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Officials, land and engineering subsidiary had extorted money-making channels

responsible for the bidding of the mind to understand Paul Tang Daoyong and Ya: Engineering a smooth hand, thanks to the care of Tam Yiu lights.

Tam Yiu also waiting lamp, passed two years as mayor, he also himself the desire of accumulating wealth.

early as 2006, the Dutch East Chinese city by Jeong auction auction to 7.28 million yuan has made goods Avenue East City, east of 120 acres of land use rights and land transfer by the city's Bureau of Land to its name.

2009 the beginning of a weekend, Mr Ng went to sea, to 10 million in cash to give light Tam Yiu. Tan accept my gift, and has repeatedly promised: the exchange of cadres take care of you when I will.

Mr Ng sent 15 million, but the hearts of Tam Yiu light unhappy, because it is not actively sent. Mr Ng clever mind while self-blame, blame himself that he really did not understand the natures of the mayor.

trial, even light Tam Yiu himself has to admit that he was mayor, the money received under 12 pen, give money to people, including Deputy Mayor, City People's Congress and the Secretary-General transportation, finance, sanitation and other departments. Some cadres in the East City

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2009 Spring Festival, Tang Daoyong find some security in consultation with Ya, Ya Bao prepared 50 million in cash, and soon handed over to Tang Daoyong. A few days later, Tang Daoyong proven Tam Yiu returned to the sea light house, he took 500,000 yuan in cash straight to the good sea, called the phone Tam Yiu lights.

tacit. 8 o'clock that night, lights Tam Yiu Tang Daoyong to Haikou specified to meet the first department store on the first floor supermarket. After the two met only a few pleasantries,doudoune moncler, Tang Daoyong followed Tam Yiu came to light next to his car, looked to see Tang Daoyong no acquaintance, immediately placed the bag containing $ 500,000 in light Tam Yiu car. Suddenly, Tam Yiu lights of cars has disappeared into the traffic.

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case the second branch by the Hainan Provincial Procuratorate investigation, and ultimately to identify: Light Tan Yao in the East as a Municipal Committee, mayor of the government, using their powers to seek benefits for others, many illegally accepting other people's property Total 5 million yuan, HK $ 500,000, U.S. $ 5,000. Also found that: Tam Yiu light beyond the property was legitimate income, the difference of RMB 785 million yuan, can not explain the source of legitimate.

Jeong did not expect, there is the land dispute, the development can not use. In protracted cases, Jeong had commissioned a friend Chen Shaoxing, Zhejiang Wenzhou deal with land issues. Later, Chen Shaoxing numerous experiences of finding light Tam Yiu negotiations, begging the government to come forward to solve the problem of land left. Second half of 2007, the two sides reached consensus after the meeting decided to expand the East City,自信才有激情,志向决定未来 With further investigation, police learned that Zhao Wensheng front upright style, and his kind, and who have not formed enmity, then, who in the end, but also the reasons why their pain killers it?, and instructions by Tam Yiu light after the signing in December that year Getting the matter Jeong overjoyed, has repeatedly told Chen Shaoxing light must be good thanks Tam Yiu.

Ya Tang Daoyong Paul decided to let the Lord Mayor sent to 300,000, in order to make the project the green light all the way to funding and project acceptance. One day in May 2009, Tang Daoyong large sums of money to bring 300,000 yuan, drive early in the morning rushed to Haikou City, the same day at 11 o'clock, came to Tam Yiu specified lamp life and life department store parking lot waiting for Haikou. A few minutes later, Tam Yiu's car came to light, Tang Daoyong the purse into the car. Tam Yiu light nod, drove rapidly away.

the past few years, some of those in power will adjust the cadre posts as money-making way. The people who want job promotion, they seize the

2009 August, Tam Yiu lights have loyal friends (handled separately) due to funding constraints on business, looking for help to solve Tam Yiu lights. Tam Yiu first to think of light willow wood gold. The land acquisition process has been a lot of benefits, it has been told to find Liu Zhong Jin borrow material. Liu also personally call up the gold lent material was loyal 5,000,000.

