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If you are looking for Miu Miu shoes then I understand why you are looking to get them for cheap. Cheap Miu Miu shoes is really a relative term. I mean compared to 1032.00 for a Miu Miu boot, if you can get that same boot for 432.00,ugg classic mini boot, still a high price but definitely cheap as it relates to that regular price. Right? Definitely. Well Miu is a Japanese word which means beautiful feather. However, the Miu Miu designer brand actually falls under the Prada brand. Well that explains the prices. While researching this article, I honestly saw some gorgeous shoes. I know that when you’re talking shoes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There are shoes that I would NEVER set foot in but it’s those very shoes that you saw in Sex and the City and that you might very well see on a high fashion runway. I just don’t favor certain styles and types of shoes no matter what the price is. Now personally, I prefer the 20.00 shoe, but I’m just saying if I had the money to spend on a pair 726.00 pair of shoes,Heritage of Chinese Furniture - ugg classic tall boots,classic cardy ugg,Best Pink Running Shoes For Women - - ugg sundance ii gray, it wouldn’t be a clog. That’s the style of shoe that I just cannot find an affinity for. My husband loves them and I know that they are an extremely popular style of shoe but for me,Exciting E-Shopping for Electronics - mizuno wave rider 13, there is a thin line between what’s and awfully ugly clog or mule shoe and what a nice sexy well made shoe of that same style. And maybe my whole idea comes from seeing the cheaply made clogs from your everyday run of the mill shoe stores and department stores. The Miu Miu shoes are for the most part beautiful but there were some pairs that were exquisite, in my opinion.