How to Creates Fake Price - Final Fantasy XIV News -
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How to Creates Fake Price
There were some items that were considered as "rare junk" in Runescape. these items were unsellable in GE. They would be sold sometimes as junk to even out fake prices of 3rd age. Third age back then was very valuable. The items that were then "rare junk" are completely bought out now. These items are: the partyhats, christmas cracker, half full wine jug, pumpkin, easter eggs, and disks of returning.
A certain number of people, with virtually "inifinite cash" bought these items out. Now these items are unbuyable. they have fake prices that are crazy. But these rs gold can't be just limited to a certain class of highly rich merchants. Others want them as well. But the merchers want some "mass profitable" items in return for them. Thus fake prices of other items such as mint cakes were created.You can buy runescape.
To create a certain currency for the discontinued items(runescape gold), merchants or merch clans created bought out items that are almost impossible to buy in GE. Now you can also buy professional runescape gold in our site. A very common item that is a currency for discontinued items is mint cakes.
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