Get Level 99 Range in Runescape - Final Fantasy XIV News -
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Get Level 99 Range in Runescape
Level 20-30: The best place to train range right now is on minotaurs (level 12) at level one in the barbarian outpost. They have only ten hit-points but they can do some damage if you are a pure. Hide behind the little fence in the area so they can't attack you. Pick up the iron arrows they drop so you can save money on buying arrows.
Amour: The best amour now is studded leather body, rs gold, and still leather vambraces. I would recommend you upgrade your amour. They aren't that expensive.
Bow: Now you can use a willow short bow or longbow. I would recommend you upgrade your bow to this because it gives more range bonus.
Arrows: Iron arrows would be preferred now but if you want to save money still then go with bronze arrows.
Level 30-40: The best place to train at is the level one barbarian outpost on minotaurs (runescape gold). They are a bit more aggressive than level 12's. They pretty much drop about the same things as level 12's do. (Runescape Powerleveling)
Amour: Same as levels 20-30.
Bow: Now you can use a maple short bow or longbow, the best free to play bow that you can get. I would really recommend you upgrade.
Arrows: Iron arrows is still preferred when you are training on minotaurs, plus they drop iron arrows when you kill them.You can buy runescape.
Let's have a pause.Please pay attention to,we will give you more information about Runescape the next time.By the way,if you need Runescape Gold or Runescape Powerleveling service,you can buy the cheapest items here.Have a good day! ^_^
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