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鐚涚殑 Mei draft 嚭鎵嬶紝 Hao 忛粦鎶婃墜鎻掕繘 strand 嗛粦 strand 殑鍦嗙悆 Ben 屾帴鐫€€鈥﹀鍔涚殑鍚戝墠鐢╀簡 Ma 囧幓 Ben 屽湪 Hao 忛粦鐨勭媯鐢╀笅 Ben 岄粦鑹 Chi 殑鍦嗙悆 Ma 呴€鐨勮 Kao Juan 婁簡鎴戝彂鍑 Hong 殑 Zhen 戞殫 the 鑳 lie 噺 Ben 屽 Gou 鍗 Cuo 繀閫熺殑 Mao 囪仛 the Juan bomb 竴 Wan 擄紝 Ma 呴€鏈濅 Fu Juan € Wen 戠殑铏庝 man Ma with 幓 Ben 屼粠鑰屽 warship 鎴愪簡鍒氭墠閭d竴鍑紒
鐏 Plank 皹 Wei 愭笎鏁e幓 Ben 岃檸 Hao 嗙殑鐩厜鐚涚殑鏈濆煄 Li 欎笂 plutonium 嬪幓 Ben 岀敱 strand 庝粬 Chan 叴 Lian 嬩簬鑷 heavy Zi 堜簬鍙 with each other the 鍑 dry 墜 strand 嗭紝 Juan €椂 the 闂 reach 紝铏 boundary 劧鎰熻鍝噷鏈夌偣 Juan 嶅 Ben 屽彲鏄緷鐒 rudder the 鏈 of the disease 夋兂 Bi Feng 槸 Hao 戜簡鐙 and 棌鐨勪紬 strand Heng €?
The Qian takes out 潤鐨勭湅鐫€檸 Hao 嗭紝鎰熷彈鐫€粬鐙傛毚鐨勬皵鍔 Kuang 紝鎴 the 鏈夎 of the 戞 disease 繃 Chan 氱殑鍘嬫姂鎰燂紝 Juan 嶆槸铏庡皢鐨勬皵鍔 Kua 笉 Chan 燂紝鑰屾槸 Xi 栫殑 Pin 斿娍 Ma 滆繙 Juan 嶅 Ning 堝倕鐨勯湼鍒€績 Xuan €紝 Ma 炲笀鍌呯殑 Pin 斿娍鎴戦兘閫傚簲 strand 嗭紝 Wan 曞喌鏄粬鐨勫憿銆 ?
Juan 嶈繃鎴戜篃 Huan 堟竻 Yu 氾紝 Hao Bian 垜鐩墠 the 鐨勬 press the 鍑嗭 紝鏄粷 the Fen stroll 笉鍙兘鎺ヤ綇 Xi the 栦 change Wan 曠殑 Juan €嚮鐨勶紝 Qian 撶劧鈥︹€鎴戜篃 Li ℃湁鎵撶畻鎺ワ紝閭eお鎰氳牏 strand 嗐€?
Plutonium 嬩簡 plutonium 嬫椂 the 闂 reach 紝 Wen 濈鎴樹粬 Xi 挙 Fu 紝 Chen Chi 粡鏈変 Fu Juan  Hao 忔椂 strand 嗭紝 Xi ヤ粬 Xi 殑 the 閫熷 harm Ben 屽簲 Xuan ュ any Zi 忚 the 窇鍑 coax 緢 Ma 滀簡鍚э紝鍙鎴愬姛鐨勯殧鏂檸 strand Hong 殑 Nan 戝叺 Ben 屽ぇ Yue Duo ammonia 閮 with 畨鍏ㄤ簡銆 ?
Shu f兂鐫€憿 Ben 屽闈㈢殑铏庡皢 Chan у挧鍜х殑鍚 crafty 亾 Ben 氣€ Hao 忓瓙 Ben 屽埆 the Xuan save 垜 Rao Hong 礋 Wan 狅紝鎴 the 戜 change Wan 犳敾鍑 Hui 笁鎷涳紝 Zi 濅笉 Ma 樻墜 Ben 屼篃 Juan 嶄細 the Tao check 伩 Ben 屾潵鍚р€鈥︽垜 Xia 佽 Wan 犵煡閬撶煡閬撹檸鏃忕殑鍘夊 Ben 佲€?
鍚簡铏庡皢鐨勮瘽 Ben 屾垜 Juan 嶇敱鏈夌 Chan х瑧鐨勫啿鍔紝 Juan 嶈 Han 閬 Kuang 紝 Juan 嶈繕鎵嬫槸鍚楋紵鍝堝搱鈥︹€ Ma 欏彲鏄粬鑷 heavy Xia 佹眰鐨勶紝鎬笉 Huan 楁垜銆 ?
The 鎯 hurtles 埌 Ma 欓噷 Ben 屾垜鍝堝搱 Chan х瑧閬擄細鈥滃緢 Lian catty 紝鏃㈢劧 Wan 犺 Cong ╂垜 Juan 夋嫑 Ben 岄偅 the 鎴戜 investigate Juan 嶅 Pin 斾簡 Ben 屼綘鍑嗗 the Lian quit 簡 Ben 屾垜 Xia 佹敾鍑 Hui 簡 Ben 佲€?
The 铏庡皢 Xie 炶壊 Huan  well Juan € Chuai Ben 屼粬 Juan 嶆槑鐧 catty the 紝 Juan bomb 粈 Cen 堥潰 the Fen stroll 簡 Xi 栵紝 Ma 欎 Fu Qian the Cuo hand over strand Hong 繕鏄
jordan47 10.01.2012 0 344

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