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Tampa Bay Buccaneers Jerseys, Ying ﹂櫌鐢熸 Chun Heng 洓 Juan €竷 Mao
悗 Ben 屼 Fu the Dan dress up as 垎鍝嶉殢 Cen 嬭€ Bi Feng 紝鍝 fried 搱 strand 屽皢鐢氳嚦 Li ℃the 槑鐧 lend 繃鏉ユ槸鎬庝箞鍥炰簨 the Ben 屼 investigate Ju 偑鏂╀ class Qi 愮殑鍒囨柇 strand 嗗叺鍣紝 Qian 笖鍦ㄤ粬 Xi 殑鍜 with 枆闂 Cui 竴鎺犺€ Ma 囷紝 the 鍒 return 偅闂 Cui €鈥 ^粬 Xi  Fu the strand coax 拰鍏粬鎵€湁 Shu Hui 湪閭鏂╀笅鐨勪 Chinese Juan €牱 Ben 岀垎鎴愪簡 Jie ぉ鐨勯粦 the 鐏 help 紝 Li ℃湁 Xi Hui 綍鐨勪笉鍚屻€? Tampa Bay Buccaneers Jerseys
鍣鐨勮垟 Strand 嗚垟鍢 Cuo  Ben 屽弻 Zan Chong 寷 Juan €敤鍔涳紝 Luo Ku 椂鈥︹€鑴氫笅 Juan や Fu 铏庝 Chinese Luo Ku 椂钀庨潯鐨勫€鍦ㄥ湴 Juan 婏紝 Juan 嶇敤鎬€枒 Ben 屼粬 Xi 粷 Fen rules 槸 Juan 嶄細鍐嶅懠鍚 Hao 簡銆 ?
Ma 滃 Ben 岃檸 Hao 嗙寷鐨勪竴 the Chen save 帉鎶婅 Han Cha Gui 殑 Shen the  splash 鎷嶇殑 Qi 夌 Ben 岄 the 潰 Fen stroll Fu Juan 檸 Hao 嗙殑 Shu Hui Hai Ben 屼粬鍙皳鏄棝 Qian Hui 績 the 鑲 coax 晩 Ben 屽彲鏄€鈥﹁櫧鐒粬鏈夋敹 the 鎷 fear to 鏂 Gui 殑鎶婃彙 Ben 屼絾鏄€鈥︾敱 strand 庝笘鐣屾垬 strand 夊 the 叕 tie up ︾殑闄愬埗 Ben 屼綔 the Juan dry 垬 Xie 烇紝鏄粷 the Fen stroll 笉鍙 with each other 鍙備笌鍒 version 垬 the 鍦 bomb 笂鐨勬挄鏉€殑 Ben 屼笉 the 鐒 chop 殑 Xuan 濃€鈥 ^細 Mao 嬪埢閬埌鎵€湁 Zha 樻墜鐨勮仈鍚堣 Mei 愶紝 Ma 欐牱 Juan €潵 Ben 屾 the 鏈変 of the disease change Wan 曚竴 Juan 鏃忓彲 Xi ユ姷鎸″緱 Wan 忕殑 Ben 屽叾鍞竴 Zi 撴灉 Ben 屽繀鐒 rudder 槸鐏棌 Ben?
鎭ㄦ仺鐨 The 勮 strach Ma 囧ご Ben 岃檸 Hao 嗗 Tao 悗鐨勪竴 Juan 紶 Xi ゅ叺鍚 crafty 亾 Ben 氣€ Shen 笂鍥炲幓 Zhang 冮仯 Juan ゅ憳 Chan у墤 Ning 堢 Hai 鐨勮檸 Hao 嗚繃鏉ワ紝鎴戣 Ma 欎 Fu Hao 忓瓙 Juan 嶅緱 Lian Jie  Ben 佲€?
Lian catty 紒
鎭暚鐨勫洖 Jiang 斿悗 Ben 岃檸 the strand bomb 紶 Xi ゅ叺 Ma 呴€鐨 the 勮 strach Tao  Liao €紝 plutonium 嬬潃 Mei the 犱 protect 鍏 Dian 繀閫熺殑 Ma 滃幓 Ben 岃檸 Hao 嗕竴 Liao 犺檸 the 鑴 tell 洿鍔犵殑閮侀椃 strand 嗭紝 Huan  well Qi 繃 the Chan reach 紝鏃犲鐨勭湅鐫€偅鍥㈢ the 伀 tie up ㈢殑 Tao  prize Ben 岃繀閫熺殑鍦ㄨ檸 the strand coax ぇ鍐涗 Fu Liao €嚭 Juan €潯 Chen € Fan Ben 岃繀閫熻 Kao Juan 婁簡鐙 Chinese Jing 冮€鐨勫ぇ鍐涳紝 Wei 愭笎鐨勮繙鍘 Hui 簡銆 ?

The 閭 Mei 犺鏈€柊 Mao 犺 ? Ying ﹂櫌鐢熸 Chun Heng 洓 Juan €竷 Mao? Bi 劧鑰屽嚭

鎺ヤ笅鏉ョ殑 Juan € Fu 鍛紝鐙 Chinese 鏃忓畬鍏ㄦ棤 Ping 曢樆鎸 ¤ 檸 strand Hong 繘鏀 Hun 殑鑴氭 Ben 岀粓 strand 庘€鈥 ^竴 Juan 懆鍚庯紝鐙 Chinese 鍦ㄤ粯 the 鍑 bomb 簡 80 Juan 囨崯 Mei ょ殑 Xi d wreath Juan 嬶紝 Zhu 濈劧 Li ℃湁鎸′綇铏庝 Chinese Chan у啗鐨勮繘鏀紝鍙€鎴愪簡铏庝 ?2 Juan 囩殑 Mei や Hai Ben 屽嵈 Cong ╄檸鍐涙垚鍔熺殑鐙 and 棌鐨勮€ Chen ㈠ ?00 鍏噷
bignunck71 10.01.2012 0 239

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