As a recent addition to the Tera community we have been playing catch-up with all the information that is been released since the game was originally announced and the revised or updated info that has come out as development has progressed. As such we figured a great way to tap the resources of all the knowledgeable folks on these boards would be to go to your guys and ask:
What are the top 5-10 things you believe new comers to Tera should know about? You can even split that down more to having the first list being top items(cheap Tera Gold) that's overall important and then a second list of your top items which you haven't seen mentioned by previous posters in this thread, assuming there's any response to this query.
Obviously there's various FAQs sprinkled, but they don't necessarily cover all the cool things that you guys know about the game that we newbies haven't come across or aren't easy to find. There's also various ginormous posts on specific topics - crafting/politics/etc. that contain a lot of useful info but if they can be distilled for easier bite sized consumption here.