Some French scientists 28 said, they began to review some European scientists previously found the neutrino superluminal phenomenon. French nuclear physics and particle physics state institutions, deputy director Steve Ross Camille SaWei Barnes said: "the new test for two or three days jordan shoes,The idea is that the new proton beam, the protons will with protons bag out for a form, ns or two ns, two proton pack interval 500 ns, we will have the ability to determine the neutrino, but one, to do this, we need hundreds of times more than the last time the particle beams thin. "Card SaWei Barnes said.
Late September, some European scientists found in the experiment, the neutrino faster than the speed of light. If the experiment result after testing to identify, Albert Einstein proposed the classical theory of relativity will be challenged. The speed of light about 300000 kilometers a second, Einstein's theory of relativity think no object speed can exceed the speed of light, and this became the important basis of the modern physics. If really confirm that this superluminal phenomenon, it is of great significance, the whole physics theory system may be due to rebuild. Italy's grand national laboratory cable Mr Peja pull project researchers used a device, receiving 730 kilometers outside Europe nuclear research center of the launch of neutrino beam, found that more than 60 ahead of photons neutrino ns (1 ns is equal to one over one billion of a second) reach, namely every second run more than 6 km. However, the discovery challenge of relativity, likely to be completely overturn modern physics, trigger some physicists queries. air jordan shoes,According to some opponents say, technical mistakes could lead to the error. Card SaWei Barnes says, to reassure suspicion to find out the facts and the European nuclear research center will, in November 6 has created a special proton beam, to assess a modified determination technology. After a series of complex transition, in part, through the earth's crust proton arrive at your destination will change for neutrino. If the evaluation result is good, the technology in April next year will be used for more, very important experiment.
Neutrinos is a fundamental particles, not charged, quality tiny, almost no and other material effect, exist widely in nature. The sun internal nuclear reactions produce the large amount of neutrino, through our eyes every second of the neutrino billions. The neutrino has a large mystery has not been released. First of all it's quality has not directly measure, the size of the unknown; Secondly, it is its antiparticle is another kind of particle; Third, the neutrino oscillation and two parameters did not measure to, and the two parameters is likely in the universe and lack of antimatter mystery about; Fourth, it have magnetic strength; And so on. Therefore, the neutrino particle physics, a astrophysics, cosmology, earth's physical cross and hot subject. Only the very weak in neutrino weak interaction, has the strongest jordan shoes shop,Through the diameter of earth so thick material, and in 10 billion a neutrino only one of will and material produce response, so the neutrino detection is very difficult. Because of this, in all the basic particles, the people to know the neutrino late, also at least. In fact, most of the particle physics and the process of nuclear physics are accompanied with the neutrino produce, such as nuclear reactor power generation (nuclear fission), the sun was shining (fusion), natural radioactive (beta decay), a supernova explosion, cosmic rays, and so on. The universe has a large number of neutrino, with most of the big bang residue, about 100 per cubic centimeter.