The 簳鐨勬嫓鎵樹簡鍗 Bian 満 Ben?
Fred Jackson Footabll White Jerseys Juan 嶈繃鍙 ^the 竴鏂 return 潰 Ben 屾垜 Cen 熸殫鍙 Huo 嚜 the Chen argue 殑鎴樼暐鎰忚瘑 Chan Fan strand 嗭紝鐏儳钘ょ敳鍏 Dian 繖 Juan €嫑鎴戝彲鏄煡閬撶殑 Ben 屽彲鎴戠珶鐒 rudder the 鏈 of the disease 夋兂 the 鍒 mix 鍦ㄨ繖閲屼 Jiao 鐢紝 plutonium 熸槸鏈夎 neck 鎴戝ぉ鎵嶇殑 Ti 庡悕鍟婏 ?
Plutonium 嬩簡 plutonium 嬪闈㈢殑 Chan х伀 Ben 屾槑鏄 sentence 笉鏄竴 Chan ╁崐鏃ヨ兘鍋滀笅鏉ョ殑 Ben 屾敹鎷 sentence 簡 Juan €笅 Jian 冩儏 Ben 屾垜 Qi Han 鏈濈┖闂 Cuo 鍐呴儴 the Bi issue 簡 Ma 涘幓銆 ?
鍙槸鈥︹€鍒氫竴 Qi 繃 Tao 紝鎴 the 戜 investigate 鎰d綇 strand 嗭紝 Ma 欙紒 Ma 欌€鈥﹁繖鏄摢閲屽晩 Ben 佽繖閲屾槸鎴戠殑 Chu Hong 棿 Ju 嬪悧 Ben 熷ぉ鍟娾€鈥 ?
鍑 Hong 幇鍦ㄦ垜闈㈠墠鐨勶紝鏄竴 Juan 畬鍏ㄤ笉 Juan €牱鐨勪笘鐣岋紝 Di 栧厛 Ben 岀鍦 companion 潰鍑犵櫨 Ling Chong 殑 Zha 樺 Ben 屽嚭 the 鐜 issue 簡 Juan € Hai Jie 傛 Dan 鍦ㄥ崐 the Chu bomb Fu 鐨勫煄鍫★紝鍩庡牎鍐呭 the 鐧 lie 浘 Ke 粫 Ben 岀湅 Bi Feng 潵 Wei 呴泤鑰屽張 Liang does the 樻 take Ben?
鍚屾椂鈥︹€鍦ㄨ繖 Juan 煄鍫 $殑鍙 ^竴 Zhu э紝鍑 Hong 幇 strand 嗕竴 Juan 粦 Pin 斿 Ji Jie 殑鍫″瀿 Ben 屽煄鍫″唴 Chan 栭粦 Pin 斾簡鐒 E 紝 plutonium 嬭 Dao 鏉ラ槾 Gui €鍙堣 Liao 傘€?
鐤戞儜鐨勭湅鐫€繖 Juan や Fu 鏂 plank the 嚭鐜 dress up as 殑 Ying 樺湪 Ben 屾垜 Yue 屽叏 Juan 嶇煡閬撹繖 Juan €垏鍒 plank 簳鏄€ Cen 堟潵鐨勶紝 Zi the х draw a 鏀 play 溂 plutonium 嬪幓 Ben 屽湴闈笂鐨勪竴鍒囷紝 Cen 熷拰 Xi ュ墠 Chan т笉 Juan €牱 strand 嗐€?
Di 栧厛 Ben 屽湴闈笂鍑 Hong 幇 strand 嗘 Chang 鍦熷拰 Li 欑煶 Ben 岃繖鍙槸鎴戜 with each other the 鍓嶄笉鏇 fear to 紕 Ma 涙潵鐨勶紝 Xi the 栦 slip 鎬庝箞 Mei 氬嚭鐜 plank 湪 Ma 欓噷鍛紵 Zhang 佸紕 Ma 涙潵鐨勶紵 the Juan bomb 粈 Cen 堟垜 Yue 屽叏 Juan 嶇煡閬撳憿 Ben?
鍦ㄨタ鍖楄鐨勪綅 Xiang 紝 Zhu 濈劧鏄偅鐗囩 Huan 鑹 Chi 殑 Ben 屾 cloth Pin 旇捀鑵 play 殑 Li and Chen Ben 岄偅閲屾槸 Lan 旇剳 Chan у湴鐩橈紝鍜屼 with each other 鍓嶄笉鍚岀殑鏄紝 Li and Chen 鐨勯潰 Zhou 笉 Wan 嗗ぇ strand 嗗緢 Chan 氾紝鍚屾椂鈥︹€ Li and Chen 鍐呭紑 Pu 嬬敓闀 Kua 嚭 Juan € Chui 楁尯鎷旂殑 Hao 忔爲 Ben 屽 Gou Juan 斺€鈥﹀張 Juan €簺鎴戣鎵€湭 Nao 佺殑 Hao 忕敓鐗╋紝鍦ㄦ cloth Ping with 唴閫涙 father 鐫€€?
Huan €彸 Juan €偣 Ben 屾槸 Juan € Hai Chen ㄥぇ鐨勫煄鍫★紝鍩庡牎鎴戞槸 Cong ゅ緱鐨勶紝 Shu f槸 the 鎴戜 take Qian Jie € Wu Hong €鐨勯偅 Zhou 嶏紝鍙槸 Wan 撶Н Juan 嶅鍟婏紝鎴戦€鐨勯偅 Juan 煄鍫★紝 Ma 炶繖 Juan 崄鍒嗕箣 Juan €ぇ閮 Jie the 鏈 of the disease 夛 ?