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The main problem for the establishment and improvement of the color of cotton-level data Gallery

mens fashion watches 2003, the State Council approved the "cotton quality inspection system reform program" clear color grading of cotton as an important element of the reform of the cotton quality inspection system work. The basic meaning of the color level according to the cotton color framing level, specifically the level of reflectance (Rd) of the cotton samples and yellow depth test values ​​(+ b) corresponding to the positions on the cotton color chart. Cotton color can be divided into four types of white cotton, Light Spotted cotton, yellow stained cotton, yellow dye cotton, 13 color grade.
The main problem for the establishment and improvement of the color of cotton-level data Gallery
The cotton planting a wide range. China's cotton planting area is extremely vast, mainly cotton-growing areas of the Yangtze River, Yellow River cotton, the northwestward cotton, (early ripening) cotton-growing areas in the north, the southern cotton-growing areas, the distribution of the cotton-growing areas from south to north temperature difference ; and from the southeast to the northwest of precipitation gradually decreasing, the wet and dry climate is also very poor; law of pests and diseases, regional cropping patterns, soil conditions are vastly different. Division of the five major cotton-growing areas are still in use, fully reflects the characteristics of the cotton-growing areas planted, the production of cotton with different performance and excellent shortcomings fashion clothing
Cotton varieties, mixed. Our participation in national and regional test new varieties of nearly a thousand species, which recommended the production of more than one-third, which can be divided into maturing cotton varieties according to their growth period, early maturing cotton and early maturing cotton three types, according to breeding methods can be divided into genetically modified cotton varieties, hybrid cotton varieties and conventional cotton varieties, can be divided into salt-tolerant, drought, insect, disease and stress resistance of the varieties. Among these varieties are divided into many small, varieties too, to adapt to the environment and personality characteristics of different makes the color grade Gallery diversity and collecting samples there is a certain degree of difficulty.
Cotton-growing decentralized production intensity is not high. In addition to the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, the majority of cotton growers still stuck in a small area of ​​land planted level, on the whole is more dispersed, ranging from more than a dozen acres, dozens of acres to several hundred acres, which makes cotton production is scattered condition, resulting in cotton production can not have a a relatively unified organization within a certain range to regulate the species, the low level of mechanization, intensification of production is not high.
Cotton acquisition of liquidity. Cotton procurement market open, making the mobility of the cotton farmers in the sale of cotton as well. Cotton farmers not to consider these factors of quality, variety and uniform sales, but only consider the price and income, distance and convenience, thus causing the same collection stations or ginning factories acquired cotton varieties is not consistent, quality consistency is poor situation, resulting in even if the database is difficult to be applied situation.

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