appear to be looking yourwife in the face. It speaks well for your courage but badly for yoursense Matt Holliday Jersey of shame. If you had the remnants of decent feeling in you, youwould be physically incapable of the feat. If you would care to knowhow your conduct strikes an unprejudiced spectator, I may tell you thatI consider you a scoundrel of the worst type and unfit to associatewith any but the low company in which I find you."Steve, who had been listening with interest, and indeed, a certainrelish while Kirk was, as he put it to himself, "getting his" in thisspirited fashion, started at the concluding words of the address,which, in his opinion, seemed slightly personal. He had long ago madeup Whitey Herzog Jersey his mind that Lora Delane Porter, though an entertaining David Freese Jersey woman and,on the whole, more worth while than a moving-picture show, was quitemad; but, he felt, even lunatics ought to realize that there is a limitto what they may Scott Rolen Jersey say. He moaned protestingly, and rashly, for he drew the speaker's attentionupon himself. "This person," went on Mrs. Porter, indicating Steve with a wave of herhand which caused him to sidestep swiftly and throw up an arm, as hadbeen his habit in the ring when Battling Dick or Fighting Jackendeavoured to blot him out with a right swing, "who, I observe,retains the tattered relics of a conscience, seeing that he winces, youemployed to do the only dangerous part of your dirty work. I hope hewill Chris Carpenter Jersey see that he gets his money. In his place I should be feelinguneasy.""Ma'am!" protested Steve. Mrs. Porter silenced him with a gesture. "Be quiet!" she said. Steve was quiet. Mrs. Porter returned to Kirk. Of all her burning words, Kirk had not heard one. His eyes had neverleft Ruth's. Like her, he was trying to read a message from a face thatseemed only cold. In this crisis of their two lives he had no thoughtfor anybody but her. He had a sense of great issues, of being on theverge of the tremendo Lou Brock Jersey us; but his brain felt numbed and heavy. He couldnot think. He could see nothing except her eyes. His inattention seemed to communicate itself to Mrs. Porter. She rappedimperatively upon the Vince Coleman Jersey table for the third time. The report galvanizedSteve, as, earlier in the day, a similar report had galvanized Mr. Penway; but Kirk did not move. "Mr. Winfield!"Still Kirk made no sign that he had heard her. It was discouraging, butLora Delane Porter was not made of the stuff that yields readily todiscouragement. She resumed: "As for this wretched girl"--she indicated the silent Mamie with a waveof her hand--"this abandoned creature whom you have led astray, thisshameless partner of your----""Say!"The exclamation came from Steve, and it stopped Mrs. Porter like abullet. To her this interruption from one whom she had fallen upon andwiped out resembled a voice from the tomb. She was not accustomed tohaving her victims rise up and cut sharply, even peremptorily, into theflow of her speech. Macbeth, confronted