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Question: How do I submit my article?
In order to submit an article to SooperArticles.com,ugg, you need to have an author's account. Registration is free and simple, just click here to get your author account free!
Question: Do I have to pay to get my article published?
No, you don't need to pay us to get your articles published on Sooper Articles. It's a free service that can be availed by both authors and publishers.
Question: Do I receive any payment for my submitted article?
No,ugg boots uk, Sooper Articles is a free service. We do not pay for the submitted work.
Question: Do you limit the number of articles submitted?
No, currently we do not.
Question: Which HTML you allow?
We allow different HTML tags for article body,cheap ugg boots uk, author signature and author bio.Allowed HTML tags for article body: <p> <b> <strong> <i> <em> <u> <br> <blockquote> <ol> <ul> <li>Allowed HTML tags for author signature: <br /> <b> <u> <a href>Allowed HTML tags for author bio: <br /> <b> <u> <a href>
Question: How do I upload a photo?
You need to log in to upload a photo. Once logged in choose the "My Account" link from the top menu and then click on Change Profile Picture from my My Shortcuts.
Question: How long will it take my article to get published?
Our team will review the article before it gets published. Usually articles published within 48 hours. Author will be notified via email if the article gets published or rejected. Sometimes we get high number of submissions so it may take up to 2 weeks to review your articles.
Question: Do I have to register again if I want to submit another article?
No,uggs canada, our system is designed in such a way that you just need to register once and then from onwards, you can submit as many articles as you like but make sure that you submit articles one at a time and do not spam our system.
Question: How can I report copyright violation for the article published at Sooper Articles?
You can contact us via this link by sending us an email. Make sure to include supporting documents or any other evidence to help us in investigation.
Question: May I republish articles from Sooper Articles?
Yes,cheap uggs, you can but we highly recommend you to first notify the author and confirm that the article is a free content. Published article must include author's information as well.
Question: Do you have any limit to how many articles a publisher can re-print?
Not exactly, we do not have any limit on the number of re-prints but the publisher must follow our terms of service for the publishers.
Question: How to search Sooper Articles directory?
Search bar is at the top of page, search can be conducted by author's name,ugg boots cheap, article title or article contents.