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銆€€鍏ㄤ笘鐣岋紝 200 Chan 氫 Fu 鍥 with  Ben 岃繎 40 the strands across 殑鍐涢槦 Ben 屾兂 Xia 佷竴鎵嬫帉鎺э紝閭f湰 Hao Bian 槸 Juan € joys 鏋 the 佷 take a 鍥 companion 毦鐨勪簨 Ben 岀敱 strand 庨€ Chan ╃殑 Chui 撳簾 Ben 屾妸鏁 Cui Fu Chan ╀笅铻嶅悎鍦ㄤ竴 Bi breeze 殑 Juan 潥鍔涢噺 Ben 屼篃闅忎箣 Suo f暎 strand 嗭紝 Chan Bian 幓 strand 嗗 the 埗 tie up ︼紝鎵€湁鏈夐噹 Jian 冪殑 strand monkey 紝鍐嶆 Liao €锠㈣牏 the Rao put 姩 strand 嗚 Dao 鏉ャ€?
The 銆€€ strand dries €鏄繖鏍 Feng the 紝 Lian quit 簡 Mei ょ枻 Jian 樹簡鐤 Jian 紝 Zi 忚 ?0 the Chan 氬s hang up 鐨勪紤鍏 Hun 敓鎭紝 strand Hong drive 鍐嶆鎭㈠ strand 嗗厓 Pin 旓紝 Cen 熷繕 the Cong issue 簡 Qian the 撳 hang up 鎴樹簤鐨勮嫤 Chan 勶紝 Zhu 濊悵铏 boundary 劧 Li ℃湁 Yue 為檯鐨勮瘉鎹紝 Wan 嗘槸 Lian Gui 彲 Xi ヨ偗 Yue 氾紝鐜 plank 湪 Juan €畾鏈夋棤 the 鏁 dress up as 殑 strand monkey 紝 the Tao put 湪 Juan 栫晫鐨勫悇 Juan  the 钀 lie 噷 Ben 屽瘑 Zhang 嬬潃閫犲弽 Ben 岄潰 Fen Gui 潃 Juan € Fu Qi  hasty 鐨勬斂 Qian 滐紝 Juan 嶅弽鐣欑潃 Qian Ceng 粈 Cen 堝憿 Ben?
The 銆€€ Qi  hasty 鍚楋紵
The 銆€€ Zhu 濊悵鍑勫鐨勭瑧 strand 嗚 Dao 鏉ワ紝 the Hao argue 畻 Qian the 撳 hang up 鎴樿儨 strand 嗚嚜 the Chen argue crazy 帿 Ben of 殑鍐屾亹鎬曚篃 Juan 嶆暍
mjereaden58 11.01.2012 0 208

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