The chart shows the average number of hours a student spends on the computer per week. Buy Cycling Jerseys It can be seen from the chart that in 1990 the average number of hours a student spent on computers was around 2 hours per week. Five years later in 1995,the number was almost 4 hours a week. обувь Nike By the year 2000 as many as 18 hours were used every week.
A number of reasons could be given for the tremendous increase in the use of computers. Jimmy Choo обувь The practical value of computers has been gradually recognized. At first, a computer was nothing more than an expensive typewriter. Later people found it could process pictures, music, sound as well as words. monster beats headphones The latest development of web has made computers necessary to those who hope to obtain informafion more quickly. And college students are among those who are eager to learn and to learn fast. While computers are getting faster and smaller, Hunting Footwear their prices are coming down, which means they are more affordable to college students.
Computers are powerful and convenient. Yet, considering the increasing number of college students, more computers need to be installed at the college computer centers. On the other hand,students who can use computers of their own seem to be spending too much time playing computer games, which is a waste of computers.