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Police officer of the court to act as the umbrella for the recovery of usury gang

According to the indictment shows that in August 2005, the Guangzhou Intermediate People's Court ruled Cai Asia also, Cai Hong Kong shares exchanged natural security company returned to the original shareholders. But Li Zhengang and Mao Gangqu court, ignoring the Guangzhou Intermediate People's Court's decision to force the commercial and residential building projects Shun auction, the proceeds 54 million yuan, of which 28 million yuan directly allocated to the Li Zhengang. Yan was charged Li Zhengang after the $ 300,000 bribe. Li Zhengang eating a piece of May 2007 to July, a Shenzhen Co., a company boss Lai Li Zhengang interest loan principal to 16.5 million yuan, in March 2008 after the return of six million yuan insolvency. Lizhen Gang gang attempt to occupy Lai Moumou in Guangzhou Liwan District, a value of 26.57 million yuan of industrial land use rights in order to achieve benefits for illegal purposes. Li Zhengang was pointing in the strict, began the

conceal evidence of suspects escaped sanctions

● Maoming Municipal Public Security Bureau of Interpol, the former captain of the detachment process Bin

conceal evidence of a crime all the way to gangs in the city center along Maoming Dianbai dominate the market, disturb, casino, usury, kidnapping for ransom, has seriously affected the local social order.

Lizhen Gang - organization, leadership, participate in organized crime groups, fraud, extortion, illegal business, intentional injury, illegal detention, bribery, crime of obstruction of evidence, false funded crime, the crime of gambling.

to defendant Li Zhengang led syndicate, the state personnel in the harbor, under the connivance, in Guangzhou, Maoming and other places on the casino and usury to cash flow difficulties are not specific to the many victims. The backbone of the organization and the defendant Lizhen Gang members also use the impact of an individual or partnership shares ways usury, profit from.

turned undercover fictional casino boss arrested drug was light

hydrogen Liu said that as the rich political and legal work experience, the three anti-detection capabilities are strong. It is reported that Li Zhengang was arrested, Mr LEE Wing-it will be with his wife divorced, all the property to his wife. Being questioned, its been very tight-lipped, tight narrative, almost without flaws.

Mao Gangqu Branch police officers to testify, said Zeng Zhiyong, May 2007, the court moved the case from Mao Gangqu to branch,Moncler Outlet, he considered the economic disputes, the debtor's ability to execute is not sufficient evidence proposed can not be placed on file, but continue to raise the issue Yang Qiang, deputy director and two pressure after the final brigade or the case of Interpol established.


hidden files fruitless search to find a half years to find a breakthrough

It is understood that the end of the year, a new broad international funds strand breaks, the SASAC had to help. Year audit report, the new Guangzhou International huge loss of nearly 800 million yuan. In May 2009, the new huge loss broad international exposure, followed by 71 accountability, 27 people were transferred to judicial organs, including the departmental level on the former chairman Wu Jing.

Maoming Lizhen Gang Mafia case in Guangzhou Intermediate People's Court trial, the indictment disclosed

110 million loan sharks by 3 percent a month to the state-owned veterans compound interest into 172 million yuan

Yang Qiang Li Zhengang knowingly engaged in criminal activities, Lee is also accepting bribes, used his position requires Maoming Branch of Municipal Public Security Bureau to Xiejian Xiong Mao Gangqu allegedly refusing to implement the court decision, ruled that the grounds of the crime of filing investigation, and police assigned to the Mercedes-Benz sport utility vehicle traveling Li Zhengang to arrest Xie Jianxiong Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, along the Li Zhengang responsible for the costs. Investigation period, Qiang Yang used his position demands Mao Gangqu Procuratorate arrest Xie Jianxiong. In this regard, Yang Qiang recognized, as Xie Jianxiong case, Li Zhengang has sent 43 million to him.

Investigating LEE Wing was so even if only three small According to the Guangzhou Municipal Procuratorate, the Deputy Secretary for the anti-malfeasance Liu hydrogen introduced in 2001, only to help Li Zhengang LEE Wing will conceal their criminal files, to avoid penalties. Tianhe, Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau of Interpol was involved in investigating the case, has been in the past 10 years have passed, so far failed to find the relevant files, a few went to Maoming still no harvest was very difficult.

