Runescape : Clan Citadels Expansion to Feature Floating Castles - Final Fantasy XIV News -
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Home >>News2011 >> Runescape : Clan Citadels Expansion to Feature Floating Castles

Runescape : Clan Citadels Expansion to Feature Floating Castles
RuneScape devs have announced the Clan Citadels expansion that will be released on July 26th. The new expansion will offer new citadel options including a floating castle. Notably, the expansion will also feature clan battlefields which will allow clans to generate custom game play experiences using the Battlefield Editor.
Clans will have access to a full-blown Battleground Editor equipping them with all the tools needed to create and develop their own multiplayer games. Clans can create any gameplay they wish; ranging from simple capture the flag style games to full clan versus clan battles. Once created, clan members can save their games and even invite others to compete in their creation.
The Clan Citadels expansion breaks the mould for group gaming in MMO’s and will be open to all RuneScape Gold members. Once signed up, clan leaders can select one of four Citadel layouts and propel their citadel into glorious sunshine or perpetual night. In addition to the clan battlefield, each citadel comes complete with portal grounds, meeting rooms, senates and party rooms. Players will have free reign to customise their castles and add banners and flags flying the colours of their clan.
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