In Runescape, Fletching is a skill that is mainly received to trim a skill cape already held without losing money. Tail is one of the fastest skills to receive 99, and consequently it is nice if you are wanting to get a cape of skills because you don't have, or simply because you want to cut a different cape. There are two different ways to obtain 99 fletching that depend on how much money you are willing to spend / gain, and how fast you want that this Runescape skill cape. Well you can really start where you want in Runescape to buy runescape gold get 99 fletching. I would say simply from the market so that you can easily buy new logs that you need from the start. From the 1-2 level only, I'd simply cut logs to make arrows drums. This is done by using your knife with logs and choosing the option arrow shaft. You will only need a few logs in order to earn 2 points level within this jurisdiction, but you should have more newspapers simply because you will need it later. From 2-7 level, I suggest short arcs in normal logs. Some people may say that you must have level 5 in order to make short bows, but the best way to get faster tail is to use potions archery. Until Willow bows I suggest levels using Fletching potions because they are not expensive and will increase your low levels quickly. Therefore, you must simply take a SIP of the potion at any time your fletching level falls below 5 until you reach level 7. Well now that you're level 7, you will again need to use your Fletching potion the Pan at 10 tail level to make bows. If you do not have tail potions, then you simply need to make short bows until you get to level 10 tail. Tail is fairly repetitive, so you will simply need to do what you have done all along, and clicking on runescape gold the Arc option and selecting mark all. Yet again, you will be simply by drinking a potion tail to win 20 tail, then using your knife with your logs of Oak to make Oak logs. Just continue to do what you did before. In no time, you reach level 22. If you are using a potion tail, just continue to Longbow until you get to level 20 tail and then you can start the Arcs short Oak. From 22 to 35 level, you'll have to make Longbows Oak. You again in the pan to level 25 tail up to what you receive level 25 tail at what point you will no longer need potions archery. You will only have to continue what you have done, except that you make bows of oak instead of what you did before. You will go to the full level 35, that is when you are able to make bows short Willow this time instead of cheap rs gold stopping three levels as you did before hand.Well now that you have reached level 35 tail, you are able to make Willow short bows. It will be the element you do from level 35 to 40. I don't suggest you use a potion tail this time because you have found at a higher level, and you will not be able to gain levels fast enough before the potion wears so that it will take a while to potting soil to gain levels.