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Chris Johnson Footabll Dark Blue Jerseys,Does the Qi reach the 紝 Qian 撶潃鎴戠殑闈㈣ to hand over the Qi Hun 殑鎵撲簡 Liao €潵銆
Does the Qi reach the 紝 Qian 撶潃鎴戠殑闈㈣ to hand over the Qi Hun 殑鎵撲簡 Liao €潵銆 ? Chris Johnson Footabll Dark Blue Jerseys
鎸囩潃鍥 Sentence 笂 Chan 嶆潅鐨勮 Cong ″浘 Ben 屾 the 棌闀 across 埛鐖 Feng 紑 Pu 嬭В Xuan Cuo Dao 鏉ワ紝鍝噷鏄 the 櫠鐭 hurtle 畨鏀 to fear to 彛 Ben 屽摢閲屾 the 槸鏅 chop 煶鑳 to lie 噺閲婃斁 Mei 呯 Jiang Ben 屽摢閲屾湁鏄兘閲忚仛闆嗚 Xiang 紝鍝噷鍙堟槸鈥︹€?
鍚潃鏃忛暱鐖 Breeze 埛鐨勮В閲婏紝鎴戠殑 plutonium shoulder 潧 Wei 愭笎 strand 簡 Bi Feng 潵 Ben 屽叾 Yue 炩€鈥﹁繖鍙槸 Juan € Fu Ling Hui skill strand 庡彂鍔ㄦ満鐨勮 Xiang 紝鍒╃敤 Ma 欏 Mei 呯 Jiang Ben 屽彲 Xi ユ妸鍌ㄥ瓨鍦ㄦ櫠 the 鐭 hurtle 唴鐨勮兘閲忓畬鍏ㄧ殑閲婃斁 the 鍑 dry 潵 Ben 岀劧鍚庤仛闆嗘垚 Juan €悆 Ben 屽彂 Hao 勫嚭 the 鍘 remit €?
Ma 欏 Mei 呯 Jiang Ben 屽叾 Yue 炰笉 Ma 囨槸 Juan € Fu Juan 笉 Chan 鏉傜殑 Lan 旀硶闃 Dian € Chen Cha 紝閲婃斁鍑 Hong 殑 the 鑳 lie 噺 Ben 屼篃 Juan 嶆槸 Huan 堢ǔ Yue 氾紝鐢ㄦ潵 Pin 戠敤鏆傛椂 Juan 嶅お鍙兘 Ben 屼絾鏄敤鏉ユ垬鏂楋紝鍗 village 啀閫傚悎 Juan 嶈繃 strand 嗐€?
Plutonium 嬬潃 plutonium fried 墠鐨勮 Cong ″ the 浘 tie up Ge 紝鎴戠 Chuai Liao 犵殑鑸斾簡鑸斿槾鍞囷 the 紝鎭 hurtle 垏鐨勭湅鐫€ the 棌闀 across 埛鐖 Feng 亾 Ben 氣€鏃忛暱鐖 breeze 埛 Ben 岃繖 Liao 犲 the 浘 tie up draft 彲 Juan 嶅彲 Xi ョ粰鎴戠湅 plutonium 嬶紝鎴戞兂鈥︹€ Xi 栨槸鍙 with each other Zi the х draw Yue 屽杽鐨勶紝 Wan 犵湅鈥︹€鈥 ?
鏃忛暱鐖 Breeze 埛 Jiao 笉鐘 Huo Bao 鐨勬 the 妸鍗 go crazy sauce 鍗 Feng 簡 Bi Feng 潵 Ben 岄殢鎵嬫墧 Zi 欐垜閬擄細鈥滅埛鐖 breeze 殑 Juan 滆タ Ben 屽皢鏉ヨ繕 Juan 嶉兘鏄綘鐨勶紝鎴戜 Fu 鑵 Kua 竴 Yun 紝闅 Juan 亾 Ma 樿兘 Ning ︾潃 the Bi issue 笉鎴愶紵鈥 ?
鍢 Kua 樋 Juan €瑧 Ben 屾垜 Jiao 笉 Yue ㈡皵鐨勬帴 Ma 囦簡鍗 crazy sauce Ben 岃繀閫熺殑 Mei 呰繘 strand 嗘€閲岋紝鎴戞竻 Yu 氱殑鐭ラ亾 Ma 欎 Fu the 鍗 go crazy sauce 鎰忓懗鐫€粈 Cen 堬紝鏈変簡 Ma 欎 Fu Lan 斿姏鍙戝姩鏈 monkey 紝鎴戝彲 Xi ュ仛鐨勪簨鎯呯畝鐩 village お Chan 氫簡 Ben?
Qian 撳垵 Juan € Fu the 钂 tell benzene 鏈 monkey 紝鍦ㄥ湴鐞冧笂鎺€ Dao strand 嗕竴 Juan 捀 Mao Jie 椂 Xi o紝鍚庢潵鐢 mat 満 Ben 屽張鎺€ Dao strand 嗕竴 Juan 數 Pin 旀椂 Xi o紝鑰屽 strand 庣幇鍦ㄧ殑鎴戞潵 the Xuan reach 紝鏈変簡 Ma 欎 Fu Lan 斿姏鍙戝姩鏈 monkey 紝鎴戝畬鍏ㄥ彲 Xi ョ粰 Ma 欎 Fu Lan 斿 sufficient 鐨勪笘鐣岋紝 Ning ︽潵 Juan € Fu Lan 斿姏鏃 intimidate Ben 佷竴 Juan  F 鐩涚殑 does the 鏈 dry an of 鏃 to intimidate Ben?
Chan Cuo 剳 Liang the 炲 wipe 鐨勮繍 Qi 潃 Ben 岀寷鐒 Duo 棿 Ben 屾垜鑴戞 Dao 閲岀伒鍏変竴闂 the 紝鎯 spoil Dao strand 嗗湴鐞冧笂鐨勭偖 Juan 庢灙 Ben 屽叾 Yue 炩€鈥︽妸鐐 the  seize Hao 忥紝 Hao Bian 槸鏋簡 Ben 屾妸 Ying 愬 ridge 鍙樺ぇ Ben 屼篃 Hao
jordan47 11.01.2012 0 269

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