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Samsung Galaxy S 5: Time of the concepts and designs


The Samsung Galaxy S4(Galaxy S4 I9500 Cases) is hardly on the market, because the network stack up the designs and concepts regarding the Samsung Galaxy S5: The "Wishful Thinking" has begun.

Basically, the procedure is always the same: Shortly after the release of a smartphone - in this case the Samsung Galaxy S4 - the rumors have grown already to the successor. And trailers of the mobile companion set designs, studies and concepts to the network which will certainly sometimes also taken from the "makers" of the big IT giants under the microscope. True to the motto: Free "inspiration"? 

The colleagues of about presenting a draft of the Galaxy S5 of whether its size rather seems like a "futuristic" Galaxy Note. Is certainly not unreasonable that the display at the front of the next models - all of course the Galaxy S5(samsung galaxy s i9000 Cases) - even better fills. And also a touch screen, the "go" to the edge of the device is possible. But if the "aspect ratio" in that study is really realistic, dare we simply times to doubt.

Meanwhile, would be a truly innovative smartphone that takes no great harm in a free fall on the beloved patch - explicitly the display is meant here. How do we get it? Well ...

Other rumors: The Galaxy S5 and first "thoughts"

Many "rumors" are then currently still very vague. But we "spin" just once with because: It is likely that the Galaxy S5 is long in development. The question is: What changes heave the Galaxy Galaxy S4 S5 compared to a truly new level?

There are quite a few IT experts who interpret the step from Galaxy to Galaxy S3 S4 rather than "small" step. At least for humanity. From a Galaxy S3S(Galaxy S4 I9500 Screen protector) based on the competitors from Cupertino was talk - what Samsung should certainly less flattering.

The "Software Power" the S4 is indeed immense, but at least in terms of "physical appearance" has hardly done anything compared to S3 (regarding the Android 4.2.2 update, it is still exclusively: patience). The "total size" of the device is also remained almost exactly the same. Only the display fills the front of the S4 better.

Galaxy S5: Questions, questions

Some questions may therefore be raised with respect to the Galaxy S5: The S3lay came with a 4.8-inch diagonal screen the way, the Galaxy S4 appeared with a 5 inch display. Samsung sets such as the "five" still a little bit on top of it? Or would the Galaxy as a "smartphone" then perhaps too big? (There's also still the touch and colleagues). Or, the touch screen fills the front again better - and the displays go possibly to the edge of the front. Appropriate studies and designs stack up in the net - sprung from Samsung disciples.

It is also not yet finished singing, whether the Galaxy S5 again come with a plastic housing of the way. It is also a carbon housing. Samsung has "bought" according to - and perhaps surprise the South Koreans. Apple also has "set" for the first time in relation to the iPhone 5 on an aluminum unibody enclosure - although a Bllig iPhone is set in autumn on plastic - or so it rustles in the forest rumors.

But the question is: How "bad" is actually plastic? And why swing a lot of manufacturers - including Nokia with its Lumia 925 - on aluminum to get away from plastic? The S3 and S4 are both well in hand. Although, of course, just the aluminum appearance of the HTC One leaves behind a very sophisticated look. And precious is mostly a good description for a mobile companion that goes on sale 600 € and more will probably cost even more.

The "power under the hood" is also likely to be part of many discussions in the coming months: Are 4GB of memory for S5 Galaxy realistic? And are always eight cores "on board"? The emphasis is on "always" because: The Galaxy S4 came in two versions on the market - in addition to quad-core variant in Europe, Asia, the S4 version with eight cores, "the hit".

LTE-A is the next standard - and likely, so it stands to reason the Galaxy S5 also be "standard". Also in "old Europe". Although LTE-A is already in the S4 of the game in Asia. How to look at it: With the Samsung Galaxy S5 should succeed one another "next" record. But how far this actually goes down? Wait and excited.

We are interested in the expectation of potential prospects Galaxy S5: What are realistic estimates regarding the S5? And the areas in which Samsung is really required? We are grateful for feedback.

cnkingge 16.07.2013 0 151

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