When you saw those cute little shoes in the store, you just had to try them on. To your delight, for those few minutes you had them on your feet, they felt fine. However, ugg classic tall boots the first time you really wore them for a day, you came to the painful conclusion that your beautiful new shoes were too snug. Don't despair; new shoes are rarely comfortable on a maiden voyage. If you're wondering how to stretch new shoes, the following are tips from ugg boots cheap repair technicians. Turn to a professional You can take your new shoes back to the store where you bought them, ugg classice short boots or to a shoe repair technician, spyder ski jackets , and ask them to use a professional shoe stretching machine. To help the process along, the shoes will be treated with a leather softening solution. You may be asked to leave the shoes spyder ski jackets for at least 24 hours