2009 the day before National Day,abercrombie and fitch, he gave Liu Zhong material gold 2.5 million. Liu Jin as material support thanks Tam Yiu lights, he told was loyal: no need to pay back the money to him. Not also forwarded to the 2.5 million yuan after the lights Tam Yiu. Liu Zhong would have been material to convey the meaning of gold after Tam Yiu lights, lamps Tam Yiu could not help muttering, count your conscience. A few days later, gold and timber Liu met Tam Yiu light, golden willow wood table of money but also a state of things, and Tam Yiu spot light acceptance. One day in late December 2009, Tam Yiu light from willow wood called Zhong Jin was sent to remove his 2.5 million yuan to 500,000 yuan, he called the remaining $ 2 million has been loyal to custody, and asked who these 2 million yuan Chung as his investment money. Chung had promised, in Haikou City,burberry pas cher, Century Plaza will be 500,000 yuan to the light Tam Yiu, Tam Yiu spot lights accept.

honest, Tam Yiu light two years ago when the mayor, most people did not dare to give him money. Because light Tam Yiu General Assembly will talk about integrity, ideals and beliefs, a posture of invulnerability. Promotion of subordinates who want to look busy all day the mayor will not dare to start Tan, patiently waiting for them, after all, the opportunity will always have.

did accede times, thanks to accept 50,000 yuan fee. Out from the organization department Tam Yiu light on the nature of this behavior than anybody else.

Tam Yiu lights do not work without benefits. 2008 Spring Festival, held in Hainan Province on sewage, garbage disposal projects meeting the requirements of the province's cities and counties to carry out sewage, garbage disposal work. After the government decided to municipal solid waste project east by the Eastern Health Authority as the competent municipal environmental units,louboutin pas cher, and set up a business with the company as a legal personality responsible for landfill construction and concrete operations.

2009 In August, the municipal government to the East the price of 68,000 yuan per mu acquisition of Oriental City, eight village and small town Ning Ling Wong's 1046 acres of land as a village reserve land . It turned out that 1046 acres of land expropriation in the East before the city, village and small-Ling Wong Ning village has been illegal to transfer the land to the east Fangmu Long Bay Development Co., Ltd. of agricultural tourism CEOs Zhang Yanan (handled separately). Later, the East Village high-water slope Jinjin head of willow wood Development Co., Ltd. Gold (handled separately) and Zhang Yanan talks by Zhang Yanan price of 42,000 yuan per mu charged to the price, price to price out some of the materials owned by Liu Jin all.

Later Tang Daoyong Paul jointly with Ya progress of the works, will feel in order to make good progress, progress of the project funding is a top priority. The funding is undoubtedly to light by Tam Yiu approval. Recognizing this layer, They think 50 million was sent after the completion of the project compared to a profit was a ceremony of light.

Once upon a time 'in his career on the brilliance

all this is just external, Tam Yiu real change in light from the third year when the mayor began.

2008 April Tam Yiu lights quickly agreed by the Eastern Municipal Environmental Health Registration Authority Tangdao Yong as the legal representative of the Eastern Municipal waste limited liability company, clearly organized by the city's Environmental Health Administration Lead The project construction. December that year, after the investment tender, a security engineering team boss Ya (handled separately) to Hong Construction Corporation Yu's name to the total contract value of 44.6353 million yuan of civil works.

reciprocated one hundred thousand bribe not white

2009 the beginning of the day, Li Xianmin will have already prepared a good 100,000 yuan in sacks, light Tam Yiu to the report by the opportunity to work the money sent. Unexpectedly Tam Yiu did not put off light,christian louboutin, they took it. Shortly afterwards, Tam Yiu gave Li Xianmin lamp provides a rich platform. Tam Yiu recommended Li Xianmin serve light Oriental City Investment Company Limited.

is in the second half, Mr Ng Tan mayor ready to get the message abroad to study, and soon a good 5000 yuan exchange U.S. dollars, take the initiative, and to the light Tam Yiu a surprise. Tan took over the U.S., said: Mr Ng regarded as a caring people, getting smarter.

2009 the day before Chinese New Year, Tam Yiu etched light, on New Year Chinese New Year to give stakeholders the ground, so that Eastern Municipal Finance Bureau, to prepare a high of $ 100,000 later, the Secretary to prepare high $ 100,000 went to the sea, in accordance with specified Tan, life and life in Haikou City department store parking lot to meet. After the two meet, the high will be 10 million in cash on a light Tam Yiu car, light Tam Yiu nodded, a step on the gas leave the territory.

the cover of darkness by the fact that for enrichment

self-dealing Fortune effortless

years right to the money game to realize Tam Yiu light a path, as long as the work of others, as long as projects involving land and that sort of thing, they will be wealth and fortune.

2010, Hainan's Dongfang City, a property owner of the incident, pull out a number of officials taking bribes. Hainan Dongfang City (county level) of the original Mayor Tam Yiu light (time of the incident in Hainan Province has been promoted to Deputy Secretary for Social Insurance) is suspected of the crime of bribery, January 2, 2010 decision by prosecutors to arrest.

