Bureau reports and
litigation claims

family to do with going to be the deceased to understand more about going to be the Shaoxing city courts,filed suit the exchange leaving going to be the company, claiming $ 520,000.along with
indictment said: standardized and scientific settings, lead powder snow,excessive leading for more information about Kings long lead-time relating to chronic lead poisoning, state school learn an all in one reassure have been seen concerning the death having to do with Kings.

either a difference about 716 flip the indicating that going to be the health sector all around the Shaoxing detection did not at all display going to be the a fact situation. From going to be the a period of time point of view Shaoxing Health Bureau issued that Kings school death allowing an individual lead poisoning unrelated for more information regarding level about analysis often June 15, 2007, and Shaoxing City Center enchanting Disease Control issued and for Kings School concerning flow lead try report 2007 everywhere in the August 20 throughout the The plaintiffs are under the impression going to be the city regarding Shaoxing, Shaoxing Health Bureau Centers also Disease Control could possibly be the parent unit, Shaoxing City,heart having to do with disease control can in no way be the case overruled so that you have going to be the risks and side effects having to do with this why not try going to be the conclusions of its parent unit. False medical identification, leading for more information regarding going to be the case because the sufferer can do not apply also work-related side effects occupational diseases also known as and given due compensation as well as for going to be the necessary

defendant in addition to the going to be the plaintiff Hubei Tongji forensic science and technology coronary heart to understand more about make going to be the Kings lead poisoning-related death and going to be the conclusions relating to dissent, said a resource box was commissioned based on going to be the plaintiff unilaterally to learn more about need re-identification. However,going to be the professional concerning Kings School forensic soul in your Hubei Tongji University for more information on make going to be the death to do with Kings and lead poisoning has been cremated after going to be the conclusion concerning re-identification has become an uncovered word.

trial,the Kings School in your Henan migrant workers allowing an individual lead poisoning death to do with what is that relevant become going to be the focus regarding going to be the case.

,the Court having to do with First Instance dismissed the Kings School family's claim.

Recently,going to be the case during the second trial,the Shaoxing Intermediate People's Court repeatedly mediation,going to be the families having to do with Kings School going to be the company been given payment regarding $ 200,000 personal injury compensation.


standards and clinical manifestations of lead poisoning

present check blood circulation lead levels medicine is that broken down into three phases,if the lead articles or blog posts having to do with 200ug / L (micrograms sixth is v liter) could possibly be the normal make reference to value; lead to educate yourself regarding 400ug / L unit you purchase can be the case tolerated value; lead for more information on 600ug sixth is v L row diagnostic value. If going to be the patient's blood flow lead levels to do with 600ug / L,not only can they have an impact all over the organ, composition to do with lead poisoning.

a great deal more due to understand more about oral intake regarding lead poisoning substances and breathing lead natural powder,second hand smoke steam and skin absorption and Oral solvent poisoning.

clinical manifestations:

an.permeable manifestations any one of these as nausea, vomiting,problems regarding appetite, mouth, metallic taste, salivation, abdominal distension, constipation,air jordan 12,circulation as part of your stool, abdominal colic,but take heart also have hepatomegaly, jaundice and filtering system dysfunction.

2.going to be the self-conscious opt for manifested as headache, dizziness, irritability, insomnia,mens north face fleece, drowsiness, irritability, and you could have delirium, convulsions , convulsions, coma, cerebral edema and for instance the performance concerning peripheral neuropathy may also with all of the

three hematologic showed pale, heart palpitations, shortness to do with breath and many other symptoms having to do with anemia.

4 urinary tract symptoms relating to as low as possible back pain, edema, proteinuria, hematuria, urinary tube,long term kidney failure can challenging

adults in most situations that will happen after lead poisoning: fatigue,ambiance depression, heart failure, abdominal pain,vesica hypertension, joint pain,reproductive system disorders, anemia and several symptoms.

a kid in most situations occur: harms concerning appetite, stomach pains, insomnia,jordan 7, learning disorders, constipation, nausea, diarrhea, fatigue, IQ as low as possible anemia and several other symptoms.

lead poisoning mainly in your nervous select flow gps device cardiovascular select skeletal unit you purchase and all kinds of other damage all around the the lifetime of.
qin0638047 03.12.2011 0 138

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