,sac longchamp pliage pas cherLongchamp Large Tote
There has been speculation that the handbag bubble will burst; meaning the pricey bags will finally hit the top and the handbag world we live in will crumble apart. While I do believe people have their limits,soldes longchamp 2011, I think true handbag lovers will continue to buy bags. But for those that only want a handbag to tote around, that really do not care for it to be all leather, the Longchamp Large Tote is an ideal signature tote from this French brand. Their signature tote sports lightweight nylon with a leather snap flap and shoulder straps. This bag truly is the ideal everyday bag,Longchamp Le Pliage Medium Folding Tote Taupe, good for rain or snow, sun or shine. Even better is the fact that you can roll this bag up for storage, it will literally take about 6 cubic inches of storage space. For me, this handbag would work perfectly to take to the gym or beach. Dimensions are 19″W x 12½”H x 7″D. Available in beige,Aucun résultat ne correspond à cette recherche., chocolate,sac longchamp discount,Cat No. lc_roseau_1686-051_s11, and deep-red; buy through Saks for $135.