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鍙 Insect 墜鎷囨寚鍜屼 Fu 鎸囧洖鍦堣 Dao 鏉ワ紝 the 鏀 fear to 湪鍢 to gather 噷 Juan € 0 鍛 fried 摠 Ben 岄】鏃 Duo €鈥 ^竴 Dan version 偁鎵€鍙堟偊鑰 Chong 殑鍙e摠 Dan plank 搷 strand 嗚 Dao 鏉ワ紝鍚埌 Ma 欎 Fu 鍙e摠 the Dan help 紝 Luo Ku 椂鈥︹€ the 鍑 bomb 簯鎴橀槦鐨勫厔 Liao 燂紝 Xi ュ強 Ma 呯嫾鍏 indigo 洟鐨勬垬 Dan 紝鐚涚殑鍋滀笅 strand 嗘敾鍑紝 Ma 呴€鐨勯€ strand 嗗洖鏉ワ紝 Zhang х Chuai 鐨勫竷鎴愮 Chuai Fen 嗙殑 the 鏂 return 樀 Ben?
鎵嬭厱 Huan  well Juan € the Kang 闂 reach 紝 Hao 忕伀鐞冪 Zhou 樼殑 Suo 堝け鍦ㄦ垜鐨勬墜閲岋紝 Di ℃two 鐨勭湅鐫€ Bei 鐨囷紝鎴戣嚜 Ru 傜殑閬擄細鈥滃ソ strand 嗏€鈥︽棦鐒 Duo  Zhang 堬紝閭d箞鈥︹€ the 鍜 become to slip 鍘 Hui 綘 Xi 殑 Chan у爞閲岃皥鍚э紝 Ma 欓噷 Liang 庡惞鏃ユ檼鐨勶紝 Juan 嶆槸 Zhang 堣瘽鐨勫湴鏂 J 紒鈥 ?
Pu Gui 殗 Huan  well Juan €劊 Ben 岄殢 the 鍗 Chong investigate 鐐 to stroll 簡鐐 Gui ご Ben 岃 syrup Tao  just 鐫€垜 Xi 湞 Pu rules 棌鐨勬 heavy Chan 勮 egg 鍘紝 Huan  well 鎵撲簡 Juan 墜鍔 Kuang 紝 Luo Ku 椂鈥︹€ Juan €竾 the 鍑 bomb 簯鎴橀槦鐨勫厔 Liao 燂紝 Xi ュ ?000 Ma 呯嫾鎴橀槦 Ben 岀 Chuai Zhang х殑 Wen 熷湪 strand 嗘垜鐨勮 Han 鍚庯紝鏈濊 Bei 鏃忕殑鍐呴儴 Bi Duo 幓銆 ?
闅忕潃鎴戜 Slippery 鐨勭 Liao €紝鍓╀綑鐨勫崄 Chan 氫 the 竾 Pu stroll Chinese Zi 堜簬 Chan уぇ鐨勬澗 strand 嗗彛 Pin 旓紝 Jian 冩湁 Wan 欐偢鐨勭湅鐫€湴鐙 plait 埇鐨勬垬鍦 monkey 紝鎵€湁 strand Hong 兘 strand х敓 strand 嗘棤鍔涚殑鎰熻銆 ?
鍒氭墠鐨勬垬鏂楁椂闂 Cuo 櫧鐒笉闀 Kuang 紝 Wan 嗘槸鈥︹€鏉€埉 Cen 嬫畫 Jian 嶏紝 Geng €洿 Juan 嶅 the 彲鎯 spoil thin Ben 岃繖鏍 breeze 殑鎴樻枟 Ben 屼粬 Xi 繕 Xi 庢潵 Juan 嶆浘閬囧埌 Ma 囥€?
Di 栧厛鏄繀鐙 crafty 儴闃燂紝 the Pu stroll a man 鏍 rules 湰鏃犳硶闈犺繎 Xi 栦 slippery Ben 岀浉闅旂櫨 the Ling raise 紝 strand to coax 鎵嬫帉 Huan  well Juan €帹 the 闂 reach 紝鑷 the heavy 鏂 return 潰鐨勪 man Zhu Ku 垚鐗囩殑鍊掍笅 Ben 岃繛 Juan €笣鐨勬姷鎶楄兘鍔涢兘 Rao 犵 F 銆 ?
The 鑷 Chong 簬鍑 bombs 簯鎴橀槦 Ben 岄偅鏇 village じ Liao 犫€鈥﹁繖鍊掓槸闈犺繎 strand 嗭紝鍙槸鈥︹€ Xi 栦 slippery 鍙戠幇 Ben 岃嚜 the Chen change Huan Wan 涘 Juan 婁簡 Juan € Fu 閾佷 Chinese Ben 屾兂鐢ㄨ倝 the 鎷 hurtle 幓 Mei ゅ Juan € Fu 閾佷 man Ben 岄偅鍙兘鍚楋 ?
Hao ゅ叾鏄悗鏉ラ偅 400 Juan 暱鍑 the Hong 伀 tie up ㈣壊鐨勭繀鑶€紝 Liang 炲埌 Chan ╀笂鐨勪 Chinese Ben 屾洿鏄亹鎬栧埌 strand 嗘瀬鐐 J 紝閭gЩ鍔ㄩ€ Qian ︼紝鏀 Hui 嚮閫 the 熷 harm Ben 屽畬鍏ㄤ笉鏄粬 Xi 彲 Xi ユ兂 Pu$殑 Ben 岀 Hai 鍏夐棯 Ma 囷紝 Pu Gui ご鎴愮墖鐨勯 Bi Feng 紝鎯呮櫙 Cen 嬫亹鎬栵紝 Cong
inston15 12.01.2012 0 242

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