Everyone shunned counterfeit money, although the management of more and more perfect, take away more and more of the counterfeiting gang, but the proliferation of counterfeit money or received five yuan ten dollars of counterfeit money
ugg boots, nothing with no problem, but if you received the counterfeit hundred dollar bills, this, this ... ... Zodiac would do?
When the fire sign after receiving one hundred yuan counterfeit money
when her boyfriend left out in order to work to earn money while their own time, to take a counterfeit
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at a buddy's party, come up with lighter, lit the one hundred yuan counterfeit money, and then used the cigarette lighter ... ...
- to enjoy the attention of the crowd surprised look, feel super cool, this has the trappings of big brother!
when shopping with his girlfriend if you encounter beggars, very casual dropped to 100 yuan to the girlfriend stunned when relaxed, said: This is nothing of.
- Sagittarius born to know how to attract attention and bring a deep impression to others, no wonder women are always super-edge.
Earth sign Taurus received one hundred yuan counterfeit money
from an economic point of view, money is used for circulation, so , as long as out, it is not counterfeit.
- Taurus will be confident to find the opportunity to use the counterfeit money, and there is no sense of guilt - to promote the circulation of money is a good thing ah!
how I received a counterfeit it? ! This is simply a shame
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- Virgo immediately read the Complete Works of real currency identification methods, come up with real money with counterfeit money comparisons, in-depth study, and ultimately excel expert to identify counterfeit money, counterfeit money received made no later.
respectful turned bank, knock chapter, a certificate, registration, custody.
- The best procedures in accordance with regulations, Capricorn will feel peace of mind.
Wind relative to the constellation Gemini received one hundred yuan counterfeit money
back on the body, for example, can be encountered when the robbery to him, beautiful face out of money when you can pretend to create opportunities ... ...
- Gemini funny like a good a thousand possible cases, counterfeit money in the body, everything to worry about.
spent? Found how to do? Not? Eat Yaba Kui? Hey, how do we do?
- Libra in a myriad of thoughts in hesitation, put clothes on counterfeit money thrown into the washing machine as a result, counterfeit money disappears, paper sky.
Constellation Aquarius
to send a post to the forum
- Aquarius flexible thinking, also like to collect ideas, more like a friend to share, happy enough, do not forget the money is put off to one side.
Water sign Cancer received one hundred yuan counterfeit money
take good care of it, this thing is hard to say ah, maybe few years later, This coin is also true worth of counterfeit money than what!
- Cancer to save anything as antiques.
search in the memory, to see which stores dislike, while a dark and stormy, drunken blurred when go to that store with it! Hum ~ ~ ~
- not rewarded, time has not yet, to counterfeit money, that is a great chance! Scorpio the counterfeit money with him in the store after the nasty pleasure together easily.
this is not fake, this will not be fake, I do not know it was fake. Well
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- Pisces high ability of self-deception, self-hypnosis it can be regarded as if he really thought it was the same as real money, the time spent