Weapon master person in charge of Lai Lin (the former name of a Lai), the latter to Ho Ming Jie Lai personally produced a total of 23.5 million yuan loan to own 5 copies of the indictment and civil false promissory note, and then forged the relevant hearing transcripts, the full court transcripts, civil mediation and other legal instruments, and the case of illegal use of Judgement, to the Lai Lai a forest (that is, I rely on a) repayment of 23.5 million yuan. After the verdict, Ho Ming Jie and violation of Lizhen Gang, who after a false registration, after the company 10 million into the melting pot, forcing all of the company depends on forest transfer of shares will be East meets West, and thus to seize the land.

According to the investigation, as the district court

from forgery to help implement the full black

Lizhen Gang triad umbrella case to the mid-level leadership from top leaders to the clerk, to provide >

Lizhen Gang Mafia and other organized crime the defendant has been in hospital in Guangzhou City, a public hearing, according to the indictment revealed that from the police officers to court personnel, Li Zhengang umbrella all have backing from the number one leading to the clerk to the middle , finalized the work of one-stop service. Amazingly, these umbrella are dedicated to their work, to Maogang Qu Yan was President of the Court, for example, two times co-operation, not only closed its nod, the Deputy Secretary instructed the courts to enforce civil court and the court forced to follow-up for long, more Lizhen Gang Weapon, to be admired for a long time in Guangzhou Liwan a land (valued at more than 2,600 million).

● original Mao Gangqu Court Civil Court President Ho Ming Jie

LEE Wing was not only hiding the corresponding material is not transferred to the prosecution evidence, nor the other two peaks Tsai transferred to the prosecution. According to reports, Li Zhengang three single-charge case file has not found.

It is alleged that Young had sent a strong police provinces for the Li Zhengang recovered

After investigation, the syndicate ranging from 10% -30% monthly interest rate of usury, to take advantage of compound interest, after the manner of calculating interest. High levels of debt can not be returned when the victim, the defendant Lizhen Gang has taken the illegal detention, threats, intimidation and other means of beating the usurious interest to the debtor's debt collection included re-written IOU, again together with the accused Ho Ming Jie and Yan Liang Bin, who was , the

in the list of borrowers, the most famous of the new Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, was originally the International Group Ltd. Chairman Wu on crystal (white power), while the maximum loan amount has reached 115,500,000 yuan. Guangdong Province, Guangzhou International under the new SAC, from 57 state-owned and state holding enterprises, and the main business including construction and labor export.

Ho Ming Jie (formerly People's Court of Maoming Mao Gangqu Tribunal of Indigenous Peoples): harbor and abet the crime syndicate, civil capricious and arbitrary, bribery

before his arrest, Li Zhengang underground financing market is the big boss. The indictment shows: Li Zhengang lending objects involved in Guangzhou, Maoming and other places, to fellow main contractor construction industry, there are gamblers, suspected fraud suspects and investment losses of state-owned enterprises boss.

accepting bribes Li Zhengang 850 000

LEE Wing-it was the work of the task force responsible for keeping the evidence collected, review relevant information and produce relevant legal instruments, binding, archival materials, examination and prosecution, and such additional investigation and evidence collection phase of the work.

Liang Bin (formerly Maoming City Mao Gangqu court clerk the original of the Executive Board): harbor and abet the crime syndicate, civil capricious and arbitrary, taking bribes, large amounts of property unidentified source

Executive Mansion in the case of Shun, Shun Building, sold more than 54 million. However, because of disputes involving more than one debt, the execution shall be in accordance with the law give priority to the payment of land transfer, deed tax, relocation fee, and engineering models, from the rest of implementation models in pro rata to the general creditors. But Mao Hong Kong court in order to meet Li Zhengang perform most of the purposes of subsection embezzlement, illegal distribution actually implement models by Ho Ming Jie and Liang Bin, who repeatedly make false civil litigation, will perform the final paragraph of the more than 2800 million for direct distribution and fictitious civil, etc. are assigned to the general creditors Lizhen Gang, to help them get a huge illegal profits.

loan debt to loan sharks cause false

Dean finalized usury priority in compensation over half

and Ho Ming Jie and Liang Bin, two judges and clerks, the initial filing is fraud, and found also to dereliction of duty, Guangdong Provincial Procuratorate, the final task force set up to handle this in Guangzhou City People's Procuratorate three related cases.

