The Ma 欐牱鐨勬儏鏅紝 plutonium 熺殑 Huan 堣 Liao 傦紒
Rodgers Cromartie JerseyThe 銆€€鍛滐紒鍛滐紒鍛溾€鈥 ?
銆€€ Shu g湅鐨勫嚭 Xie 為棿 Ben 岃繙 Chan 勭殑 Cui ︽姤 Juan 婂埡鑰 Chong 殑鍝嶄簡 Bi Feng 潵 Ben 屼笌 Shu ゅ悓鏃 Duo €鈥﹀墽鐑堢殑 the 鍛 fry 暩 Dan version Dao 鍟 song 埇鐨勫搷 strand 嗚 Dao 鏉ワ紝 Xi 庡叚鐞冧箣 Mao 涚殑鍛ㄥ洿 Ben 岀寷鐨勫崌 Bi Feng 簡鏃犳暟 Chen ㄥぇ鐨勯挗閾佸 Mei 欍€?
銆€€ Plutonium 嬬潃 Juan € Fu Juan 繀閫熸湞鎴戝寘鍥 Cuo €鏉ョ殑 Chen ㄥぇ閽㈤搧 Chen ㄦ満鍣紝鎴戠煡閬撯€鈥﹁繖 Hao Bian 槸 Chan 栭潰鎵€皳鐨勬 Zhao 鍧 ^簡 Ben 屽彧 Juan 嶈繃鈥︹€鍦ㄦ垜鐨勭溂閲岋紝 Xi 栦 slippery 鏇 Cuo thin 鏄満鍣ㄤ Chinese Ben 屽彧 plutonium 嬩簡 Juan €溂鎴戝 ammonia 鐭ラ亾 Ben 岃繖鑲畾鏄鑾庢牴鎹湴鐞冧笂鐨勭 Qian Hun 墖鐮旂┒ the 鍑 dry 潵鐨勩€?
The 銆€€鈥滃 hoop 鍦 bombs 笂鐨勪 man the Ben 岃 Juan donate the Dao 鍙屾墜 Ben 屾帴鍙楁鏌ワ紒鈥濆 method Chan х the 殑鍚 fry 0 Xi 庡 the ぉ Chu bomb 紶 strand 嗚繃鏉ャ€?
銆€€鑻︾瑧鐫€憞 Strand 嗘憞 the Chan reach 紝 plutonium 熺殑 Li ℃湁鎯 blunt 埌 Ben 岃繖 Cen 堜箙 Juan 嶅洖鏉ワ紝 Xi the 栦 slip Mao 熺劧鐢ㄨ繖鏍 breeze 殑鏂 Gui 紡鏉ヨ繋鎺ユ垜 Ben 屼笉 Ma 囦篃闅 torch € Ben 岃皝鍙垜 Fu Hui 紑鐨勫お Cen 呬簡鍛紝 Ma 欎簺 the strand coax 彲 the 鑳 lie 兘鏄 Hao the 戜 intimidate Xi ュ悗鐨勯€ Chan ╁瓙 Pin 戜簡 Ben 屼笉 Cong よ瘑鎴戜篃 Ba 炰簬 Shu e father 銆 ?
銆€€ Shu e綋鎴戜笉鐭ュ Wan 曟槸 Lian field 殑鏃 Duo € Ben 屽 Kao 鐒 Duo €鈥﹁繙 Chan 勪竴闃 Dian 綆 Li 夌 the 殑鍚 fry 0 Juan 紝 Juan €亾 Zi Kua prize Ben 屼粠 Chan ╄ unexpectedly 鐨勬柟鍚戝崌 strand 嗚 Dao 鏉ワ ?
銆€€鍚埌 Ma 欏 0 Chen ㄥ惣 Ben 屾垜 Jian 冮噷 Juan 嶇敱 Huan well Juan €儕 Ben 岃繖 Dan companion 煶 Chan 啛鎮変簡 Ben 岃€ Juan 斺€鈥 ^粠 Ma 滃 Bi rudder 潵鐨勪 Chinese Ben 屼篃 Chan 啛鎮変簡 Ben?
銆€€鍦ㄦ垜鐑垏鐨勬湡鐩笅 Ben 屼竴閬撳 method Chan х殑 Zi Kua 壊 Lan 旇剳 Ben 岃繀閫熺殑 Liang 炲埌 strand 嗘垜鐨勪笂 Chu monkey 紝闅忓悗鈥︹€ Xian 戣 Han Juan €樀鍓х儓鐨勯ⅳ鎶栦 Fu Ben 屼竴閬撹摑 the Qian argue 寷鐨勪粠 Lan 旇剳鐨勮儗 Juan 婅 hoop strand 嗕笅鏉ャ€?
The 銆€€鑰佸ぇ Ben 佽€ Chan э紒 Wan 犵粓 strand 庡洖鏉ヤ簡鑰佸ぇ Ben?
銆€€ Plutonium 嬬潃 Xi 庡嚑鐧 play back Zha 樼┖ Wen 冧笅鐨勮 Han Qian suppress 紝鎴戜笉 the 鐢 argue 瑧 strand 嗚 Dao 鏉ワ紝铏 field 劧鎴戜笉 Cong よ瘑 Xi 栵紝 Wan 嗘槸鎴戝彲 Xi ヨ偗 Yue 氱殑鏄紝 Ma 欒偗 Yue 氭槸 Qian the 撳 hang up 鍑 to bomb 簯鎴橀槦鐨勫厔 Liao 熴€?
The 銆€€鎵戦€鈥︹€?
銆€€鍦ㄥ崈 The 鐧 fear to 悕 Ping plank 潶鎴樺 +鐨勬剷鐒 rudder Chang Nao 嗕笅 Ben 岃繖鍚嶅厔 Liao 熶簩 Xuan 濅 the 笉 Xuan reach 紝鎵戦€ Juan € 0 Wen €鍦ㄥ湴 Ben 屽摻鍜 field 潃 Juan 嶉毦 Ai € strand 嗐€?
The 銆€€ Juan €椂闂 reaches the 紝鎵€湁 Bin Hong 兘鍛嗕綇 Bin 嗭紝 Lan 旈獞鍏 Diao 紒閭e彲