2009 year, Liu Jin that Eastern Municipal Government plans to build about 1,000 acres of land expropriated land as a reserve. Liu Jin will find material Tam Yiu lights, hoping to land as he recommended reserve land. Tam Yiu light willow wood quickly arrange payment of the relevant departments recommended to inspect the land. Finally, in support of Tam Yiu light, golden willow wood recommended by Oriental Land identified as municipal reserve land. When the news reached the ears of Zhang Yanan, he could not help but feel pleased, and soon promises to pay as agreed willow wood gold 22 million yuan.

2010 年 9 30, Hainan Province,Her in-laws refused to compensation given to his son killed daughter jailed With further investigation, police learned that Zhao Wensheng front upright style, and his kind, and who have not formed enmity, then, who in the end, but also the reasons why their pain killers it?, the second branch of the prosecution case Tam Yiu lights to the court for prosecution. January 25, 2011, Hainan Province, the second intermediate lights on Tam Yiu bribery, huge amount of property case, after hearing the first trial verdict: taking bribes, huge amount of property crime, graft and sentenced to imprisonment eighteen years. Proceeds of RMB 1200 million yuan, HK $ 500,000, U.S. $ 5000 yuan shall be recovered.

now Tam Yiu lights down, but to promote his transformation of the soil but did not disappear.

river boat

2009 May, when he was Secretary-General Luo Shaohua Eastern Municipal People's Congress to get information, engage in the recent municipal exchange of cadres. Luo Shaohua decided to strike first, he please he was familiar with Yang, a National People's Congress leadership to come forward. Made a special trip with Luo Shaohua Yang arrived in Haikou, Haikou City, the Hotel Blue Sky Road, Kam Hung and Tam Yiu light meet, after meeting Yang kept to Tam Yiu for Luo Shaohua light into the kind words, pleading for Luo Shaohua Tan Yao adjust lights a good job. In light Tam Yiu ready to leave, Yang first step, they understand that bribery is a gift Luo Shaohua seeing, while they want to make the work unit, while the a prepared bag with 5 million in cash upon their lights Tam Yiu.

light from Tam Yiu became the mayor that day, around singing the praises, lifting the sedan chair of the Secretary, the Director are everywhere. Some business owners are also eyeing him, would like to benefit from him.

46-year-old Tam Yiu light is Lingshui County,sac burberry, superior than many peers, he has a university degree and Bachelor of Arts degree. In July 1988 he was transferred to the Hainan Provincial Committee Organization Department,moncler pas cher, served as Assistant Provincial Party Committee Organization Department of the deployment of researcher, the CPC Organization Department of the Macao Work Committee Deputy Director of the organization, provincial organization department of the training of cadres and intellectuals working at the Assistant researcher, Tunchang County Committee, Organization Department, Chengmai County Committee, Organization Department, Eastern Municipal Committee, vice mayor, acting mayor. In October 2006, Tam Yiu lights elected mayor of the East. The end of 2009, Hainan was promoted to Deputy Secretary for Social Insurance (deputy departmental level). Career path can be said that the way the green light.

wait to actually make gifts under the Gold

2008 the day before Chinese New Year,louboutin pas cher, Dongfang City Department of Transportation Secretary Wu's cell phone rang, the phone is called the Tam Yiu lights: New Year, you can see to prepare 150,000 yuan of money?

still accede to accept Thank fee

Oriental Vice Mayor Li Xianmin heart has its own motto: and his boss Tam Yiu light distance, the relationship both not far past. May be seeing around the size of the officials, some reuse, and some fortune, he could not stand it. He understood, in order to work out the results on the effectiveness of the economy, you have closer relationship with Tam Yiu lights.

2008 the beginning of the day, the East will be 12 million yuan to Chen Shaoxing municipal government's account. Next morning, Chen Shaoxing in Haikou City, met with Tam Wan Lvyuan parking lights Yao, Chen Shaoxing light of Tan Yao said: a matter of dealing with land so fast, thanks to Mayor Tan to worry about. Then the pre-prepared with 5 million in cash purse and handed Mayor Tan. Tam Yiu shirk that light,多次送樣客戶都沒答復怎麼辦 With further investigation, police learned that Zhao Wensheng front upright style, and his kind, and who have not formed enmity, then, who in the end, but also the reasons why their pain killers it?, only this time, just this once.

willow wood gold before wake-up call came, his momentary busy with business, the mayor went so far neglected to send commissions to Tan,louboutin, since the mayor to take the initiative to come to a change from passive to active, he promised to hand the mayor Tan requirements, side Yoo told his nephew to his company from Zhang Yanan out of 5 million yuan in cash in the money lent has been loyal.

Later, Tam Yiu recommended Luo Shaohua lights smoothly when on the Eastern Marine Fisheries Service,abercrombie, City Secretary, has become a real power to send people.

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