Dean Weapon Li Zhengang harassing Liwan plots

According to the Guangzhou Municipal Procuratorate, the Deputy Secretary for the anti-malfeasance Liu hydrogen introduction, Mr LEE Wing-investigation in the case before the end of the production process of prosecution submissions and deliberately concealed the Li Zhengang extortion gang 15 million intentional injuries to others, such as three brothers kidnap Lin main facts of the crime and evidence, leading to the case of insufficient evidence, the fact is unclear, the last being for non-prosecution deal with, so that Li Zhengang, who evade the law of sanctions.

this time, was ordered strict implementation of the hospital and the hospital, Deputy Secretary Xiaoguang Xiu Liang Bin clerk responsible for the implementation.

sit Benz Li Zhengang inter-provincial debt collection

Li Zhengang case in the first instance trial, the total was accused of nine counts, almost all are related with the Li Zhengang usury.

Li Zhengang being LEE Wing Public Security Bureau of Interpol team was as Maoming, deputy chief of the Third Brigade, knowing Lizhen Gang gangs continue to loan sharking, gambling and other illegal and criminal for the industry, still intends to condone the illegal activities of the gangs, since 2006, with its black forces colluded in illegal usury funded, short-term borrowing from Li Zhengang to collect 60% per annum, up from 85 million yuan to obtain illegal benefits. The prosecution alleged that the money is only accepting bribes LEE Wing.

● LEE Wing-panel materials team with only

2005 January, Li Zhengang with a false promissory note, to Dianbai court, after determining land use rights and buildings, the auction.

Shun Shun Building project from Guangzhou real estate development company, in August 2003, Cai Asia also, Shun Cai Hong Kong to buy shares after the company failed to pay in full, was taken to court. Have paid money for the stake in January 2004 to October, both with 20% monthly interest rate five times to Li Zhengang borrowing $ 2 million, after compound interest lead to principal and interest due to reach 23 million. It is alleged that in January 2005, Li Zhengang forced the two forged a 23 owed $ 1 million promissory note, but never Cai individual borrowers into seal for a fictitious IOU.

national staff asylum triad

It is alleged that in 2008 20 to 25 November, Li Zhengang King Day men strong, Li iron in Guangzhou Avenue, Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, a casino hotel, to way and gambling. 25 am, the public security organs according to reports, arrested the defendant at the location, co-workers more than 30 people and gambled, and seized gambling money 7500 yuan and gambling group.

investigation, Ho Ming Jie Mao Gangqu Maoming court in any civil court as President, the use of the President the power to Lizhen Gang Mafia money-lending, debt collection, debt help loan-sharking and criminal activities, from false loan contracts, filing, hearing, decision, implementation of equity, land and other rights to access to justice under the name transferred to the Li Zhengang gang to protect Li Zhengang seek huge illegal usury income.

civil instruments many times fake

time, Maoming Municipal Public Security Bureau by the task force investigation, discovered and confirmed to Lizhen Gang, led by criminal gangs suspected of Mafia extortion, intentional assault and kidnapping three crimes. In the investigation process, Lizhen Gang Feng and Chen Liang Cai gang members are surrendered, the council were to take coercive measures on the two, and collect the relevant evidence.

