The 偗 Juan €洿 Wen 熺潃鎴戠殑鍘熷洜 Ben 屾垜 Xi 兘鏄€ Chan э紝鍙笉 Ma 囷紝 Chan у鍒嗙鐨勪簨鐗╀笉鍚岃€ Chen layer €?
Chicago Bears Jerseys銆€€ Huan 堝 strand Hong 兘鍦ㄧ寽 Xian 嬶紝鎴戝埌 Qian 曟槸鐢ㄤ粈 Cen 堟墜 Lyuan Diao 紝鎶婅繖 Cen 堝 the strand dry 墠鏀 rudder 湇鐨勶紝 strand 嬪疄 Juan 婏紝鎴戜粠鏉ユ the 鏈 of the disease 夋兂 Ma 囨敹鏈嶈繖 Juan 瓧 plutonium Jian 紝 Chan у閮 Jie 槸鍏勫紵 Ben 岃仛鍦ㄤ竴 Bi Feng 紝 the Juan bomb 簡鏌愪 Fu 鐩爣鍔姏鑰屽 any Ben 屽緢 Chan 氭椂鍊欙紝 Xi the 栦 slip 鍙垜鑰佸ぇ Ben 岄兘鍙槸鏁О鑰屽 any 銆 ?
銆€€ Shu e Chan у鎵€鐨勶 the 紝 Cong dry 潈鍒╋紝 Xi 栦 slippery Juan 濇 Juan 嶅湪鎴戜箣 Juan 嬶紝 Juan 嶆槸閭g Juan € Chinese Cen 嬩笅 Juan 囦 man Cen 嬩笂鐨勭 drive 鍨嬶紝鍙 Xi 栦 slippery 鎰 Ku 剰 Ben 屼粬 Xi 彲 Xi ュ湪 Xi 栦 slippery 鍒嗙鐨勯鍩熷唴 the Juan dry 墍 Rao Ceng negative Ben 岀 Kang Mao 熷€ Xian Feng 紝 Li ℃湁 the strand coax 彲 Xi ュ the 埗 tie up^粬 Xi €?
銆€€鐜 Plank 湪 Ben 屽 the ぇ Yue chop 湡鐨勯兘 Zhang 簡 Ben 屽帉鍊 ^簡 Ben 屽鏋滀笉鏄垜 Ben 屽ぇ Yue rudder 棭 Hao plait 窇鎺変簡 Ben 屽洓 strand 斿崄 Qian village Juan €棩鐨勫姫鍔涙嫾鎼忥紝 Xi Hui 綍 strand Hong 兘鍘屽€ strand 嗭紝铏 boundary 劧 Xi the 栦 slip 鐨勫 Chen ㄦ the 鏈 of the disease 夎€ Ben 屼絾鏄ぇ Yue Duo 崈 Juan 囦笉 Xia 佸繕 the Cong issue 簡 Ben 屼粬 Xi 疄闄呬笂 Ben 屽 any Zi 忔槸鍏竷鍗佸瞾鐨勮€ the strand bomb 簡銆 ?
銆€€鐡滃垎 Strand 嗗簽 Chan у埌鎯婁 man the 鐨勮 keep Fen 屽悗 Ben 岀値 Pi 滐紝 Zhou 戞牸 the Ben 岀 spread 鏃犳瀬 Ben 屼 with each other 鍙婂叾 Xi 栨牳 Jian 冮 Qian fork 垚鍛橈紝閮 with 績 Biao ℃剰 Zan Chong 殑鍚勮嚜 Qian 掗殣 Ba Bian 灄 Cen 嬮棿 Ben 屽啀 Cen 熶笉 Geng ¤ 繖 Hao 樹笘闂 inch 殑 Qi 椾簨 strand 嗐€?
銆€€ Hao ゅ叾鏄崕 Cen 嬩 stomach Ben 屼 with each other 鍙婄鏍 Jian 繖 strand 涗 man Ben 屼 with each other 鍓嶄粬 Xi 妸 Chan ч噺鐨勭 book 鍔涢 the 兘鏀 fear to 湪 strand 嗛€ Chan ╃殑 strand 嬩笟 Juan 婏紝鑷 heavy 鐨勪 the Kai Juan coax the 鏈夊 of the 庢 disease of 嚑 Cen 闀 Kuang 紝 Ru 傛灉 Zi the х draw Ma 欐牱 Juan 嬪幓 Ben 屼粬 Xi 細 Li ″懡鐨勶紝 plutonium 熺殑 Mei 氳€ Shu Hun 殑 Ben 屼簨 Yue 炰笂 Ben 岃繖鎵嶆槸 Chan у plutonium 熸閫€嚭鐨勫師鍥狅紝鍐嶄笉 Juan 撳績 Qi 偧 Ben 屼粬 Xi 亹鎬曟 Chun Juan 嶈繃 the 鐧 fear to 瞾 Ben the 屼 investigate Xia 佷竴鍛 with 憸鍛 Jian 紝鑰佹 strand 嗐€?
銆€€ Chen ㄩ潰 Juan 婏紝鎴 the 鏈夊 of the 戞 disease 拰鍏勫紵 Xi 垎 Chan 氬皯 Lu ㈠瘜 Ben 屽彲鏄簨 Yue 炰笂 Ben 屾垜鐨 the 勮 keep Fen 屾槸 Juan 嶅彲 Xi ヨ閲忕殑 Ben the 岀 spread 鏅 Duo An Ben 屼 with each other 鍙婂吔鐜嬪疂钘忥紝閭e彲閮 Jie 槸鎴戝拰鐐庡鍏 Bian 湁鐨勶紒鍐嶆€ Cen 堣姳 Ben 屾亹鎬曚篃 the 鑺 change 笉 strand 嗗晩銆 ?
銆€€鎺ヤ笅鏉ョ殑鏃ュ瓙 Ben 屾垜鍏堟槸 the 鍘 draw 柊 Liang 樺笣鍥 catty 紝鎺ユ潵 strand 嗕笣 Ke 旀媺 Ben 岀劧鍚庝細鍚堜簡鍏粬鐨勮€ Hao 嗭紝 Ma 斿洖 Bin 嗗湴鐞冿紝鐜╅亶 Bin 嗘暣