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Within 7 Dian 8:00 position of the small seconds to 240 seconds, double tourbillon

cashmere sweater women Amber Rich Adams Quadruple Tourbillon Secret accurate clever design, on behalf of the collectors and watchmakers Robert. High-Perot Robert Greubel and Secretary Dili fun. Fusco (Stephen Forsey) a special relationship. This watch is extremely valuable, specially produced only a limited number of 8 style of 5N red gold and eight platinum style.

Perot Fusco, high Quadruple Tourbillon Secret seal design basin hidden underneath as ballet-like rhythm differential Quadruple Tourbillon, filling the watch elegant and unique personality. Black gold behind the noodle dish, the top perfect hand-polished movement, staged a miniature mechanical ballet sphere differential device with two sets of double tourbillon system. The small dial on the face plate implies that under the tourbillon rotation, the true face of the Tourbillon back in order to appreciate to get a small window from the side of the case or table.
Hollow hour and minute hands, GF flag, 12 always marked, hour markers and engraved with an individually numbered small board at 18K gold, gold and black noodle dish in stark contrast to the visual, very eye-catching. While the bottom two small dial hides also suggests two double tourbillon system, which Dian 7 8 o'clock small dial Tourbillon system plywood.
Within 7 Dian 8:00 position of the small seconds to 240 seconds, double tourbillon system outer tourbillon frame display revolution every four minutes, at 5:00 in the small dial shows another double Tuo tourbillon cage revolution flywheel system four minutes. Between the two sets of double tourbillon systems linked together by high-performance ball differential device, and balance and adjust the error between the two groups. Small seconds and the fan-shaped power reserve display at the 2:00 position, formed in the visual balance with a small dial at the 7:00 position. Clothing online

Technical information
The movement consists of 519 parts, which is composed of 261 Quadruple Tourbillon framework by two barrel 50 hour power reserve. Free sprung balance wheel, Philips terminal curve spring and vibration frequency of 3Hz/21 600 APH.
Boards and plywood manufacture of nickel silver, nickel, palladium processing, decorated with drilling scrubs and ruled, polished by hand chamfered. Black or silver gold noodle dish with a strip scale. 950 platinum or 5N red gold case, a diameter of 43.5 mm, 16.11 mm thick, surface asymmetric cambered sapphire crystal glass and caseback. Match hand-sewn black alligator strap, clasp 950 platinum or 5N red gold folding clasp Case match.

nolk 19.04.2013 0 257

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