According to statistics, in 2005, the new Guangzhou International involved in copper transactions. As the international market price fluctuations, a new broad international speculation caused huge losses. Judicial materials show: September 2008, Ng Jing Li Zhengang understanding by others, Li Zhengang has divided many times to a monthly interest rate by 15% to 112.5 million yuan Hisense Company, through the Austrian industry companies 300 million, a total of 115.5 million yuan, the Department of the new wide international accounts. After the end of the year, a total return of Wu Jing Li Zhengang on more than 1.72 billion yuan, only the sum of borrowings, Li Zhengang illegal profits of more than 5,000 yuan. Later, the defendant Lizhen Gang Hui Song a total of 1.5 million yuan to Jing Wu day.

● original Maoming city police vice squad two captain Huang Yonghua

LEE Wing-only (the original detachment Maoming Public Security Bureau of Interpol three former deputy brigade commander): harbor and abet the crime syndicate, favoritism, bribery

within the task force team leader turned ghost

Maogang Qu Liang Bin Maoming City People's Court of any Clerk of the Executive Board during the period, together with Ho Ming Jie and Li Zhengang gang collusion, abuse of judicial enforcement of many rights, should not have priority for payment of general usury through false claims and civil litigation and other illegal means, the victims and the implementation of the third person's property Lizhen Gang gang name, for to seek illegal interests.

Li Zhengang to help its associates, when he was actually called the Maoming Municipal Public Security Bureau Interpol team captain Cheng Bin Wang stronger by the day to help the defendant, Li iron laws and regulations to avoid sanctions, Cheng Bin, then ordered two Maoming city police vice squad commander Huang Yonghua, made stronger by the day two so-called Wang, Li Maoming Municipal Public Security Bureau of Interpol Iron Brigade for the special situation of false criminal Detachment, arrested drug offenders false meritorious material, resulting in the accused Wang, Li received a lighter punishment in the sentencing process.

● Executive Board of the court clerk the original Maogang Qu Liang Bin

● public security bureau chief the original Maogang Qu Qiang Yang

It is alleged that from 2002 start to 2009,Moncler, Li Zhengang organized,Moncler Pas Cher, gathered a group of key members of destination and their respective messenger, formed a Subsequently, Li Zhengang has funded the establishment of Hisense Co., Ltd. Maoming, Guangzhou Austrian Industry Investment Co., Ltd. and other companies, in order to cover only relying on the defendant LEE Wing, Ho Ming Jie, Liang Bin and former President of the Court of Maoming City Maogang Qu Yan too, the former Secretary Maoming Municipal Public Security Bureau Maogang Qu Qiang Yang Branch, Maoming Municipal Public Security Bureau of Interpol, the original detachment Cheng Bin, Maoming Municipal Public Security Bureau of Interpol, the original detachment of the Second team captain Huang Yonghua (handled separately) and other state organs as the umbrella , and gradually form a Li Zhengang for the organization, led syndicate.

prosecutor said investigators difficult: fine police investigation, the judge is more knowledgeable about the law

Lizhen Gang Mafia case

It's Procuratorate charged Li Zhengang other people and Maoming Municipal People's Court Maogang Qu Yan was plotted, using almost the same way, and misappropriation of money, respectively, two pen sold 8 million yuan and 294 yuan.

The investigation began in October 2005, Xie Jianxiong Li Zhengang has to borrow $ 4.9 million has also followed by about 400 million, but there are still usury can not afford. Thus, Li Zhengang through bribery Maoming Maogang Qu Yan was the original President of the Court, the court ruled that makes Mao Gangqu Lizhen Gang Xie Jianxiong to repay loan sharks.

2001 年 5 31, Maoming Municipal Public Security Bureau set up a task force investigation led to Lizhen Gang Mafia gangs, Mr LEE Wing-only (when Maoming Municipal Public Security Bureau police officers and Interpol) is the panel's materials team leader.

implementation in the case of Shun Building, its assistance to Ho Ming Jie civil repeatedly produced false documents.

later, the project group to adjust the detection direction of the Attorney General, and Li Zhengang from economic ties to Charles, Charles and his wife LEE Wing-only account, and the gang found him and Li Zhengang economic exchanges, after six months to the ultimate success of breakthrough in the case.

Related articles: Cheng home. Reached the school gate when school hours later than 5 minutes. Is this five minutes, so he separated from her daughter.
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